Beginning of a drama

Our Bittersweet Marriage

You panick,calling for Secretary Lee to cancel all of your appointments and meetings. You rush out from the building heading to the airport,luckily your car is still at the parking lot. It's not difficult to spot a yellow car. You drive as fast as you can, the sound of the engine growl as you pass by,people just can't help but to look.

You put on your handsfree calling Yunho, he picks up after 3 beeps. You told him about your parents coming over and might be staying for a few days,he caught up right away about your worries. He said that he will find the way to search and get Changmin home. He told you not to worry and drive carefully.

It's quite a long drive from your office to Incheon airport. You look around, searching for two romantic looking senior couple,probably holding hands right now. They already inform the company driver to fetch them in their Jaguar, you're just here to install their time. Your car only has two seats so you can't fetch them both.

"Nam _______!" calls a tall good-looking man. It's office hours, you awkwardly smile running towards him. You hug him tightly."Ah buh ji, I miss you"

"What are you doing here? You should be working hard now" Your father is very well-known in Korea as the most successful chairman, all charismatic and strict. You release the hug,kissing your lovely mother on both of her cheeks. "Appa,you're my father or my boss now? Decide"

Your mother hugs your waist. "Honey, give her some time.She comes all the way here for us. How much can you lose for only 4 hours?"

"Millions but, my daughter is one in a million isn't she?" You laugh sincerely, you feel happy that your only living family is right here with you other than grandma. 

"Changmin? He didn't drive you here? I thought he's on a leave"  

Your plams get sweaty despite the cold wheather. "Y-Yes,he's at home,resting"

"You're wearing flat shoes now? I can see you care about your child" 

"I should omma, Changmin bought it for me.Pretty isn't?"

"He has fashion sense. Let's go home, I want to see both of my son-in-law"

Your mother lead you to the car while your father pushes the cart eventhough the driver insists to. Your father shakes his head looking at your Ferrari Italia,proudly parking behind his Jaguar." Can't you buy a new car? You think you and Changmin will stay two people forever? Change your car"

"Yes,appa. Why don't you buy it for me?"

"You want to rip me off?"

You grin,hugging his arm. "Can't you? Appa~"

"If you use your own money, you will appreciate it more." 

You pout,nodding. "I'll do as you say appa"

"Can't we talk at home? Aigoo~" 

"Appa,let's go eat something then go for shopping. I want to spend my time with appa and omma today.Please~" You show him your irresistable puppy eyes begging.

Your mother takes your side. "Right hon, I want a new necklace too, omma will buy you one too"

Your father can't help but to agree with these two wonderful woman in front of him. You will try to get them home as late as possible but it didn't occur i your mind that Changmin wouldn't be home at all. 


It's 10 p.m. when you finally arrive at the mansion. The chauffer helps to carry the paper bags in, your father is holding some too. You keep talking to your mother about the growth of your fetus.You get excited just by thinking about it. You push the heavy door open revealing Mason who's running in the hallway.

"Harabeoji! Hal muh nim!" he's running with a huge smile on his face.Your mother gives him a hug."Hal muh nim,appa draw his face on my sketchbook and he's ugly"

"How dare you say appa is ugly" scolds Yoochun grabbing Mason, playfully biting his cheek with his lips. "Come here appa's son"

"Appa!" shouts Mason,giggling.

Junsu run over to you,placing his palm on your forehead. "Touch mine" You do as he told you too. "Is there any problem Junsu oppa?"'

"I need to catch fever! Yunho hyung!" he bow to your parents and run away.

Your father seems to love this hectic atmosphere.It's your mother's dream to hear all of these noises. When you live with your parents in the states,it's just the three of you with your maids and butlers.Chaerin lives in the hospital most of the time because of her sickness. You become quiet as your parents abandon you to focus on your sick twin sister. But now, you have accept them as they redeem for their mistakes.

Yunho and Jaejoong comes out from the kitchen to the living room where you and your parents are resting. They bring 3 cups of hot tea. You lower your head,dissapointed as Changmin is not here.What were you thinking? Will he comes home just to please your parents? You were wrong, you thought he will at least be moderate towards your parents. Just then...

"Ah buh nim,ah muh nim"

That voice, this smell. You lift your chin up to see him, your husband,standing there,smiling. You gasp in surprise, you almost cry out of happiness to see this man that you feel like dying as you miss him so much is now right here,in front of you.

"Changmin! How have you been son?" asks your mother, happy to see him. "Just spend my time home, writing music"

"_________ must be glad that you're spending more time with her. Pregnant woman normally a bit pampered.She must have make it hard for you"

"Not at all ah muh nim. She's being a very good girl"

They talk more and more about your pregnancy. Changmin seems to answer their questions well and smile like nothing's wrong in his relationship with you. You don't say much as your parents are more excited in talking with Changmin than you. After about an hour, it's time to sleep. Jaejoong offers to wash the cups.Yoochun has long gone to put Mason to bed. 

