Someone in Trouble



just little story when SNSD and CNBLUE make a come back in Same Time





SNSD comeback first when CNBLUE following later.

Their fans just saying it’s just a coincidental,

but there is no coincidental that happens too often, right?





“oppa, let’s make a bet” she suddenly suggest this idea to yonghwa, they all goofing around in waiting room, and yonghwa always  make fun with her.

“ye?.. what bet?”

“if SNSD win again this week you have to grant me a wish”

“if CNBLUE win?”

“I will grant you wish


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Chapter 3: just read this story, love the light young love feel to it ... tq
pipopanda #2
Chapter 3: Oh...... O_o
Chapter 3: Yeay, done reading! Fun as always..... thanks authior nim
Chapter 3: Yeay, done reading! Fun as always..... thanks authior nim
Chapter 3: eh? it's already ended? ><
I just hope there's no another ship that will be sailing *you know what I mean* hahaha... but I smell something fishy.. LOL~ he ever said that his ideal type is ueno juri then kim yuna now.. but when it comes to seohyun, he never said her name just gave us the details of seohyun's characteristic.. kkk~
so sad that snsd's igab promotion already ended.. no more YS's moments in MuBank ><
btw thank u for this story rika.... fighting for the others stories ^^
Chapter 3: Love it so daebak
Chapter 3: bwahahaha this kim yuna issue come up again... and yong trully in trouble!
btw, yong mention kim yuna again today in boom's youngstreet... aigoo... double trouble for him then...
ahaha... so that tap is because of hyun anger? kkkk.... she must hit him harder! he deserve that!
anw, thanks unnie! glad you finish this although as you said, you write this in a rush.... ^^
Chapter 2: mwhahahahahahaha..... payback time yonghwa eh? lol.. good way to make your revenge.. XDD
jungshin~ah you're so jjang... you really know your hyung so well huh? and there's clueless minhyuk again... kkk~
but finally... both can enjoy the punishment... even the readers here... hahaha
Chapter 2: omo... omo...
ahahah.. its very enjoyable punishments ...
Chapter 2: Ah...I think Hyun in Trouble now.

Deabak please update soon thank you ^3^