This Puppy is Mine



I wanted this puppy ever since I laid my eyes on him. 
There was only one problem: Yongguk.
He had made his move in a moment I didnt expect and threw me
out of the game for Jongups heart.
But I wouldnt give up, I wanted to show our innocent dongsaeng
who really loves him.
Ill let you guess for now who 'he' is that tells this story.
Sequel to Lovesick. Read this story first please to get a hang on the background.


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Chapter 1: I like the way you develop the story. Even though I'm pretty sure I guessed the rival already, it still isn't set in stone) So the mystery continues))
Good luckm I will be keeping an eye on your story))
Black_x_Rabbit #2
YAY~~~ A sequel~~~