Happy Birthday

School 2013 Season 2


Heung Soo sat in class as he listened intensely to his lecturer. In his right hand, he held onto a pen as he twirled it between his fingers several times before he felt a buzzing sensation in his pocket.

“Are you busy today?”-Lee Kang Joo

“I’ve got work at 2 later. Why?”-Park Heung Soo

After replying to Kang Joo’s text message, Heung Soo waited for her reply but for the next hour his phone was completely silent. Even after his class had ended, he still hadn’t received a single text or call. Heung Soo felt himself getting worried but decided to shrug off the idea of anything negative.

Today had seemed like any typical day and Heung Soo didn’t felt anything different or anything special about it. Heung Soo still waited for Kang Joo’s text even after his shift ended that day but still his phone had remained silent for the entire afternoon. Soon enough Heung Soo felt like he couldn’t bear the worried feeling he had. As he was silently walking home from work he debated with himself whether he should call or just leave her alone for the day. In the end Heung Soo pulled out his phone and rang up Kang Joo’s number. It took Kang Joo several dials to finally answer her phone.


Heung Soo: Yobseyo?

Kang Joo: Owh. Wae?

Heung Soo: Are you okay?

Kang Joo: Why’d you ask?

Heung Soo could feel something slightly amiss with Kang Joo’s tone of voice. She wasn’t talking in her usual chirpy voice and it worried him.

Heung Soo: You didn’t answer my call.

Kang Joo: Owh. I was studying. Sorry.

Heung Soo: Where are you?

Kang Joo: The library. Is that all?

Heung Soo: What?

Kang Joo: If you’ve got nothing else to say, I’m hanging up. Bye.

Heung Soo was slightly taken aback how Kang Joo had just abruptly ended the call. Heung Soo could feel like something was wrong be he couldn’t actually put his finger on it. Heung Soo slowly took a few steps back before turning around and running down the street. Heung Soo wasn’t sure which library Kang Joo had meant but decided to make a random pick or at least start off with the first library that came to his mind. At the moment, Heung Soo could only think of the library he had studied with her two days before their entrance exam the year before.

Heung Soo picked up his speed and ran towards the library. Upon arriving, Heung Soo stopped at the bottom of the stairs as he tried to catch his breath before continuing up the stairs and into the library building. It was pretty late and not many were left in the library. Heung Soo carefully searched for Kang Joo and finally found her sitting at the exact same table they had sat at together. Kang Joo’s back was facing him from where he was standing. With light footsteps, Heung Soo walked over to the table and sat across from Kang Joo.

Kang Joo was fully immersed in her book but noticed a presence in front of her. She slowly looked up from her book but didn’t give off a happy expression instead she ignored Heung Soo and went back to her book.  Kang Joo’s reaction made Heung Soo frown. He had never seen Kang Joo acted the way she did and he wasn’t sure what was bothering her.

“Have you had dinner?” Heung Soo asked.

Kang Joo shook her head lightly without uttering a word.

“Why haven’t you eaten yet?” He asked again.

Kang Joo shrugged her shoulders with her eyes still intensely fixed on her book. Heung Soo let out a sigh and leaned into his chair. As he slowly leaned, Kang Joo’s bag came into his sight and he noticed some sort of a package jutting out from the opening of her bag. Heung Soo frowned again when he realized that it looked like a present. He turned to face Kang Joo and was about to say something when he realized what was making her act the way she was. Heung Soo looked down at his watch before grabbing his bag and hurried out of the library.

Kang Joo looked up from her book when she realized that Heung Soo was leaving. Kang Joo looked over her shoulder and saw that Heung Soo left faster than she had expected. Kang Joo sighed as she pushed her book away. It was hard trying to remain a poker face while Heung Soo was right in front of her. Kang Joo wasn’t expecting Heung Soo to come back any soon.

Not long after that, Heung Soo came back running to the library and back to where Kang Joo was. Kang Joo was surprised to see Heung Soo standing in front of her. In his hand, he had a paper bag in one hand and a box in the other. Kang Joo looked up from his hand to his face. Heung Soo was panting hard like he had been running the whole time. His bag kept falling of his shoulders but he didn’t seem too bothered about it. Heung Soo placed everything on the table ignoring the books beneath.

“What are you doing?” Kang Joo asked finally.

Heung Soo quietly emptied the paper bag and finally opened up the box. From the box, Heung Soo pulled out a small cake. Kang Joo wasn’t sure what to make out of the situation. Heung Soo propped the cake on top of the box before pulling out a few candles and a lighter from his pocket. When he was done, he sat down and stared at Kang Joo who had her eyes fixed on the cake with lighted candles.

“Aren’t you going to blow out the candles?” Heung Soo asked finally.

Kang Joo looked up at Heung Soo’s tired looking face.

“Happy Birthday.” Heung Soo wished her as he pulled a smile.

Kang Joo felt touched and seeing how hard Heung Soo was trying to smile despite looking really tired made her smile too. Kang Joo closed her eyes, made a wish and blew out the candles. Heung Soo cut out a piece of cake for Kang Joo and placed the food and drinks he bought in front of her as he watched her eat.

“Aren’t you eating?” Kang Joo asked when she realized what Heung Soo was doing.

