

You were trying to make me stop, but I wouldn't. Why didn't I stop? I refused to listen to you, and I killed you.

I killed you.

You died to protect me. Just the day before, you promised me that you would stay with me forever. Promises are so easily broken, almost like they're made to be broken.

I visit you everyday.

I see you in the hospital bed, so limp and fragile. You haven't moved since that day. They say that you're brain dead. Your chest goes up and down faintly, the only sign that you're still there.

"Jongup, it's getting late. You should get some sleep." 

The nurses and I are on first name basis now, I'm a familiar sight in your room.

"You haven't moved from that chair for days, at least eat something."

"No, I have to wait for him, just in case he comes back."

I don't deserve to be healthy.

I killed the one I love. You're barely holding on to life, why should I get to eat? You swore that you would be with me forever.

Picking up your lifeless hand, I move your pinky to wrap around mine, reminding you of the promise.

I quickly leave the hospital.

I don't want to be there when they unplug the machines.

I make my way to a bridge that faces a busy street, where you died.

It takes me a while to gather my courage.

I'm still a coward, even 'til the very end.

People are starting to notice, they're shouting at me to get down.

We promised to be together forever.

With a smile on my face, I let myself fall.

I don't regret anything.


Himchan, I'm fulfilling my end of the promise.


Are you waiting for me?

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britt29able1 #1
Chapter 1: Noooo. ! He jumped.?! Anyway this is sad and it made me cry. Good job.(: