Member 3 - Adel

Fossil - 포씨르 - New Girlband -{APPLY CLOSE}-


Name : 
Mizouchi Uru (Adelaide)
Tokyo Japan
From : 
English (aussie accent), Japanese, Korean
Height : 
Weight : 
Your Look Like : 
Adel  is tanned, not extremely brown but more tanned than normal Asians get as a result from living in Australia. Most of the time she is told she looks refreshing, and looks extremely young. She’s an average height which is good as most guys don’t feel odd dating her. She has a sort of mysterious y aura about her and her winks can get her anywhere and out of anything.
Ulzzang's name 
er not sure sorry Lee Soa?
Fashion Style$16.90+(+BACK).jpg
About You :
Adel oozes with confidence. Her stance, her expressions and her words say it all. She will miss around with your heart no matter how smart or hot you are and you will fall for her. There isn’t any boy or girl that could possibly reject her charms, and she knows it. She’ll use different ways of seduction, all adapting to the person(s) she’s focused on and almost never ends up the bad guy. The story is always so twisted that when you come out of it, you think that you’ve done something wrong. Because of this, she knows every single type of guy and how to manipulate them.

Though she may appear it, she isn’t one of your average s. Adel has brains, common sense and logic are what she specialises in and in no way possible will she speak up unless asked. That is unless you’re saying something extra specially stupid, then she’ll shut you up. She’ll observe people and get to know how they act before approaching them. She seldom speaks, mostly uses actions.

Surprisingly, she will protect those she respects. She isn’t rude, just slightly judgemental and sly. She’ll work her way around, through and under problems if she can, immediately searching for a solution or better way out if presented with one. A fan of black humour, politically (in)correct and mischief, she absolutely hates American humour and slapstick.

Sometimes she does revert to violence, targeting the wrists and neck and the side of the knee (giving people dead legs) as these are quick and effective. She’ll disable your arm if you really tick her off. She will do almost anything for money.

Kpop boys always think of her as their y little sister and are protective of her. They faun over her and miss her often. They and always show affection towards her.
Family Backgound 
Uru had a perfectly nice life. She grew up in Tokyo Japan and made easy friends. her best friend was someone who had lived in australia and taught her english, hence her aussie accent when speaking the language. Japanese and korean were a given as that was where her parents were from. Apart from her perfect life, there was absolutely nothing she wanted to do. Zilch, there was no reason for her to do anything anymore. She wasn't interested in suicide, that was the easy way out. So she started experimenting, breaking people's hearts (though unusually not getting the reputation as a /player/, but somehow the story always got turned that she was the good one. even the broken hearted guy thought that somehow she just wasnt ready and it was all his fault. she just got so sick of it all. Eiji is her brother, older than her by 2 years. He’s quite handsome and hides his looks with thick unneeded glasses and a hat. She can spot anyone in disguise because of this, but then again Eiji can’t really hide as handsomeness always shines brightly lol. He’s actually really shy and timid, and often hides behind his sister. She has a soft spot for all boys who remind her of her brother. He speaks the same languages as she does.
Likes : 



-y clothes

-dorks ^_^

-y guys

-any boys  really…..

-teasing boys
-make up

-fake people

-back stabbers


all nuts (allergic)
shellfish (allergic)
-People who are two faced

-girls hugging girls (shes not homophobic, just finds it a bit odd, is totally fine with guys hugging guys though)

-people who try to speak an asian language without the proper accent

-people who are over happy

-people who try to make others depressed

-soft drinks and chips (crisps and fries included)
Phobia : 
the dark, being alone (being by herself for more than a few days)
Hobbies : 
(when i say imitate I mean she full on copies their actions, body language, voice, tone of voice, habits etc. Put a wig on her and it's like she is the person)
-imitating boy group dance moves (like U KISS SHINee etc, like how key from SHINee can do the girl group dances)
-imitates certain boys voices that sing/rap.
-eating mochi
-eating other peoples food
-falling asleep at random times
-eating mochi seductively without meaning to
-carrying mochi everywhere to snack on
-giving people ideas that she’s flirting/likes them (but really is just really nice/shy around everyone)
Enjoys weather just before a storm or before it rains
Prefers sunset rather than sunrise
Hasn't eaten chips (in the packet or fries) in a few years as he sees them as fatty
Fav food is anything Japanese, but absolutely hates all nuts and prawns lobster shrimp crap and octopus (shellfish basically, but likes normal fish)
extremely smart in both finance and academic things as well as psychology and logical/practical thinking.

Relationship Information (Page 3/5)

1. Jinyoung B1A4
2. Sandeul B1A4
3. Baro B1A4
(can I just say, if they're all taken Joon is beyond fine ^_^)
um Jinyoung? or any of the above 
none yet?
Family Member 
it's in background, no idols
Bestfriends : 
sandeul form B1A4 and baro and jinyoung?
Lee Joon MBLAQ (he is like her total best friend. he's always with her and will always protect her, she's the most important thing to her. He often makes her sit on his lap and cuddles her, he nuzzles into her neck.
SNSD Sunny
Hm Joon and her. Joon always claims they're going out as he says it'll reveal who really likes her and who doesn't. Jooru (Joon and Uru). He's always with her and she loves him as a friend, he likes her a a friend but people often mistake them. They go along with it but after meeting B1A4 it changes.
He practices english with her and people think they're being all lovey dovey. Jinyoung (or baro or sandeul don't mind) revealed that he thought it was a little disgusting but he was jealous.
Anything else you want I love scandals ^_^

Entertainment Information (Page 4/5)

Stage name 
Adel (but Joon and her crush call her Adelaide or Uru)
More popular with 
Stage Name
Fan Club
Fan club name 
The Seducers
Fan club image link
Why do you choose that as your fan club name? 
because she's y and she thinks her fans should be too ^_~
Lead Dancer 2
- Umma
- Popular of boys
- Fashion Icon
Side Jobs 
- MC
- Actress

OTHER (Page 5/5)

Any Suggestion about Fossil Fandom name? 
Well, You accepted as our 3rd member... You're the 3rd Lead Dancer... Is it allright?
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koreankendi #1
Sent the new form. :)
Oh, I just finish filling up the other form you made..^^<br />
Sorry for my mistakes..hehehe
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! u chose me? me me me? i'm jumping wid joy her :)
koreankendi #4
yey! :) Thanks so much!<br />
BTW, here's the logo of my fanclub:<br /><br />
<br />
Sorry for the previous link, it wasn't working.
I've applied as Jang Hyo Young ^_^
koreankendi #6
Imma apply too! Please wait for me. Haha.
@girlx1399 @owdsxz : Accepted! But can you change the ulzzangs? because both of them "Jung Roo and seul Mi" has been taken...<br />
About the position... Is it allright?
@B1A4_kiss me @Sungmin_pumkin96 : Accepted!
applied as Park Hana. ^_^