Because I like You

School 2013 Season 2


There was only 2 weeks left till school was finally over and it would be their graduation. Ha Kyung leaned against the school’s stoned wall as she waited for Kang Joo. The sun shone in her face as she looked up. She blocked the sunlight with her palms to avoid the glare from her eyes.

“Ha Kyung!” Kang Joo’s voice was heard as she ran up to Ha Kyung and placed and arm around her shoulder.

“Why did you have to make me come so early today?” Ha Kyung complained.

“It’s just a few minutes earlier than your usual time anyway. I just wanted to take a few pictures with you in front of the school so did you bring it?” Kang Joo said it all in one breath.

“I did.” Ha Kyung answered as she pulled out a Polaroid camera from her bag.

“Come on! Let’s go take one in front of the school sign.” Kang Joo said as she took the camera and pulled Ha Kyung’s arm.

Just as Kang Joo and Ha Kyung was walking over to the other side of the gate, the both of them bumped into Nam Sun and Heung Soo who was just reaching school.

“Owh… Great timing! Let’s take a picture together!” Kang Joo said as she took Nam Sun’s arm and pulled him over to the school sign.

Heung Soo just walked past them.

“Yah! Where are you going?!” Kang Joo called out to him.

Heung Soo stopped walking and turned to face Kang Joo.

“Here. Take it for us.” Kang Joo said as she extended the camera to him.

When Heung Soo kept staring at the camera without even moving a finger, Kang Joo went up to him and shove the camera into his hands.

“Faster, take it! It’s so cold here!” Kang Joo ushered Heung Soo as she went to pose between Ha Kyung and Nam Sun.

Heung Soo sighed but finally took the picture anyway. Kang Joo admired the picture as Ha Kyung and Nam Sun went in. Heung Soo was about to leave with them when Kang Joo stopped him.

“Let’s take one together.” Kang Joo asked him.

Heung Soo looked down at Kang Joo’s hand that was holding onto his arm.

“Faster!” She said as she pulled him closer to her.

Heung Soo stood there next to her stiffly as he stared at her. Just a moment ago, he thought she didn’t even want a picture with him.

“Bend down a little!” Kang Joo said pulling his arm.

Heung Soo leaned in to level himself with her height making his face right next to hers. Just then, he realized how pretty she actually looked. Her fair complexion, long lashes and pink lips. It was when Kang Joo had already clicked the camera when Heung Soo was knocked out of his trance.

“Yah! What is this? Why didn’t you look into the camera? Should I hit you just so that you can get this right?” Kang Joo scolded him.

“Aish… I’m not doing this.” Heung Soo said annoyed as he tried to leave.

“Just come back here!” Kang Joo pulled him back.

“Let’s just take one perfect one.” She said trying to make him stay.

“Whatever.” Heung Soo said as he walked into the school.

“Yah!” Kang Joo screamed after him but he ignored her completely.

Kang Joo looked down at the picture in her hand. She was smiling into the camera while Heung Soo had his face leveled to her height. His face was so close to hers as he stared at her. Somehow, the look of it made her smile. The school bell started ringing so Kang Joo quickly ran for the school building.

* * * *

Kang Joo stood at the school corridor as she leaned against the wall. All the students of Grade 3 were going in and out of their classes as most of the classes weren’t being conducted. Kang Joo looked through all the pictures she had taken so far. Some made her smile and some just made her tear.

“Yah. What are you doing?” Ha Kyung asked appearing next to her.

“Look! How cute is that.” Kang Joo said showing a picture to Ha Kyung.

In the picture, Heung Soo was asleep on his desk while Nam Sun can be seen at the back in his seat looking out the window. Ha Kyung just nodded her head in agreement. The picture showed honestly how the both of them looked like just a year ago. Ha Kyung passed it back to Kang Joo who was seen staring down at a picture.

“What’s that?” Ha Kyung asked and snatched the picture from her hand.

It was the picture of Kang Joo and Heung Soo in front of the school near the school sign.

“When did you guys take this picture?” Ha Kyung asked as she smiled looking at the picture.

“Yah. Just give that back.” Kang Joo said trying to get it back.

“What? Tell me, when did you take this?” Ha Kyung asked as she hid the picture from Kang Joo.

“Aish… I took it after you and Nam Sun left.” Kang Joo said avoiding eye contact.

“I thought you hated his guts.” Ha Kyung teased though she herself knew the truth.

“Look. He wasn’t even taking the picture right so who cares.” Kang Joo said and pulled the picture from Ha Kyung’s back.

“Even if it wasn’t right, he was seriously looking at you intensely.” Ha Kyung said that made Kang Joo turn bright red.

“Yah. Whatever!” Kang Joo said and quickly walked back into class.

Kang Joo was in such a rush that she didn’t even bother to look up. She rashly walked in and bumped into someone’s chest. Kang Joo could only hear the person sigh loudly above her head.

“Deaf and blind.” The person said harshly pushing her.

“What did you say?” Kang Joo said when the person pushed her aside.

The person walked away not being bothered by her. Kang Joo was so upset that she ran after the person and pushed him hard against the wall.

“Yah! What’s your problem?!” The person hissed at her.

“It’s me who should be asking you that?!” Kang Joo screamed at him.

“You’re a waste of my time.” Heung Soo said as he stuffed his hand into his pocket and walked off.

“Right, I’m a waste of your time!” Kang Joo said with tears in her eyes.

Heung Soo stopped midway. Her voice sounded shaky and sad. Suddenly he felt like a blade just pierced through his heart.

“I don’t even know why I care.” Kang Joo said as she bumped into Heung Soo’s arm and walked ahead of him aiming to walk away from class.

