Key's Story

A Story Of My Own


I've always been open minded to new things; this trait could've been acquired from my years of living in America. Although my start wasn't in America, but rather Daegu. My parents had a good job and because of that I was able to study abroad for my middle and high school years.


But my elementary years were spent in South Korea. Elementary is always ordinary for everyone. Well my life was average; I had friends I played sports. It was average, except for the fact that I was teased because of my weight.


When I was supposed to start middle

School it turned out that I was to study abroad. I was sent to California along with my parents where they worked there. Because I knew no English at all. My parents hired private tutors to teach me English. I honestly had no social life in America for the first two years there, until I learned to speak English. Middle was easy and quite enjoyable.


High school was good. I got my first girlfriend. And I also got my first heart break upon learning that my girlfriend was really just using me to get close to my friend. So during the summer breaks I would train myself, and even lost weight. I cared more about my appearance and became more outspoken. I finished junior year and my parents told me we were headed back to South Korea.


Senior year started and I wasn't to sure of what to think about it. I knew no one. And the city we moved to wasn't Daegu but rather Seoul. So that made it difficult for me to be accustomed to the change. Well I decided to join the drama club because a girl I met told me to join so I did.


During drama club I got to know the girl better; her name was Seojin. She had a crush on Jonghyun. Jonghyun was a guy who thought he was so badass because he chooses to do drugs, party, and have with a bunch of girls.


Seojin became my best friend: who I'd joke around with and just go crazy with. When we were together we'd do our own thing, like we were in our own little world. Along the time I've spent with her I grew feelings toward her...I know, I know; falling for a girl who has feelings for another guy isn't good.


One day Jonghyun walked into the drama club. It turned out that he got into real bad trouble and had to help out the club. Jonghyun would only talk to Seojin and then she introduced him to me. I could tell he didn't like me.


Jonghyun and Seojin started to date. And she'd tell me how the relationship went. I'd fake a smile and listen like a good friend, while silently wanting more than just friendship.


Their relationship didn't last long though because he messed with some girl called Sekyung. The day Seojin broke up with him she cried to me telling me how she was stupid for ever letting him take her ity. She cried even more when she said there was a chance she was pregnant.


A month after their break up Seojin wondered why she didn't date me. So because of that we started to date. A week before school ended Jonghyun and I got into a fight. I'm not sure as to why but he just went crazy. At the end of the fight I was on the floor. Seojin ran to me and I smiled at her even while I was in pain, I looked back at Jonghyun and that seemed to increase his anger. And that's when I realized that I was still smiling from Seojin....


After high school finished. I told Seojin to come with me. We went to California and attended college there. But after 6 months Seojin had to go to the hospital. Why?! Well she was in fact pregnant with Jonghyun's child.


It was a girl and she was adorable. It's a shame that Jonghyun couldn't see her. With her child, our relationship didn't actually became stronger. And it was decided during our third year of college that we will get married.


We invited Jonghyun and many people from our high school days. After the marriage Seojin would tell Jonghyun about their daughter.


During the wedding everything went fine. And as we were walking down the isle I looked over to Jonghyun who was hiding in his pain. After the wedding when Seojin told Jonghyun to show up he never did.




The day after our wedding and Seojin was still trying to get in contact with Jonghyun. I asked her whether she had Jonghyun's cell phone number. She said that she had it from when they dated but wasn't sure if he was still using.


I took her cell and decided to text him. 

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So sad. The part where Seojin's daughter asked, "Can I see my daddy?" Made me want to cry. Very well written, and I'm glad I found this fic.(:
jenjeneee #2
Wow, I love your story.
Thank you so much for this story, I'm out of words to describe how amazing it is :)
flowergirl #4
This was amazing! I'm glad you didn't make an alternate ending!
jungminian0403 #5
aw...everyone HAS A STORY...this makes me cry...loveit! thank you for letting us to read this short story! :)
The ending of this... oh my gosh, it's so sad.<br />
I'm glad you updated though!<br />
Love the moral.<br />
This story was so sad... which is why I loved it. <3
flowergirl #7
Jonghyun don't jump! Update soon!
jungminian0403 #8
aw...that's sad. pls update more :)
jungminian0403 #9
aw...that's sad. pls update more :)