#1 - J.E.A.L.O.U.S.

The drabbles where you're the heroine {KAT-TUN Scenario}




“Where are you going” he asks, finding you sorting your stuff in your bag, ready to go out.


For the tenth time in the week, you tell him about this ex-boyfriend who’s in Tokyo these days. He mumbles something about going on a date with this guy without asking him, and you sigh.


“It’s NOT a date! Just few hours with him and some friends of ours.”


Kame crosses his arms.


“We’re talking about your ex… your sooooo amazing ex!”


You can’t help but laugh.


“Are you jealous? (you smile) Aaaaw~ Kame-chan is so cute when he’s jealous~”


He pouts.


“I’m not.”


You poke gently his cheek and stole him a kiss.






“I don’t care. At all.” he says.


Then he frowns.


The truth is he DOES care. Pretty opposed and irritated. Everything in him yells this.


You know him more than you show, more than he knows himself. But you never thought his jealousy could be so obvious and strong, even with his best friends! And seeing Jin becoming angry against Ryo ‘cause he was too close to you, had no price.


With a smile, you watch him driving, tight jaw, taking you both through the city.


“Of course, you don’t…”


You know the truth.






“Open it~” he asks you, with a weird smile.


You look at the dark blue bow he just gave you.


Since few days, his behavior was quite strange; you feared having done something wrong. He seems so serious at this moment.


“Open it… please!” he insists.


You obey, and find a necklace, all silver, a little cat as pendant. The same you wear every day, and also today.


“You love it so much, I know… but I prefer when it’s me who offer it.”


He finishes with a shy and self-conscious smile, and you feel really bad not thinking about his feelings when he looks at the necklace your ex-boyfriend gave you years ago.


“Oh Junno-kun, I’m so sorry…”


Quickly you wear his present and leave the old one on the table.


“Thank you!”






You just came back to home, but meeting no one in the lounge or bed room. You find him, in the kitchen, sitting at the table with a worried face, jaw on his hand.


“Koki, are you okay?” you ask, afraid something bad had happened.


He doesn’t answer, keeping watching you without really knowing. You see something strange in the trash can; you open it and find a bouquet… some of your favorite flowers.


“He did it again” Koki says, sharp.


You sigh, and turn at him.


“It gets me on nerves, when I find something important I don’t know about you.”


He shows you a card from the bouquet. You want to take it, but he catches your wrist, with a strong firm.


“I hate it. I hate him.”


You try a smile.


“There are so many things about me, you discover by your own… and so few details he knows because I told him. Flowers are nothing.”


He releases your wrist, you cross your fingers behind his neck.


“But about chocolate…” You begin.


“I know, I know… it’s LIFE! All black, with orange.”


He smiles too before kissing you.






To finish this perfect birthday he organized for you, you both ended in a famous, classy club you love.


But the situation goes down when a guy starts to annoy you. Ueda isn’t with you, busy to find a good table; he can’t see the difficulties you have to leave this guy.


“Come on pretty girl, you can at least talk to me!”


You try to put distance between you and him, but he keeps stuck on you like glue.


“Don’t be so wild, I just want to talk with you.”

“She doesn’t seem to want it~ you should leave her now…” Ueda’s voice warns, behind you.


You sigh in relief and stay closer to him. But the guy is too drunk or stupid to understand.


“Man, who are you to tell me what to do?!”


He tries to grab your arm, but Ueda is too quick for him and pushes the man who falls on the floor.


“Who am I? I’m her boyfriend, the only man who can talk with her~”






You leave the bathroom for the kitchen, finding Maru with Koki who both prepare the breakfast. You wish a good morning to Maru, then go straight in Koki’s arms who gently and warmly kisses you.


Maru turns back, stiff, and keeps doing the coffee. You notice his strange mood.


“Are you alright?” you ask worried; he nods with a smile.

“Nothing bad, don’t worry. I’m not really awake, that’s all”, he says, squeezing his eyes to make it realist.


You sight in relief, and give him a strong hug.


“I don’t want my Koala-chan to be sick or something!”


He smiles again and hugs you back. Then you join them, preparing the dish table before the others come. Koki enwraps your waist from the back, and nuzzles you neck. You burst in laugh.


He’s his best friend. For real. But at that moment, Maru just hates him more than anyone on Earth. He doesn’t care to be seen, and can’t help but had a sorrowful and dark glance for his best friend.


Before he could recompose a gentle face, Koki saw him.

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SilentDreamer #1
This is great idea. Would love to see more of these drabbles and scenarios. So far these were really interesting.
1fallen_angel7 #2
Chapter 2: Well....wow. So, in this chapter, they were all crazy and evil? Weirdly, it's interesting. But I still prefer the first chapter(:
Danielle1 #3
Chapter 1: Write more please! I wanna enjoy myself with Kame more :D Please,the story is great about every KAT-TUN members...Kame's story is cute and wanna see and read more about it! Update :)
1fallen_angel7 #4
Chapter 1: Uwaah! <3 I love it! Please, please, please, please update! If you decided to stop it, continue it again please! Onegai! I love imagining myself in these situations(x It's a great idea!