New life

Being My Bias


Arleen’s POV

Once we finished breakfast I found myself standing in front of Daehyun’s closet trying to choose something to wear , hmmm .. what would Daehyun wear ? I should choose something simple since we’re going to practice , I ended up choosing a white t-shirt with some writings on it with black pants and red sneakers .

I stood in front of the mirror combing Daehyun’s blonde hair and staring at his handsome face .. oh my he’s so handsome! It’s kinda weird to say that while I’m stuck in his body! When I smile Daehyun’s charming smile appears on my face .. how I always loved that smile !

But .. wait just a sec !! I can’t sing! What if someone asks me to sing and I completely fail ?! since we’re going to practice I will sure have to practice my singing! Oh my god ! >< what if I ruin Daehyun’s vocals!?

In minutes , I was sitting in the car of B.A.P’s manager between Himchan and Youngjae while Jongup was sitting in the front with the manager and Yongguk and Zelo were in the back .

Himchan , Youngjae and Yongguk were the ones who talk the most.

Himchan : Daehyun ah~

I turned to him , omg he’s so handsome my heart’s melting !!!!

Himchan : Daehyun ah !

I snapped out of it and said : huh !? what ?

Himchan : something isn’t right today! You’re not talking a lot as usual!

Me : I’m still a little sleepy!

Himchan : I’m sure you won’t be sleepy anymore once we start practicing!

Me : yeah ~ tell me again what’s going to be your solo performance ?

( I tried to talk more like Daehyun , plus .. I need to know more about this concert ! )

Himchan : I’m going to perform Gangnam Style.

Me : oh that’s cool !

Himchan : cool ? the last time I said that you told me it was too ordinary!

Me : ummm .. I did ?! O.O then forget it !

He giggles .

He’s so cuuuuuuute I’m gonna dieee!!  NO! I have to keep calm! I’m Daehyun now! Not Arleen !!

We finally arrived to TS entertainment , I always wished to go to this place in order to see B.A.P !

In a few minutes we were in the training room with two dance trainers , first we had to train for the dances of our songs like No Mercy and the others , for a fan .. it’s not a hard to memorize their dances! But “Warrior” almost killed me! >< specially that part when we have to drop ourselves on the ground! I bombed my face twice!

Oh well at least Jongup was helping me! “ no hyung , your hand should be in this position !” and then he touches my hand I end up blushing like crazy!! “ your back should be straight! “ “you move your feet like this .. and this!” afterwards , everyone started practicing for their solo performances , someone tabbed my shoulder , it’s Youngjae who said : hyung , let’s go practice !

Me : oh , okay.

He took me to another practice room which was completely empty so we can practice our vocals better .

Youngjae : alright , I’m going to sing “ Crying “ by Hyo Young Saeng ,  I’ll try singing a part of it and you tell me what you think!

Me : alright .

I took a seat and I sat down ready to listen to him , he cleared his throat and then he started to sing “ oh baby listen to me ….. “

Oh my god ~ a voice of an angel with a lot of emotion !

Once he finished he looked at me smiling and said : so ? how was I ?

I couldn’t help but smile as I said : it was .. amazing !!

Youngjae narrowed his eyes as he said : is there any point that I need to improve ?

I decided to say something , I know Daehyun would point something!

Me : hmm .. you need to .. raise your voice a little! … in some parts your voice wasn’t high enough .. it effected the … the … balance! .. of the song !

Youngjae with a “WTF” expression on his face : I don’t get it! But it’s okay! Now your turn!

My eyes widened : my turn to what ?! O__O

Youngjae : sing ! come on get up! Now I’m going to sit down and listen to you !

I slowly got up from the chair and my heart was beating as fast as a school bell , Youngjae sat down saying : come on! Amaze me!

I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you baby! TT____TT

Alright , Daehyun’s voice is beautiful anyway , let’s hope I give it a good use! I took a deep breath .. and I started singing a few parts of the song I chose , well I didn’t do as bad as I thought I will! Daehyun’s voice is still great!

Once I finished Youngjae was looking at me with a poker face on.

Me : umm .. so ?

Youngjae : looks like you didn’t practice enough!

Me : uh .. I only chose this song last night and I didn’t have enough time to practice!

Youngjae judged : some parts are good and some parts are bad , you have to practice on the vibrations of the voice , you’ve always been good at these , all you need is some practice!

Me : uh you know I’m not really feeling well today!

Youngjae stood up and patted my shoulder saying : that’s alright man! That’s why we should practice! Now tell me , in which parts was my voice “not good” ?

So I told him which parts and he started to practice , he didn’t perfect it yet but he improved so he also started to help me fix the parts that I screwed up in , which took one hour and a half that I got VERY bored but I couldn’t do anything but follow along with Youngjae! -_-


Daehyun’s POV


 I went to class with Kyung Shell , we still had time before the bell rings so we started to chat a little .

Kyung Shell : so how’s your day ?

Me : fine .

