Chapter 26

Spring and Fall

The evening breeze blew on your face and hair. You were walking home from school with Changjo, and he was ranting about the teachers giving him a lot of homework. Since he’s in the first class, the teachers categorized the class as ‘aces’, and they have to always ace in exams. Since summer holidays are around the corner, the homeworks are doubled. There is also a two-days exams for every seniors on the last week and whoever fails will have to take classes during the holidays.

Since the day Changjo made up to you for your birthday, the both of you had been so close. The two of you would watch movies together, eat out occasionally, and you even cooked for dinner and sometimes lunch. Changjo had also began to show his aegyo side, which he rarely show to people. But there’s one thing that’s been bothering  you.

“Yahh ____, were you even listening?” Changjo’s voice brought you back to reality. “Ah, what was it? Sorry, I’ve been thinking of something..” you gave him an apologetic smile. “Eh? What were you thinking of?” he asked. “Ah, you feel anything these days when you come to school?” you asked as the both of you entered the house gate. “Hmm…” Changjo thought for a while, “Aniyo… I don’t think there’s anything..Wae?” he asked back as he opened the house door with a key.

“Well I actually felt uncomfortable. Some students, mostly girls, are giving me looks. It’s really irritating. I think they already knew about us” you sighed. The both of you were now going up the stairs. “____-ah, let them know about us. I don’t care~” Changjo playfully said. You hit his shoulder and he let out a cry.

“Are you really fine with it? I could bring you down in one second if they know. Besides, a perfect guy like you dating a normal girl who barely has good grades in class… I don’t think anyone would like it” you pouted. You were now facing him as the both of you were right in front of each other’s own rooms.

“Aishh you think too much jagiyaa” he said as he ruffled your hair. You pushed his hand away and adjusted your hair. “Yahh! How many times did I tell you not to do that!!” you scowled. Changjo giggled and opened the door to his room. “Wanna come in?” he raised his eyebrows playfully. You mehrong-ed Changjo and went in your room and closed the door quickly. Changjo laughed and shouted before entering his room “Don’t forget dinner!!” and you smiled like an idiot.


The meeting room was silent, with only the sounds of the wall clock ticking. It’s already noon, but you were still in the meeting room, writing on your papers, again. The only persons left in the meeting room were you and the head committee, Chanyong. While you were writing quickly, he was calmly writing on his notebook.

You were assigned to write an article for the school’s magazine, regarding the English committee and its wonderful activities. You were actually fine with it, but you were kinda distracted. You kept remembering how the girls in the school were staring at you. They were actually glaring, not looking. Your thoughts were mixed, and it took you awhile to finish the article.

Chanyong closed his notebook and looked at his watch. It’s getting late. He stood up and sat beside you, peeking at the article you were writing. “____-ah, you don’t have to write it perfectly. It’s okay like that. Your English is perfect” he said with a smile. You have no time to look at him and thank his compliment. “And... why do I see the word ‘fangirls’ there?” he said as he rested his chin on his palm.

You stopped writing and gasped. You looked at him and let out a sigh. “I’m sorry Chanyong. My mind is distracted.. Why don’t you take it from here” you said as you push the papers to him. He looked at the papers and stared at you. “Is this about Changjo?” he smirked. “W-what? Why did you suddenly mention his name?” you furrowed your eyebrows and Chanyong laughed.

“Oi, you forgot? Although I’m repeating class this year, I’m in the same class as him. And of course, we’re close. I always see you walking home with him too” he said as he stood up, grabbing the papers. You clicked your tongue. “Well of course, that’s why you’re the head committee of the English club, to take extra credits for you grades right? And about us walking home... please don’t tell anyone” you stood up and grabbed your bag.

“What? Don’t tell anyone? It’s getting obvious, ____. A lot of people are talking about you two these days...” Chanyong walked to the door and you followed behind him, turning off the switches. “Eh?! Jinjja?” your eyes widen. “Why are you so shocked?” he asked as he locked the door of the room. You scowled and your face showed how worried you were.

“Don’t worry, if anything happens, Changjo would come to the rescue right? Now go home. Changjo left earlier today. Sorry I couldn’t accompany you home, my girlfriend’s waiting. Bye!” Chanyong walked away after finishing his sentences. You waved him off and turn around to go down the other stairs of the hallway. As you walked out of the back gate, you skipped your way home. You didn’t know why you were in a good mood. You were almost reaching your house when suddenly you were pulled to a corner. You gasped and your eyes widen seeing the person in front of you. “Eh.. you are...?” you looked at the familiar girl.

“I’m Sherry, Luna’s friend” she said, smiling. You remembered Luna, one of Changjo’s many fangirls, and the only one who confronted you before. Of course, Sherry was the girl who walked away and wasn’t interested in doing anything to you. “Oh, hello..” you slightly bowed.

