Chaper One The Loss

The Tragic Story of Rin Okumura

The Tragic Story Of Rin and Yukio Okumura
(Not honestly sure that is how you spell his name.)
Takes place BEFORE Rin is known to be a demon and a son of Satan. except for the fact that his friends know about him and the council doesnt, this fanfiction is pretty accurate.

"Hello." Said Yukio to his brother, Rin Okumura. "Hmph.. hey..." Rin replied looking depressed. Yukio raised an eyebrow. "Its nothing, Yukio. Did you eat yet?" Now Yukio was anrgy. "Rin! stop trying to change the subject! Tell me whats wrong!" Rin looked hurt now. He got up and walked up to him. Wait no... not towards him. He walked past him and jumped out the window. "Hey! Rin!? Come back!!" then to himself, "Dammit, I screwed up again... I'm such an idiot." He sighed and went after him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rin was depressed. It seemed that nobody cared about him. He was definitely being used. He was a tool. Yukio was only worried about him because he was a weapon. He usually put up with it by smiling all the time, but to smile you had to happy. As the tears flowed, he kept on running.
He finnally stopped running when he was suddenly grabbed around the mouth and eyes by an unknown source. He reached for his sword then became frightened. It wasn't there. He had left it with Yukio.
Yukio was now even more worried about Rin. He couldnt find him anywhere! He had looked in every nick and crany of the school. He even looked in the surrounding forest out front. That meant... no not back there! "oh, Rin..." He headed towards the gymnasiums back forest.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rin suddenly realized how useless he was. He tried to make the flames without his sword, but it was hopeless. He was too afraid. He tried to struggle, but as expected, it didnt work. Calling for help was just a thought. His mouth was muffled. Now he was being dragged. He struggled even harder, the whole time worrying about whether or not his friends were safe. He finally went limp, wating for them to slacken their grip. They did. He pulled away with all his might, but he had left his tail out, and they pulled it so hard he passed out.
"Yuki-Chan!" exclamed Shiemi. "What is it Shiemi?" he said with distrction, trying to look for Rin. "I, um, was wondering if I could skip cram today? I want to help my mom at the shop." He started walking while saying, "Sure, sure." Shiemi was confused. "Yukio? Where's Rin? I cant find him." When she saw him cringe, she knew something was wrong. "Yu.. Yukio?" He started running. Shiemi wondered where Rin could have gone.
Rin woke on the forest bed seconds later. Seeing his eyelids flutter, His kidnapper told him to stay still. He didnt. He moved to get up, but sudden searing pain in the back of his head told him to back off, or it would hurt. Bad. He was lifted up by the neck of his shirt and the pain came again, except this time all over his body. He kneeled down, because the pain told him to. He gave up, because the pain told him to. He was bleeding all over. His attacker hummed. "Now we wait. For the one who matters. for the one I am baiting." Baiting? So he realized with increasing depression, all he was worth for was being a tool. And with that, he struggled no longer.
Yukio ran, as fast as he could. He got the foreboding sense of fear. He had to talk to Rin, but first he had to yell at him. He had looked for him everywhere! Besides, did he even know how dangerous it was back here? People had been killed! "RIN!!!!!" Yukio shouted after coming through the brush, seeing a mangled and bloody all over.
When Rin saw his brother coming towards him, he mustered the strength to yell, "Yukio! no! ITS A TRAP! its a trap... dont come... any.... closer....." Yukio looked confused. he took a step back and started to say "a tra-" when he was interrupted by the man. "Ha! It worked. you came. I can't wait to bring yo- well that can wait. First I have to negotiate. Yukio. I heard a rumor about you." Rin was barely awake now, he felt so... tired. but when Yukio asked him what he wanted he heard the man say one last thing. "I'll give him back. If you give me all his friends."
Yukio saw Rins body slump over. "RIN!" the man rolled his eyes. relax, hes only unconsiece." (or however you spell that) Yukio was anrgy now. How could the man tell him to relax? He knew that Yukio was a coward but would do anything for his brother. With difficulty, he managed to strangle out a "No. I will not give you his - our - friends. not for him. He.. he wouldnt want that." The man was surprised. "but... they told me..." then he regained his composure. "Ha, is that right?" He took out a knife from the inside of his jacket. Then he did the unspeakable. He stabbed Rin in the chest.
