A Way Out?

Death Angel

Chapter 3



Lightly tiptoeing I tried to make my way around the castle. What the hell? Who built this castle? its so fricking complicated! Quietly I approached a turn. I stopped in my tracks. Holy that’s Yongguk’s voice! Omo what do I do? He’ll see me and figure everything out! His voice is getting louder, which means he’s really close!


I pressed my back against the wall, trying to think, when all of a sudden the world started to spin and I was greeted my darkness. I realized it was a trap door. But why are there trap doors in the castle leading to tunnels? I slowly and carefully started walking straight. I hadn’t walked three steps when my face collided with a wall. OMG WHAT THE . Stupid ragged wall! I felt something wet start to trickle down my face. I placed my hand on my forehead, and yup, it’s a big ing cut.


I felt so angry I stabbed the wall with my dagger. I didn’t expect it to go straight in. To be honest I don’t know what I expected. The wall suddenly slid up revealing a hallway with torches to show the way. I walked in cautiously and looked around. The walls were ragged; they could easily have cut me. I need to be more careful. This is a walking death trap. This place looks like a carbon copy of a pathway to a witch’s lair. A shudder went through me.


Taking a deep breath I started to make my way following the torches. I looked at the walls and realized that there are names here and there. ChoAh, Yerim, Hana, SungMi, Gongchan, Minho, Onew, YongHwa, Ren, Suzy, Chaerin, Daehyun, Taeyang, Seungri, Jonghyun. Minhyuk. That’s a lot of people. But why are their names here?


That’s when it struck me. Finding a dagger conveniently placed under my pillow, an escape tunnel right beside a guard’s post. And all these names with happy faces and hearts beside them? These are the death angels that ESCAPED. This means each of these people had used this dagger tried to escape and found this tunnel. This also means this tunnel should lead me to freedom! Oh I thank thee who made this tunnel for me.  I started running through the tunnel until I saw a dead end.


Okay, not to worry, there has to be something to open this wall. So I tried kicking pushing touching every spot on the wall. After what seemed like hours (it was probably like 2 minutes) I gave up and sat in front of the wall.


“Ugh, why can’t you OPEN” I half yelled at the wall. My voice echoed throughout the tunnel, and then it got deathly quiet. Out of no where the wall in front if me started to vibrate and slowly open. I shot to my feet, and backed up. The wall by now was fully up and revealing a pathway.

'Well that was convinient'


Trees surrounded the pathway, and it was very dark. The moonlight did little to light things up. I picked up my dagger which I had dropped, and ran outside and took a deep breath of freedom.


‘Hhhhhmmm, that feels better, after those claustrophobic tunnels.’ I said out loud ‘But I'm not complaining it brought me my freedom, so I'm good.’


I was walking aimlessly in the forest. Yes I know I'm lost, but I cant just sit still, I need to find a way out.


Suddenly I had this weird feeling of being watched. I turned around and scanned the trees. There was nobody there. Must be my imagination. I resumed my walking, when I heard footsteps. I stopped and listened. Nothing.


From the corner of my eye I saw a black shadow. I turned and saw nothing again. By this time I felt really scared. I started running not knowing or caring where I was going. I heard the footsteps behind me also running. Because of my head injury I had lost a lot of blood, and on top of that I had been running and walking for hours. My legs probably won't be able to support me much longer.


My vision started to blur. Omg not now! I need to get away from whatever is following me. That’s when I ran head first - wait let me rephrase that - injury first into a hard chest. We both fell down. My head was spinning but I could still make out it was a guy. I didn’t recognize who he was, though. He had small-ish eyes and big full lips that reminded me of my brother, Dongwoo. My heart clenched when I thought about him.


I tried getting off of him to get away, but something hit the back of my head and I was welcomed once again by darkness. Gosh this darkness loves to welcome me A LOT.



The New Guy’s POV


I was minding my own business and walking around when out of nowhere I felt like a big bullet hit me, and I fell to the ground. That’s when I realized that it was a girl. With one heck of a bloody head. I started at her with my mouth wide open. Not my fault she was a beauty. She was staring at me too, but then fear replaced her curious eyes, and she tried getting off of me. But something hit her head, and she fainted.


I got up and positioned her on my lap like a baby. And she actually fit. She’s so small.


‘Hyung, was it really necessary to hit her head?’ I asked the elder death angel, who happened to be close to my age.


‘Of course, this girl runs like a bullet.’ Yongguk replied panting.


‘Seriously, do we have to do this little game EVERY time you bring in a new death angel? Can’t you just take them to hell and tell them, "You’re gonna stay here if you don’t do your job." and be over with it?’ I asked. I pushed away the hair out of this mysterious new death angel’s face. Her beauty was blinding.


‘Duh, if we don’t they wont have any respect for me and think im just an easy going person.’


‘Hyung, you ARE an easy going person.’ I laughed at him.


‘Woohyun, I'll kick your if you don’t shut up.’ I pouted up at him. ‘And your aegyo doesn’t work on me. I thought we were over this?’


‘Whatever.’ I gave up. Lets just take her back and clean her up. Its taking everything in me not to devour her blood right now.’ I looked at the blood on her head and, not being able to resist, it off. Well excuse me for being a vampire death angel. I only ended up this way because I was damned for killing someone while committing suicide myself. Of course I regret it, but I can’t change the past. Getting up, I carried her bridal style towards the castle.


‘Hyung can we use the tunnel we made? Its much easier than going around.’ I asked Yongguk. The truth was, we had made the ‘escape’ tunnel because one of the death angel-in-trainings was successful in escaping. We had to make sure that never happens again. So, we made a fake escape way to lure the new ones towards the tunnel and catch them while they are in the forest. After that no one ever escaped.


‘No, we’re not taking the tunnel. It's stiffling. I still cant figure out how Yoomi even made it. She’s really claustrophobic.’ he answered.


So her name was Yoomi. Pretty, like herself. I smiled. ‘Maybe the need to escape is so strong, she didn’t realize it?’ I offered.


Humans always have a need to save themselves without first finding out if they’re safe where they are, or if they could even escape. They never change. That way we can easily deceive them. And Yoomi was no different.


As I was holding her, I felt something dark inside of her. One of my powers is to know what kind of person someone is on the inside. Yoomi seemed like a nice enough person, but there was a dark power lurking inside of her. I wonder what it was?

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Sushigirl1 #1
Pweaze update soon!!!