“Sorry if you’re surprised. I didn’t mean to kidnap you or anything” Sherry said innocently. “Well, I’m actually saving you. Look there” Sherry pointed to your house gate. You peeked from the corner and you gasped yet again. You saw Luna and her friends waiting in front of the gate. Changjo was probably taking a nap, so he didn’t notice these girls.

“What do they want?” you turned to face Sherry. “Actually they either want to ask Changjo about you, or catch you going into Changjo’s house. Too bad they’re too scared to even ring the doorbell” Sherry chuckled. You folded your arms, thinking. “So.. how am I supposed to go home?” you asked for an idea.

Sherry smirked. “I can help you, but you have to help me too” she said. “Eh? Sure. Just tell me what is it” you looked at her. “Well.. I-I wanted you to... uhm,” Sherry actually blushed, “can you help me get close to Ricky?”. You were actually surprised, and you giggled. Sherry was actually crushing on Ricky. How cute!

“Sure~ I’ll arrange something for you guys to meet in school” you smiled from ear to ear. Sherry was still blushing, but she nodded in agreement. “R-right. Please don’t tell this to anyone. I’m going to get them off here. But you should really be honest to people and tell them that you guys are dating and staying together and such. You would get less hate, I guess” Sherry said, as if she knew everything.

“Sherry-shi... How come you know these stuffs? Are you a secret agent?” you joked. Sherry didn’t want to look at you. “I actually wanted to be your friend, so I followed you for a few days... And I made my own conclusion.. I won’t tell anyone”. “Well, okay. I trust you. You can always be my friend, even from now” you smiled sincerely, and Sherry finally looked at you.

After a few talks, Sherry finally went out of the corner and went to her friends. You couldn’t hear what she was saying, but what she said made the whole gang of girls walked away, disappointed. When they were out of sight, you quickly ran into your house and went upstairs, invading Changjo’s room. As always, he doesn’t lock his door.

You saw Changjo was doing his homework diligently on the study table, but he quickly look at you when you entered his room. He was really surprised. “Eh? Is there anything wrong?” he asked, putting down his pen. “No, nothing. Don’t you realize that there’s some girls in front of the gate?” you asked as you sat down on his bed.

“Yeah, those fangirls. I don’t know how they find this house, but I’m not opening the gate” Changjo took back his pen and continued on his work. “Aww, why not~” you asked. Changjo was still doing his work. “Why would I open my gate for some fangirls when I already have a personal fangirl” and that made you blush.

“A-anyway, I’m actually really worried. What if one day they decided to hurt us or something” you stood up and went to stand beside Changjo. Changjo stared up at you and sighed. “Okay jagii, let’s make our relationship public, nae? I’m sure they won’t bother us that much anymore” he said with a smile. You nodded in agreement. Deep inside your heart, yyou prayed that everything will go well for the both of you.

That night, you got a text from Sherry. The both of you had exchanged numbers earlier. "____, sorry if I'm bothering. Luna and her gang of fangirls agreed that if you do well in the two-days exam and get at least third place, they'll let you off and they'll get over Changjo. But if you don't, they'll ban you from their life forever. I'm sorry, but that was their decision..." you gulped after reading the text. The top three in school are Changjo, Chanyong and Hyunnie. And they expect you to beat Hyunnie? You were about to cry at that time. "Ottokaji..." you kept rolling on your bed, thinking of how to deal with this thing. 

To be continued...


Hello guys! It's been a while haha. Sorry for the late update again. Now that I think about it, I didn't expect that this fanfic would be this long. I mean, 26 chapters. Whoah haha I should give myself a pat in the back xD Sorry if this story is getting boring. It's ending soon, so don't worry haha.

Thanks for those who's still putting up with this fanfic. Thank you for always supporting me sobs thanks for the comments, subscribes and reads/views. See ya guys in the next chapter, bye~ 

p.s: if you're wondering who's Chanyong, he's a member of 100% and my bias hehe. 

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It's Spring and Fall 1st anniversary! Wow, time really flies haha. Working on ideas for the sequel, so don't worry! Maybe in a few months? Who knows~


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Chapter 41: Finally I have finished the story. Beat Changjo famdic ever. And most meaningful of love story...^^
Potahyun #2
Best changjo fic ever <3
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 41: I've read this before, it never fails to capture me ^^

Great story authornim :D :D
jessi828 #4
Chapter 42: so much fun....kekeke
Chapter 41: Heyheyhey awww so sweet . Really the handsome maknae changjo ?? Haha . You did great :D
Stars2Heaven #6
Chapter 42: Hey, I really loved this! I read it all in one night! ^^
Chapter 21: I love their relationship!!! Kya~~~~~
Haruchanie #8
Chapter 41: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (^.^)v
Chapter 41: This is so daebak author-nim!! I really love changjo in here omg ;_;