
U-Kiss Drabbles

{i'm crossing every median} | eli/kevin



On November 11th, Eli wakes up just like he always does, stumbling into his shower half-asleep. He gets dressed and quickly heads to his kitchen to make himself something to eat. He is halfway through making some eggs when he sees something out of the corner of his eye. There, sitting innocently on his counter, is a box of pepero. Eli glances suspiciously around his apartment, immediately paranoid that someone broke in. He inspects every inch of his apartment, finds no one, burns his eggs and the van arrived before he could make something else.

Needless to say, it wasn’t a good morning for Eli.

First, the boys arrive at the company, dropping their bags off in the practice room before heading to a short meeting. Eli is bored out of his skull and only understands about half of what is being said, so his mind wanders elsewhere. He didn’t remember buying any pepero, so someone must have put it in his house. The other members all have a key to his place, but rarely do they just barge in without knocking. How would they have gotten to his place, then back home to be picked up, so quickly?

Eli zones out for the entire meeting and is only aware of the world around him when  Soohyun smacks him on the head, telling him to wake up and come to the practice room already.

They walk in a small group to the room, Kevin sidling up to Eli and linking their hands. Eli glances at him and momentarily forgets his current dilemma in favor of wrapping Kevin in a hug, leaning against the wall and pulling the boy to his chest. Kevin giggles and the couple share a kiss, ignoring the other members yelling and cat-calling and making throwing up noises. They eventually separate and head to the dance studio to practice. Eli goes to his bag for a moment to put his cellphone away, and inside he finds another box of pepero.

Now Eli is worried.

He spends the rest of the day on edge, finding more boxes, or sometimes individual packets, of pepero in various places. Nobody else seems to be receiving them, or noticing that he is, and Eli is almost certain now that he has a stalker. A stalker with the ability to get into every building that he is in.

When it comes time to take everyone home, Kevin sits next to Eli in the van and smiles sweetly at him. Eli ignores him, growing more and more paranoid of having to go back to his apartment. Kevin frowns and asks Eli, “Are you okay?”

Eli simply nods, not wanting to draw attention to himself. If he’s going  to die, the least he could do is spare the others.

“Did you,” Kevin starts, trying to keep an innocent tone. “Did you receive any gifts today?”

Eli’s head snaps to Kevin, blurting out, “How did you know?!”

Kevin is surprised by the dramatic reaction and explains, speaking slowly in his confusion, “I… put them there? It’s Pepero Day… You know, November 11th?”

Eli is silent for a moment before bursting out in relieved laughter, sounding almost maniacal. He leans on Kevin and laughs for what seems like hours until finally he stops, clutching his stomach to wheeze out, “I thought… I had… a stalker.”

Kevin pushes Eli off of him and hits his chest, saying, “You’re so stupid!”

Eli starts to rummage in his bag, “Well since they’re not poisoned,” he pulls out a box of pepero, “How about a pepero kiss?”

Kevin pouts at him, offended that the boy didn’t realize it was him and ended up ruining his cute surprise. Eli taps him on the nose and says, in a silly voice, “Turn that frown upside down, Kevin!”

Kevin just glares at him this time but Eli is undeterred, choosing instead to kiss the other boy’s frown away. Unsurprisingly, it works and they end up with the members once again yelling and throwing things at them.

That night, Kevin goes to Eli’s apartment instead of his own. Eli takes out a box of pepero and plans to eat every single one kiss-style with Kevin. His plan eventually fails, and he ends up with crumbs and melted chocolate on his sheets, but he couldn’t complain.

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Am I too late to find out about your story? Wish I'm not... .w. I like your writing style - it's kinda chilled and gets me enjoy reading all drabbles of yours. Thank you so much for writing :3 I like them all XD
I like your way of writing and it's a great thing that your foreword tells what pairings are in the story^^

Could you please write a DongHoon drabble??? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 21: OMG my ELVIN!!!!
You're writing is so Beautiful ~
I love every drabble♡
Chapter 20: your writing...
can I have 2seops next?
please please?
pretty please? ^^,
Chapter 18: more please more!!!!
I beg you :P
author-shii!!! these are amazing <3