Heung Soo felt like he was frozen to the ground as he saw Kang Joo walking away with her hand over . Heung Soo cleared his throat and turned around. Half of the entire class had gathered by the door staring at him. They probably had witnessed the commotion happening outside the door. Heung Soo let out a heavy sigh and pushed himself through to enter the class. He made his way to his seat and sat down trying to ignore the stares he was given at the moment.

“What is wrong with you?” Ha Kyung said smacking a book on Heung Soo’s desk.

Heung Soo didn’t even flinch. He looked up at her as he gave her one of his cold stares he had done for years that always worked in scaring people away. But Ha Kyung didn’t even bat an eyelash. She stood in front of him with an angry look on her face. Her arms crossed and her lips tight.

“You’re just an a******.” Ha Kyung said grabbing her book before leaving the class to find for Kang Joo.

“Come on.” Nam Sun said grabbing Heung Soo by the collar.

Heung Soo didn’t budge from his seat instead he gripped onto Nam Sun’s hand that was grabbing his collar.

“I said let’s go.” Nam Sun said as he forcefully dragged Heung Soo out of the class.

“Yah… Don’t you think we need to report this to Teacher Jang and Teacher Kang?” One of the students of Class 3-2 whispered.

Nam Sun stopped in his tracks and turned to face his class.

“No one’s going anywhere. Just stay put in class.” He told the rest that was standing by the door.

“NOW!” Nam Sun yelled at them when there was some standing around.

All of them scattered back into class seeing how angry Nam Sun sounded.  Nam Sun dragged Heung Soo all the way to the rooftop and forcefully tossed him to the ground.

“Have you lost your mind?!” Nam Sun screamed at Heung Soo who sat on the ground.

“Maybe I am.” Heung Soo laughed.

“Are you laughing right now?” Nam Sun said in disbelief.

Heung Soo snickered as he looked away. He honestly didn’t want to act the way he did but acting differently than that felt alien to him. He never meant to hurt Kang Joo in any way but he just didn’t know what he was supposed to do really.

“What’s your problem?” Nam Sun asked.

“I… I just don’t know.” Heung Soo answered sounding frustrated as he ruffled his hair.

“Isn’t it easier to just actually say how you feel?” Nam Sun said looking back at the miserable looking older chap in front of him.

“Just… go find her and apologize first.” Nam Sun said and left Heung Soo on the rooftop.

Heung Soo sat there for a little while before he collected himself and decided to go find Kang Joo. At first he was walking around the school aimlessly not knowing where he should head to find her but gradually his feet started bringing him to the front of the school. He stepped out of the school building as his eyes searched around for Kang Joo. He stepped down the steps of stairs to finally notice Kang Joo sitting by the stairs near the school compound with Ha Kyung comforting by her side. Heung Soo sighed and slowly walked towards the both of them.

Ha Kyung noticed Heung Soo coming up to them and sighed before she left Kang Joo to Heung Soo.

“You better not mess this up.” Ha Kyung threatened Heung Soo before leaving.

Heung Soo stood there for a little while wondering what he was suppose to do or say next.

“Can I sit?” Heung Soo asked.

“No.” Kang Joo answered coldly.

Heung Soo turned quiet again. Kang Joo rubbed her cheek roughly with the back of her hand as she stood up to leave.

“Now you can sit.” She said harshly.

“Don’t… Don’t go.” Heung Soo said holding onto Kang Joo’s arm not wanting her to leave.

“Why? So that you can waste more of your time?” Kang Joo said.

 Heung Soo sighed heavily not knowing what he should say next.

“And I thought you’d actually like me.” Kang Joo said with a soft voice.

Heung Soo went wide eyed and turned his head to face Kang Joo’s back. Kang Joo chuckled but her voice quivered.

“I guess I was wrong.” She said turning to face Heung Soo with her teary eye and tear stained face.

Heung Soo’s grip on her arm loosened as he felt his heart thumping against his chest and his eyes burning feeling the tear welling up. Kang Joo turned around to walk away further away from him hoping to crush the feelings she had for him.

“It’s because I like you.” Heung Soo finally said with his voice piercing the silence between them.

“You may not believe me but because I like you that I don’t know what to do.” Kang Joo’s steps slowed down.

“You make me feel so messed up…. That… I don’t know what to do.” Heung Soo said this time his voice quivering.

Kang Joo slowly turned around and felt like she was seeing a completely different person standing before her. His cold piercing eyes were soft and sad. And the strong façade he had always put on was completely gone from his face.


Chapter 17 is here!! And.... and... I give you Heung Soo's confession to Kang Joo!! Kekeke... ^_^

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! ♥

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Should I update the last chapter today?? But I don't want to end it so soon!! >_


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Ahmadmursidin #1
School 2013 season 2 sudah rilis belom???
320 streak #2
Chapter 33: Wow! The ending was nicely done! ^^
320 streak #3
Chapter 15: Wahhhhh is he gonna stop because of her? Nice Heungsoo. But you better do it also because you want it. :D
320 streak #4
Chapter 5: Oh, as I have been reading this, I just realized, this might not be a HeungSoon fic. lol! oh well, since I already started, I might as well read it till the end. ^^
exoisalways1 #5
Chapter 1: i wish they really made school 2013...
will they?
I'm going to start reading today! Just found it hehe.< and i loved the tv serie so i hope this is even better!!!
Chapter 2: Finally ~ I found this fic XDD This fic is so popular in my FL lululul
puputshp #8
Chapter 33: hohooo... good ff.. great endingg.. i love happy ending ff :D
Kiomeeka #9
Chapter 5: You really need to go back and change 'Ko' Nam 'Sun' to Go Nam-soon. I like your story so far but every time I read his name it distracts me cause its wrong. Even your tag is spelt wrong.