Chapter 1

Falling in Love for the First Time

(A/N: Most of the POV would be in Sulli's)


          The teacher entered the classroom. It was the first period and the bell had rang when this light brown haired guy suddenly appeared in front of the class and just walked to an empty seat at the back. He completely ignored the existence of Mr. Kang who's writing on the blackboard. I wasn't paying much attention to the mysterious guy and thought of how badass he was trying to be but I just shrugged it off and continued copying the notes given by the teacher when all the females in the class were whispering and giggling to each other. Feeling annoyed, I shushed loudly to silent them. Then, the teacher suddenly stopped writing on the blackboard and said, "Ah, I totally forgot. We had a new male student transferred today. Please go in front and introduce yourself." Mr. Kang grinned and  everyone was eagerly waiting for his reply. I could hear some whispering from the boys saying he was that good looking. I took a glance at my best friend, Krystal who was already fixing her gaze upon the mysterious guy looks. I shook the thought of wanting to have a conversation with her. "Lee Taemin", he stood up from where he was sitting and sit back. Not bothering to go in front and just ended the introduction there. Everyone was expecting some more from him, but he just glared at them.


           I had zero interest in him. For the fact that he was being rude, and cold to everyone just turn me off. Despite what everyone says about his good looks, which I haven't seen clearly yet but bad personality depicts that he was not a nice person to be friend with. I was starting to dislike him, but Krystal won't stop bugging me to invite him for having recess together. I wanted to turn down her plan and she started to blow me off with her aegyos, I chuckled and finally gave in to her idea. She was excited, too excited. Maybe she fell in love at first sight with the new student? I mentally slapped my brain with the thought because Krystal had lots of fanboys herself, getting confessions for like everyday seems endless. And she even got the hottest male of the school, the jock and the most wanted females students as their boyfriend, Minho who is now her real boyfriend. Krystal was a player, she can get boyfriend with a snap on her finger. Her unique facial features and her slim figures helps. Minho was a player too, it didn't take long for them to get together and they've been together for almost 3 months now, not showing any signs of breaking up instead getting more intimate to each other. 


          I sighed, my life is nothing compared to Krystal's. I'm the nerd one, pressured because of high expectation from my parents. Being the only child has its pros and cons. I didn't have choice but to ace my studies and ignore the social reputation. Krystal has always wanted to change my looks and the way I dress. She did try to do a total makeover for me but it just didn't work out. Krystal once said that I'm beautiful and I just don't know that yet. I'm comfortable with my own pair of jeans and plain tees. With my short haircut, I don't think I can even compare myself with Krystal. Lots of people wondered how we ended up as best friends, being the exact opposites, Krystal pulling off her y looks and me, looking more like a dude compare to any female students. But we still clicked and became close to the point my parents think of her as our own family. My parents were glad to see I have friend when I had none before. Krystal was my only friend and best friend. We know each other best, and I was glad seeing her genuine feelings towards Minho. 


           I realized I was in drowning into deep thoughts when Krystal was constantly tugging my wrist saying she's hungry and to go to cafeteria before it's bombarded with full of hungry students buying their food. I nodded and she pulled me to a desk, I was not paying attention on what she's trying to do. And I turned my head around to see the light brown haired guy looking at us. Clearly giving his cold expression, but I was totally captivated by his pair of dark brown orbs. If looks could kill, I'd be vapourized that instant. "No", he said, stood up and walked out of the class. I was confused but Krystal was furious. No one had dared to reject her words. And I knew she murmured "You'll regret it" under her breath. 

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fxmaknaesstan #1
Chapter 2: Sulli just date him! haha :P
Chapter 2: date him duh~ KYAHAHAAH~!! ohmygooosh this is awesome!! update again~ ^^
GreenLadyLee_OMG #3
Chapter 1: wow... go on soon please :)
destiny93 #4
interesting! <3 keep going ^^