You climb up the stairs with Changmin carrying your parents' lugagges. You watch his back,waiting for him outside your room. After bidding your parents good night, he pushes the door to the room he shares  with you ignoring you who's standing there waiting for him.

You close the door behind you. Changmin takes off his shirt tossing it into the laundry basket. He always sleeps shirtless so you don't really mind that.

"Turn the lights off,I'm sleepy" he yawns, taking off his jeans,wearing only his boxer. Now, his sleeps wear is complete. 

You grab your towel,walking in the bathroom. You're thinking of what to say to him, what to expect when you go out from here and face him. Will he even talk to you?

You walk to the dresser applying some lotion and climb up on the bed. He's lying there with his back facing you.You awkwardly lie down but your back is aching so you get back to your sitting position.Massagin your back, Changmin can feel you're moving.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep?" he's sounding annoyed either than care.

"My back is aching,sorry if I make you uncomfortable" you're about to climb down the bed when he holds your arm,stopping  you. "Let me help" he moves his hands on your back,massaging your body as gentle as he can. Your eyes get teary, you miss him.You want to hug him,kiss him,telling him how much you love him but you're not brave to do so.He might push you further so you're holding yourself together.

"Is it difficult? Being pregnant?"

"N-Not really but, I really can't wait to see how our baby looks like" You say the word 'our' to him,waiting if he's going to get mad or stay casual as he can.

Changmin feels the urge to hug you but he comes back to his senses.He did something wrong to you that can't even worth forgiving.  "I'm coming home as Yunho hyung told me your parents are here. Don't worry,hang in there till they leave to the states then, I'll leave this mansion"

You turn behind harshly pushing his hands off you,tears fall down your cheeks.His words, you just thought that at least he's coming back for good but how can he breaks your heart again and again?

"Then don't touch me! My parents are not here right now,push me away from you,ignore me,break my heart as hard as you can!" You begin to sob, you cover your face with your palms.You don't want to look at him but you don't want to hate him.

"Don't cry" he tries to touch your hair but he stops half way. If he's really leaving you then,he shouldn't give you any hope."You want them to know about us? Their room is just beside us, you want them to know about how unhappy we are?"

"How can you be so cruel!" You climb down the bed,running in the walk-in closet,you lean against the wall,softly sobbing.

"Now you know how cruel I am so get rid of me from your life! Why do you even keep my stuff? Get rid of these all!" he comes in throwing all of his clothes on the floor.His hanging clothes,his ties, his suits. You're sobbing even harder at his rage.

He steps on his clothes. "These all! All of my stuff! Throw all of it away!" He holds your shoulder,shaking your body. "These are what you should do,hate me. I'm a useless husband for you, I neglect you. I slept with other woman. I hide our marriage.I break my promises. All you need to do is hate me! Erase me from your life and stop loving me!"

You eagerly shake your head. "I-I can't"

He ruffles his hair in frustration and moves on to the dresser.He's about to drop his perfume on the floor but you quickly grab his arm. "Not these one. If you can't be with me,let some part of you be." His shoulders droop,he looks into your teary eyes.Your tears stained face. 

His eyes welled up to see you this way.He can't lose, he can't let you let him live in your heart after what he did to you. He smashes the glass perfume bottle on the wall. "Not any part of me,should be with you" he grabs his trench coat,walking out from this room. Your legs feel wobbly and youfall on the floor. This tension is hard for you to handle, your vision turn pitch black. 

Changmin run down the stairs ignoring the cold wheather, he goes in his car. His eyes can't hold the tears anymore as they fall shamelessly down his cheeks. He leans his forehead on the steering wheel,sobbing soflty."I-I'm sorry"



Why am I crying? I'm the one writing this!

Iput so many effort in writing this after finishing my biology homework so comments please, motivates me.

No silent reader anymore please

Love all of you and thanks for the comments and subs,it just made my day 



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i can't believe it's over huhuhuhu.feel like crying


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Chapter 63: One moment I'll be in distress then next I'll be fidgety. Dang! The lead character is so strong! She endured being a hidden wife wow!
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 64: i'm done reading it good story :D
ccherylyy #3
Chapter 16: This fanfic is the best I’ve ever read so far! Thank you author-nim for creating such an awesome story! Can't stop re-reading it everytime
naname2000 #4
Chapter 64: Omg the best awesome fanfic i've ever read.
UknowTheHero #5
Chapter 64: I love this story !!! It's just amazing !! I usuallydon't like sad stories (coz I cry way too much) but this one is awesome. I somehow expected a sad end but I'm relieved that everything end up well.
Chapter 16: This story is great!! Your story inspired me to improve my languange and writing style <3
Keep up the good job!!! ^o^
2032 streak #7
Chapter 64: OMG!!! This story was so angsty... You have justified emotions and essence of the story. Nicely written and I enjoyed myself reading it. Keep up the good work author-nim :)
Chapter 63: i love happy endings <3 great job author-nim, it's really an amazing story i enjoyed readng every single chapiter
Chapter 47: Omg i'm about to start crying, this is an amazing story yet painful :'(..