Don't Leave Me...Please.

"You'll Never Be Alone."

“NO! DON’T LEAVE! PLEASE…PLEASE!!! DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE!” I grabbed onto her arm and pulled her away from the door with all my might but she wouldn’t budge. She turned around to face me. Her face was filled with hurt and fatigue. I was too young to understand. I didn’t know what was going on with her, I didn’t know why. I just knew that she was leaving me. All alone. Like everyone else.

“Katt, please, be reasonable.” She said in reply to my pleading. Her voice sounded so broken it hurt to listened to it. Her eyes were filled with darkness. Darkness that I had seen every time someone else left. Was it because of me? Was it because I was too persistent? Too annoying? Too dependant? Too stubborn?

“Please…Please Sunni! Please, tell me what’s wrong! What did I do?! Whatever I did, I promise you I’ll change! I PROMISE!” Tears were streaming down my face. I didn’t make any motion to wipe them away. The more I wiped, I knew, the more that would fall.

“Katt…please…” Her voice cracked. I looked up through my tears and saw tears of her own falling down her fragile face. I had never seen her look so…hurt.

“Sunni….tell me…tell me what I did…I promise you I’ll change…I promise…” She wiped her tears away and giving me a sad smile, she cradled my face in her soft hands.

“It’s not your fault Katt…it’s mine.” That’s what they all said.

She gave me one last smile and then, she turned away, walked out the door; walked out of my life. I dropped onto the ground, my knee’s hitting the hard wooden floor beneath me with a thud. I couldn’t control the tears that was streaming down my face as fast as a tap.

“Why…why do they always go…why do they always go when I most need them…”



The day I met her, I thought finally. I thought that she would be with me forever. I thought that no matter what I did, she could forgive me. She would encourage me when I felt like the world was on my shoulders. She would give me a shoulder to lean on when I needed comforting from something bad happening. I thought that she would be here.



“Katt? What’s wrong? Why do you sound so not you?”

“Hasna eonni…she left. She left me…again…” I began to cry. She had been gone for 36 hours now and for those 36 hours, I didn’t get one wink of sleep.

“What?! Why…?”

“I don’t know…I don’t know…I DON’T KNOW!!!” I slammed the phone in her ear. I knew I would regret it later but I also knew that Hasna eonni was understanding. I knew, that at least one person, would never leave me.

My phone rang again.

“Hello…?” I answered a second time in less than 5 minutes.

“Katt…? Is everything okay? You don’t sound nice.”

“Ririn eonni…….she left me.” I didn’t know what response I was going to get from Ririn eonni. She’s hardly been calling or contacting anymore but I knew that didn’t waver our friendship.

“Do you want me to come over?” At that, I could only smile. There was no way I could scream in her ear for that.

“It’s okay….I’m okay…I’ll be okay…”


“It’s okay. I just want some time to be alone. Please.” I said. I was pleading her. The last thing I needed was for someone to come here and see me in this unworthy state. This wasn’t me. I wasn’t the type of person to be crying or to have a tear streaked red/swollen face.

I heard her sigh over the phone.

“Okay, if that’s what you want…but if you need a friend to talk to, just call me okay? I’ll get there as soon as I can yes?”

“Ne…thank you eonni…”

“Gwaenchana. I’ve always got your back. You know that!”


“Well, I’ll get going now and not bother you anymore.”


“Bye Katt. And remember, you’re not alone.”

I pondered about what Ririn eonni said to me and I smiled.

“She’s right…I’m not alone.”

But was I really the person that needed to hear that from someone else?




Jade eonni, You’re not alone.

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plz update, we miss ur stories...
ilabya45 #2
when i saw on fb the link, i was like 'o.O huH?' XD but i still checked it since u don't send me links for nothing LOL<br />
and the story was so sad T_T and u'll laugh but when i saw my name 'hasna', i was like 'O.O OMG!' and i swear i got the shock of y life =.= in just one day, i got startled twice XD once by my friend who suddenly said 'hi' while i was listening to music so i thought he popped up from nowhere and just a few seconds ago while reading ur one-shot LOL<br />
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and wow u DARED shutting the phone before even saying 'bye' omg yeah u knew i won't let it go that easily haha i'll make sure to make u pay this when u'll feel better haha<br />
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and it was nice and well written like usual coming from u, full of emotions too, im sure ur friend will understand the message from this one-shot ^^<br />
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i dropped by her profile yesterday too LOL obviously i let her a private message =.= let's just hope she won't think i'm creepy XD<br />
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and yeah, everyone is feeling like leaving aff sooner or later LOL i felt this way so many times this year =.= but i remembered i have my friends and readers here so i couldn't just leave like that ^^<br />
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like u said, as long as ur friends notice she's not alone, then she'll stay, hopefully...<br />
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and for the competition here, r u serious, there's still some compet here, wow O.O im amazed at how much i care about this site puhahaha that's just proves, i'm here to answer my messages, update, reply to the comments and log out LOL plus i never know how many subscribers i have haha and some r like stalking the numbers, wow O.O that's wonderful to know that some people have this wonderful hobby to lost their 'precious time' like that XD<br />
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ok uni is driving me crazy, so i began totally random =.=<br />
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lastly, I MISS YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and thanks for putting me in this one-shot ;)<br />
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and FIGHTING JADE (even though i don't know you >.<)<br />