Rin awoke to a swas alive, but tabbing pain in his chest. (How ironic.) He but barely. he saw Yukio. then he saw him. the man who had dragged him into this mess. He looked back at Yukio. Seeing the hurt and worry on yukio's face morph to anger, he became angry too. And finally, at the just the right moment, He managed to create the flames. He grabbed on to the mans face, who luckily, was possessed by demon. The demon screamed and was exorcised. then Rin slumped over.
Yukio saw everything. and he just stood there. Oh, how big of a coward he was. That is what he thought at first, but then he thought of how Rin must be feeli- "RIN!!!" he had slumped over and was heaving out breaths. "I... I'm okay... " Rin whispered. "You are definitley NOT okay. can you stand??" Yukio was frantic now. "COme on lets go back..." Rin said. He tried standing, but it was no use. "Yukio... can i get on your back?" Yukio calmed down a little. "oh... yeah." So he carried him through the woods, back to school grounds. The look on everones faces was the worst part. They all looked horrified that someone would do this to Rin just to get to them. Well, to be honest, most of them didnt care about how it was for them, just the part about doing this to Rin. He was in a coma at the moment, to heal his head injury. The nurse came out and looked to Yukio. "A word?" she called. Yukio nodded. The nurse gave him a serious look. "What is it?" Yukio said hesitatingly. "He... injured his head pretty badly. Near the motor function of our brains." She pointed to a spot at the back of her head. "What does that mean?" He asked although he already knew the horrible reality. "Rin may be paralyzed." She said softly.
Rin was shooken awake by a doctor. he saw Yukio at the door. He stretched his arm. For some weird reason Yukio started crying. He rubbed his hand against his forehead and was about to ask what was wrong when he saw that Yukio looked releived. raising an eyebrow, he said "what is it Yukio?" before he could answer, he went to stretch his other arm and stopped. "Yukio...? What did they say about my condition?" Yukio looked down, and Rin knew he was going to lye. "Nothing, why?" He looked worried now. "Because I can't move my arm."
No. No. NO! Rin can't use a sword without his arm, Rin can't do this withouth his arm, Rin can't do that without his arm, RIN CAN'T BE AN EXORCIST WITHOUT HIS ARM!!!
Yukio ran out of the room and went to the nurse. "Can't you fix it!? Can't you?" He asked her. She looked at him with sorrow. "I'm sorry. We can't. I wish... that it was different. I really do." He walked back to Rins hospital bed.
So that's it, Yukio thought. Rin is doomed to live without a hand for the rest of his life.
Rin knew he couldn't get his hand back. But he didnt want to make people worry, so he decided something. "Hey Yukio! lets play a game. The longer we can hide this hand business from everyone else, the more points we earn, okay?" He smiled, although he knew Yukio could see right through him and that fake smile.  His friends came in. Shiemi looked up. "What hand business?" She said worriedly. "Yeah what?" said Bon. Rin was about to say that it was nothing, but Yukio beat him to it. "Rin... has lost the motor function to.. to move his hand." They all looked horrified. After everything Rin had been through, he couldnt move his had "That means..." whispered Bon. Yukio's face darkened. "Yes." He said. "Rin cant be an exorcist anymore."
As the sudden realization hit Rin. His expression was one of agony. Then of anger. and back to agaony. "No..." he cried. "It can't end like this.... I... I can still do it!" there was fleeting hpe in his voice he slumped back. "I... I cant do it!" He was crying now. Then, a miracle. "Rin! said the others in a voice of wonder. taking his hand away from his face. "Look! your arm!" He glanced down and saw blue light engulfing his arm. he tried lifting it. It worked. He could move his arm. All of them collapsed in relief, all in tears. Especially Rin.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No one could ever tell how relieved he was not to get the looks of pity, not to have his friends worry about him. But one thing remains a mystery. Where and why the blue light came, and how it healed his arm.
Yukio yelled at him profusely afterwards, and all his friends tried not to cuff him in the head as much, for fear of reopening the wound. Because there was a catch to this exchange. The head wound stayed, but that wasnt as big a problem as a useless arm. Or so he thought.

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13kstanley #2
Chapter 2: Sorry guys... chapter one is posted twice ... -_-
13kstanley #3
HEY ITS MY STORY!!!! Please comment!