What's That Sound?

Death Angel

Chapter 2


He took me deep into the castle. I tried hard to remember the path we took; up a staircase, a turn to the right of a particularly creepy angel statue (I could almost swear it was following my every move!), through a long corridor, then a turn left, then another corridor, another staircase…


Halfway through our trek I gave up. Why oh why am I not good at memorization? Gah! Darn my parents for not giving me good enough genes. It was all I could do not to rip out my hair in despair.


It wasn’t helping that I saw angel guards roaming around the castle either. To say they were intimidating was an understatement. Their muscular arms and sharp swords would make any soldier cry. How was I supposed to escape with these mammoths around?! I bit my lip.


I was too deep in thought I almost bumped into Yongguk when he suddenly stopped outside a door. He raised an eyebrow at me but decided not to comment.


‘Here’s your room.’ He waved and the door opened itself to show a beautlifully exquisite room. It was one a princess would die for. My mouth formed a small ‘o’ as my eyes took in the sight.


Yongguk, however, was unimpressed. ‘I suggest you get as much rest as you can. You’ll be meeting with your trainer first thing tomorrow and he’ll give you a test to see what powers you have. That is, if you have any.’


I stopped gawking at the room long enough to look at him when a thought occured to me. ‘And what if I don’t have any powers?’


‘Hmm? Then you go to hell.’ he shrugged nonchalantly. Uh-oh. A shiver went down my spine. He can’t be serious, right? But somehow he doesn’t hit me as the type to joke around. I gulped. I really have to get out of here.


‘I’ll be back tomorrow to turn you human again and then I’ll take you to meet your trainer. So...if you have nothing else to ask, I’ll be taking my leave now.’ He gave me a heart-stopping wink and before I knew it, his body started to shimmer and he vanished.


‘…Then you go to hell.’ His words seemed to echo across the walls. Nuh-uh, now way I’m going there. I plopped down on the soft canopy bed and started thinking of an escape plan. Wait a sec, is it just me or is this pillow really uncomfortable? 




I pressed my ear at the door to listen if there was anybody outside. Hmm...guess it's safe. Time to commence Operation: Breakout. Kekeke~


I opened the door a crack and took a peek. Coast clear. As stealthily as I could, I closed the door behind me and crept down the corridor. I couldn't help but feel like one of those secret agents in the dramas I used to watch. Ironic how I had to die to experience it. I paused and shook my head to shake the disturbing thought away. 'Concentrate, Yoomi!' I scolded my self.


I kept my grip on my dagger extra tight, just in case. Turns out someone hid it in one of the pillows. Why someone would keep it there in the first place was beyond me. Not that I'm complaining, though.  


I was creeping down a corridor when I heard a faint growling noise. Holy crap, what was that? A dog? A monster? Or...a dragon? I hate dragons! Wait, do dragons even growl?


I panicked and looked around for a place to hide...there wasn't any. The whatever-it-was growled again. Only louder this time. Crap it must be close! What do I do?? 'Run!' my instincts practically screamed at me. And being the good girl I was, I obeyed.


I ran with all my might. I didn't even dare look back. A few corridors down, I saw an open door and dashed inside. I quickly locked the door behind me. Did it catch up to me? I brought my ear to the door and listened. Silence. I guess I'm safe now.


I slumped down and tried to catch my breath. Gosh that was close. I took a deep breath and a delicious scent wafted its way to my nose and made my eyes flutter open. Food! I jumped up and only then did I notice  my surroundings. I was in the pantry! Oh joy! I my lips as I surveyed the shelves.


I was deciding on whether to put lettuce into the sandwich I was making or not when I heard something that made the hair at the back of my neck stand: a faint growling sound. The whatever-it-was found me! Crap!


I was about to leap behind one of the shelves when a thought struck me. Why did it sound like the growling was coming from inside me? Confused, I looked down and I facepalmed myself when I recognized the source of the sound - my stomach.


I groaned and bonked my head a few times on the wall. My own stupidity shocks me at times, and this was definitely one of those moments. I sighed and looked at the sandwich I was making a few moments ago. 'Might as well...' I shrugged and put the lettuce in.


I took a bite and a moan couldn't help but escape from my lips. 'This is heaven!' I swooned. Escaping could wait, I need to feed my monster of a stomach first! I finished the rest of the sandwich with gusto.


'Ahh, this is the life~' I sighed, my fingers, and proceeded on attacking the other shelves for food. 

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Sushigirl1 #1
Pweaze update soon!!!