Heung Soo shook his head lightly and signaled her to continue eating. Kang Joo hesitantly continued eating. Heung Soo leaned towards the table and rested his chin on his palm as he watched Kang Joo.

“Seriously, are you just going to keep watching me?” Kang Joo asked.

Heung Soo nodded his head with a sly smile. Kang Joo eyed him suspiciously.

“What’s wrong with you?” She asked.

“Pretty.” Heung Soo said as he smiled.

“What?” Kang Joo asked staring at him.

“Why are you so pretty?” Heung Soo asked this time propping his chin with both hands.

“Pfft. Are you sick or something?” Kang Joo asked jokingly.

Heung Soo shrugged his shoulder and asked, “Should I only be sick to say something like that?”

“I dunno.” Kang Joo said as she ate.

“Then I guess I’ve been sick this whole while to think you’re so pretty.” Heung Soo said.

Kang Joo tried her best to swallow her food. Heung Soo’s words made her feel uncomfortable but deep inside she could feel butterflies in her stomach.

“So, how long have you been sick?” Kang Joo asked trying to go along.

“I dunno. A year? Or maybe two?” Heung Soo said with a smirk.

“Hah! Are you trying to flirt now?” Kang Joo said crossing her arms as she stared back at Heung Soo.

“Maybe.” Heung Soo said.

“You’re crazy.” Kang Joo said and Heung Soo nodded his head.

“Crazy over you.” He said and Kang Joo felt the heat rising to her face.

Kang Joo looked down at her cake that was already half eaten. Kang Joo was feeling really embarrassed somehow. Heung Soo had never talked to her like that before.

“Blushing yet?” He asked suddenly.

“What?” Kang Joo asked looking up at Heung Soo’s face.

Heung Soo was now leaning in his chair with a smirk on his face.

“Yah! Were you playing around with me?” Kang Joo raised her voice.

Heung Soo shrugged his shoulders with a playful expression on his face. Kang Joo got annoyed and kicked Heung Soo’s leg from under the table. Heung Soo yelped as he rubbed his sore spot. Kang Joo grabbed her bag and decided to leave. When she had just taken a few steps away, she felt someone yanking on her arm. Heung Soo yanked on Kang Joo’s arm and pulled her into an embrace.

“Don’t be angry.” He whispered into her ear.

Kang Joo tried to push him away but his grip around her was tight.

“Are you letting go of me or not?” Kang Joo asked in an annoyed tone.

“Nope. Never.” Heung Soo said as he hugged her tightly.

Kang Joo felt suffocated by his tight hug but his answer made her smile. The both of them stayed that way enjoying each other’s company.

“Sorry that I almost forgot your birthday but I really meant it when I said that you were pretty.” Heung Soo said after a long silence.

 “You what?!” Kang Joo yelled as she tried to pull herself away.

“Don’t! I want to stay like this.” Heung Soo said making sure she wouldn’t break the embrace.

“Jerk. How could you forget my birthday?” Kang Joo pouted in Heung Soo’s arm.

“Still. I bought you food and even a cake right before midnight.” Heung Soo tried to reason himself.

“No present?” She asked sneakily.

“A present too?!” Heung Soo asked as he broke the embrace and looked at Kang Joo’s face.

With a poker face, Kang Joo nodded her head. Heung Soo stared at Kang Joo’s face for a while before he pulled her closer to him. Their face was just inches away and Heung Soo could see Kang Joo’s eyes blinking really fast and it made him smirk. Heung Soo tilted his head and went in for a kiss. Heung Soo could feel how stiff Kang Joo was at first but soon enough she too started to relax and gave in to the kiss.


So I thought it would be unfair that only Nam Sun and Ha Kyung got a kiss scene, so I did one for the HeungSoo-KangJoo pairing too... Sorry if I write too cheesy and too sweet and lovey dovey and all... I'm kind of a K-drama maniac so I guess I was influenced by all that... >_<

This chapter and the chapter before supposedly wasn't part of the story but I came up with it last minute to make the entire story longer... XP

Anyways, enjoy!! 

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Should I update the last chapter today?? But I don't want to end it so soon!! >_


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Ahmadmursidin #1
School 2013 season 2 sudah rilis belom???
320 streak #2
Chapter 33: Wow! The ending was nicely done! ^^
320 streak #3
Chapter 15: Wahhhhh is he gonna stop because of her? Nice Heungsoo. But you better do it also because you want it. :D
320 streak #4
Chapter 5: Oh, as I have been reading this, I just realized, this might not be a HeungSoon fic. lol! oh well, since I already started, I might as well read it till the end. ^^
exoisalways1 #5
Chapter 1: i wish they really made school 2013...
will they?
I'm going to start reading today! Just found it hehe.< and i loved the tv serie so i hope this is even better!!!
Chapter 2: Finally ~ I found this fic XDD This fic is so popular in my FL lululul
puputshp #8
Chapter 33: hohooo... good ff.. great endingg.. i love happy ending ff :D
Kiomeeka #9
Chapter 5: You really need to go back and change 'Ko' Nam 'Sun' to Go Nam-soon. I like your story so far but every time I read his name it distracts me cause its wrong. Even your tag is spelt wrong.