Chapter 2

Falling in Love for the First Time

               "You'll regret it"

                Krystal words has been ringing in my ears. She's not pretty when she's up to something. And I knew it. But another thing was up on my mind that I can't possibly erase was, Lee Taemin. I had this weird feeling after having a closer look at him. He's one of the most beautiful creature I've ever seen, and it's definitely something I had never felt before. Something irresistable about him and I don't why. I need to figure out soon before this upcoming exam.  

                Exam is just around the corner and I can't afford letting my parents dissapointed of what they expected of me. I'm the top student of the school, everyone knows and teachers highly acknowlegde me as the honorary student. But being the top student is not easy, having those high expectations from surroundings can get pretty messy when I'm stressed. Little did I know, my fate was about to change.


               I had nothing to do while waiting for Krystal finishing her extra subject, sports. And since I have plenty of extra time, I went over to school library, not wanting any other distractions for me to focus on my studies. I searched for the references I needed sections by sections. Getting bored and tired searching for the reference books, I randomly picked storybook to read its synopsis. I was putting it back to the shelf when I saw another guy looking immersely into reading comics in front of me, shelves as the barrier between the two of us.

               It took me seconds to recognize the guy was, Lee Taemin. My heart started beating fast and I can't possibly know why. I was starstrucked for a moment, observing his facial features. I figured I should stop getting distracted when suddenly, the book that I held drop to the floor. Crap. These things happened in seconds but to me, everything happened as time appeared to slow down.

              I immediately putting it back to the shelf but my eyes met with him. Lee Taemin was looking directly into my eyes. Those nanoseconds worth of eye contact felt like the time stopped,  as if the world stopped revolving around us. But his expression was blank and he went away from my field of vision. Probably he thought that I would be causing more noise and disturb his reading. I ignored my thoughts and find a place to settle down and do some revision.

            I was doing some memorization of chemical formulas, slowly absorbing those revisions I've done for past few minutes with my eyes closed and my brain started to do some tricks on me. The image of Lee Taemin started to appear, and his eyes was staring into mine. I tried to shove the image away but I can't. I opened my eyes and there he was. Sitting right in front of me, this time reading another book of historical war between South Korea and North Korea.

          "Sulli?" I was so surprised that I jolted backwards almost falling out of the chair. My mind was trying to process the whole thing slowly. Then, I heard a chuckle, right in front of me. Did Lee Taemin just called my name and laughed? I was bewildered, I never talked to him before, let alone introducing myself. And knowing his cold personality, he just laughed. Hah, look that he was not that cold at all. "I heard your friend called you Sulli, that's your name right?" Oh, he was talking about Krystal. I said yes and avoided eye contact with him. I took a look at my watch and it was late. Krystal would have been waiting for me 30 minutes by now. Or maybe she went home with Minho already. I clumsily gathered my stuffs and just as I was about to go step outside the library, I heard Taemin muttered something but I just ignore it and left.

(Taemin's POV)

          You're interesting, I said quietly as she went out to the door. She's funny and so different from other girls. I don't even think she realized that she was waving her hands with her eyes closed like a mad lady before. I chuckled at the thought again. I must say, she's cute somehow. Making me more curious on how does it feel to be friends with her but I had no idea how to approach her and the fact I rejected her friend's offer to have recess together does not help either. I had laid my eyes on her when I first transferred here. It's like we're tangled up in a string of fate. I saw her before going to principal's office, officially enrolling myself in the school, when she was laughing and talking with her friend and a book on her hand. And we're happened to be classmates. She seemed like the piece that completes the puzzle of mine. The only one that has not been ogling over my looks or better yet reminded me of my past. My thoughts were disrupted when I saw something on the floor and decided to pick it up.

(Sulli's POV)

           Because I was in a rush, I didn't notice my purse had dropped at the library. I found Krystal standing, crossing her hands over her body, like she's ready to kill me. I waved and gave out foolish smile clearly saying sorry through the expression plastered on my face. "Be thankful I'm your best friend, or else I could chop off your head right now", Krystal said bitterly,  "Geez Krys, I was studying, You know my parents..." "Ugh Ssul, you need to get loose for once" "How?" "Now, I need to sleepover at you house tonight" Krystal said grinning, showing her perfect set of teeth. I faked a disappointed expression on my face, "Nooo, you snore Krystal" She laughed, and said "Well, you're used to it anyways" I laughed, we get over with small fights easily and walked home together.


           We're both in pajamas, Krystal wearing hers because she used to sleepover at my house and left some of her clothes here. My mother called us for dinner and we went downstairs to be greeted with the smell of good food on the table. I didn't even noticed of how hungry I was until my stomach growled, crying for foods to filled into. Laughters filled the dining room and my ears turned red of embarassment. I was embarassed but that didn't stop me from eating big chunks of food. I was busy chewing my food when dad asked the sensitive question to Krystal. "Do your parents mind if you frequently sleeping over at our house?" Krystal just weakly nodded and looked at me. I gave her a comforting smile the best I could with my mouth full and Krystal couldn't help but laugh. We went to watch television after finishing our dinner.

          "I have the perfect plan for you" Krystal said, with a bright smile on her face. I squinted my eyes and examine her face, thinking her plan might be an evil one. "We need to get you a boyfriend". What? Krystal must have gone crazy, She knew that I have never been in a relationship before.  "Ah, that reminds me. I wanted to get back at the new guy. What his name again? Tae... Tae what?" , she paused for a while. "Taemin! Lee Taemin' My eyes bulged, and thank goodness I wasn't drinking at the time, because I swear I would've spit out everything on her face. What should I do now? Taemin.



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fxmaknaesstan #1
Chapter 2: Sulli just date him! haha :P
Chapter 2: date him duh~ KYAHAHAAH~!! ohmygooosh this is awesome!! update again~ ^^
GreenLadyLee_OMG #3
Chapter 1: wow... go on soon please :)
destiny93 #4
interesting! <3 keep going ^^