The Real Him (One-Shot)

The Real Him (One-Shot)


[Note: Curse words ahead... ^^]



Minho entered his silent apartment after such a long day of work. He was an actor and a very much in demand one, indeed. He rarely had time for himself and barely had the time to sleep. He felt his eyes drooping slowly as he walked his way into the kitchen. He took a water bottle from the fridge, not even bothering to stop and drop his things somewhere. He glanced at the window. It was raining again, and this made his apartment seem so much lonelier than how it used to be.


How I wished Taemin was here. It’d probably be more cheerful.” Minho thought to himself, sighing.


He groggily walked towards the hallway that headed to the rooms, and there a skinny figure met him.


“Taemin, what are you doing here?” He asked in surprise, the tiredness not leaving his body.


“Minho. I think we have to talk.” The figure answered him with a soft voice.


“What is it? Do you need something from me? Did you leave something behind from yesterday? Could we hurry this, because I’ve been itching for sleep... It’s been such a tiring day for me.” He told Taemin in a heavily burdened voice.


“N-no. I didn’t forget anything. Could we just talk? Even just for a while?” Taemin uttered while slowly walking towards the taller of the two. Taemin carefully thought about the words he was about to say. He was so sick of it. Sick of this kind of Minho. This kind of Minho was so cold, so distant and so insensitive, as if all that mattered to him was his work. Taemin had been seeing him shove himself into work. He saw him working with pretty women and he didn’t seem so cold towards them. Taemin knew that he wasn’t supposed to think this way, but he can’t help himself but to become sick and tired of this kind of Minho facing him, and he wasn’t so sure of which one was the real Minho. His real Minho.


“Minho...” Taemin muttered, his head down, unsure if he was doing the right thing.


I need to do this. This is for us. This is for my real Minho.” He thought to himself, while he mustered the courage to say the things that had been burdening him.


“What, Taemin? I really need to sleep now, so if it isn’t anything important, it could wait until tomorrow...” Minho started moving forward, until Taemin stopped him from going any further.


“Stop, Minho! This-this can’t wait any longer! I know it’s such a selfish thought, but I-I... I don’t like it when you’re all over other girls, Minho!” Taemin suddenly had an outburst, surprising the other one because Taemin was never the type to shout at people whenever he gets mad. Taemin unexpectedly said these things, not knowing how to express the burden he had in his chest. He had no idea. Not the littlest bit of an idea on how to tell Minho about what has been bothering him for such a long time.


“I don’t like it when it’s not me who you’re looking at! I don’t like it when it’s not me there in your arms! I don’t like it; not even just the thought of it!” Taemin turned away from Minho, hiding the tears running down his face.


“Don’t you get it, Minho? I’ve become such a jealous and I’m feeling so ing insecure about myself because of you and your work! I know I should understand; it’s just damn work anyways, but I can’t help it that I’m feeling this way. I mean, nobody even knows that we’re together. Nobody knows anything because of your goddamn work!” Minho remained unmoving still shocked at seeing this side of Taemin. He tried to touch the younger’s back, but his scrawny body had already started moving away from him, farther into Minho’s apartment. Taemin’s figure curled up on the couch, as if this small act would be able to seclude him from all the pain the cruel world was throwing at him.


While it seemed like the world was falling apart for Taemin, Minho was getting angry by the thought of Taemin acting like this late at night and after his tiring work. He had no idea why Taemin was acting this way, because he never questioned Minho’s work. Minho thought Taemin completely understood that his work demanded a lot of things, and that included acting sweet and loving in front of other girls.


“What the hell is wrong with you, Taemin? I thought you understood? It’s just freaking work! Can’t you see? At the end of the day, I always go back to you, right?” Minho exploded, throwing his bag aside and stomping his way to the couch where Taemin sat.


“, Taemin! What the do you want me to do? I’ve been giving you attention whenever I had the time, right? What more do you want?” Minho sat beside Taemin and tried to get him to show his face, but he just won’t budge.


The deafening silence enveloped them, making the pain even more unbearable for Taemin.


“I-I’m sorry, Minho... I-I’m so sorry.” Taemin mumbled through his heavy breaths after crying his heart out.


Why can’t I just say what I’m feeling? Why the hell do I have to make some stupid excuse involving girls? Why can’t I just get straight to the point that it seems like something had changed in him?” Taemin thought as he covered his face with his arms, fearing that Minho would see him in such an awful state.


“Taemin-ah. Look at me.” Minho’s voice shifted into a softer tone, after realizing how harsh he had been to the other. Taemin didn’t move an inch.


“Taemin. Look at me.” He said more firmly, gently shaking Taemin’s arms. Taemin gave up and finally looked at him.


“Look, Taemin. You don’t have to feel insecure about yourself. It had always been you and it will always be you. Those girls are nothing compared to you, Taemin-ah. Always remember that.” Minho told Taemin genuinely, looking into his eyes, making sure that he showed his sincerity.


“I’m so sorry, Minho. I really am. I know, I’ve been such a ...” Taemin muttered slowly.




“I’m so sorry if I bothered you tonight because of this insecurity of mine. It’s just that I-I don’t know... It seems like you’ve changed so much. You’ve changed so much, Minho and I don’t know which side of you is the real one. You’ve been so cold towards me, even though I know that you never meant it, but it just kills me to see you this cold and tired. I-I know that I don’t have the right to act this way, but I’m just really worried that this-that this would cause the end of us...” Taemin slowly confessed, finally getting the burden out of his chest.


“Taemin. I didn’t notice that I was being so cold towards you, and I’m so sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. But always remember this: There will never be an end of us, Taemin. There will never be an end of us...” Minho told Taemin, before he tenderly embraced him.


There will never be an end of us... I like that.” Taemin thought as a small smile crept into his face. He liked this warm feeling of Minho being near him. And this time, it wasn’t just any Minho; it was his real Minho...




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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 1: Sometimes you need to talk it out - you don't always know how your partner is feeling without asking!
Chapter 1: kyeo!! Taemin's so cuuute!!
Chapter 1: Aaaaa I love this so much!!!!
Chapter 1: OMO
Taemin angy how cuteeeeee
I will read the Other story
keilovetaemin #5
Chapter 1: There will never be an end of us.... i like that too XDD

what a nice story... ^^
good job author... XD
Chapter 1: Awwwww I love the ending!! It was so cute and sadasadfadas!!
But poor Tae-baby... he is so perfect... you don´t need to feel insecure!
Well,I seriously loved it, like I really really really loved it.
Ah~ just, just keep writing, okay~?