Kyung Shell : shall we go to the mall tomorrow ? we don’t have to go to work tomorrow and we’re getting our salaries tonight ! how’s that ?

Me : alright .

Kyung shell : really ?! this is the first time EVER you go shopping with me !! it’s going to be super fun !!

Me : but in one condition ! come pick me up! ( I don’t know the routes in China! )

 Kyung shell : sure no problem! We’re gonna have a lot of fun!

Kyung Shell looked so excited! Looks like Arleen barely ever goes shopping , her grandma told me they don’t have enough money for fun, she’s an old lady and she cannot work and Arleen is a young girl and she can do simple jobs only .

A guy came into class , he was so tall ( which reminded me of Zelo ) , he had black hair , could it be Byung Ho ?

Kyung Shell called : Byung Hoooo~ !

The guy turned to her , it WAS Byung Ho , he headed towards us and sat behind my seat saying : Gooooood morning ladies!! Whatsup ?

Kyung Shell : you won’t believe this ! a miracle happened!

Byung Ho’s eyes grown bigger as he said with a funny tone : what happened ?


Byung Ho : no~!!

Kyung Shell : yes !!

Byung Ho touched my forehead saying : Arleen are you sick ?!

Me : no I’m not ! I mean .. a girl should make some time for fun , right?

Kyung Shell : how I always used to tell you that ! you’re finally convinced?

Me : yeah .. I am!

Byung Ho : so you girls are going to work today again ?

Kyung Shell : no escape from work! -___-

Byung Ho : you know Kyung Shell ? there’s another miracle happening!

Kyung Shell : tell me!

Byung Ho : since we arrived .. Arleen .. didn’t mention B.A.P !!!

DAMN IT !! O_O Grandma told me to never stop talking about them!!

Me : it’s .. because I was .. thinking! Of them !

Byung Ho joked as he made his eyebrows jump : let me guess .. thinking of getting married to the handsome Daehyunnie~ ?!!


Kyung Shell cracked up laughing as I said : Hey!! Don’t say that about …. My … Daehyun !!!

Kyung Shell laughed even harder , Byung Ho : your Daehyun ?!

Me : y .. yes ! my Daehyun !!

In my entire life I never thought I’d say THAT about myself!

I made a pouty face as I turned my back to him pretending to be mad in a funny way.

Byung Ho : hey~ Arleen are you mad ?

Me : yes I’m mad!

Byung Ho : okay , okay I’m sorry , and to proof to you how sorry I am .. I’m going to prepare the wedding by myself !!


Me : BYUNG HO !!!

Byung Ho and Kyung Shell cracked up laughing .. and I couldn’t help but laugh along !!


Arleen’s POV


Youngjae and I finished practicing ( FINALLY!!) and we went back to the practice room were everybody was but they weren’t there!

Me : oh? Where’s everyone ?

Youngjae : probably in the cafeteria , lets go .

Him and I headed to the cafeteria where we found all of them sitting around a table talking .

Youngjae and I sat down and Yongguk asked : hey , how was the practice?

Youngjae : we still need more training , we’ve got enough time till the concert , no?

Himchan : yes , if we practice well we’re going to make an amazing concert like the showcase we had in Malaysia ..

Me : and China !

Yongguk : yeah , it was an awesome showcase in China.

Zelo : I’d like to go there again.

Me : me more!

I’d REALLY like to go to China now to see Daehyun who’s stuck in my body! Who knows maybe we’ll find a way to get our bodies back ?

Yongguk : be patient guys , we’ll go to China few days after our concert.

After the concert ?! that means I’ll have to wait for more than two weeks!! No I’ll screw up in the concert !! >< I have to do something!

Me : but we have plenty of time before the concert!

Yongguk : and we have to spend it all practicing!

I gave up to the reality , Yongguk is right!

Later on we headed back to the dorm since we had nothing else to do , I got changed and went to the living room where Zelo was watching TV with his long legs on the table .

Me : Zeloooo my pal! How’s it going ?

Zelo smiled saying : I’m good , I’m good !

I sat next to him saying : what are you doing ?

Zelo : nothing! Just watching TV .

A voice of a ringing cell phone cut us off ..

Zelo : hyung , it’s your phone!

Me : oh ! my phone!

I found the phone on a small table near the bedroom , it must be Daehyun’s cell phone , I looked at the caller’s name .. “ mom “ ! DAMN IT! O_O it’s his mother !!!

I answered the phone saying : hello ?

A woman’s voice on the phone said : Hey Daehyunnie , how are you doing son ? I miss you so badly!

Me : uh I’m fine .. mom .

I never called anyone mom in my life so it kind of hurt to say it and my eyes went teary ..

Daehyun’s mom : I miss you so much dear , when will you come to visit me ?

Me : when the schedule is .. empty enough.

Daehyun’s mom : you always say that honey .. wait a second! How about .. if I visit you ?

Me : uh .. really ? and when’s that ?

Daehyun’s mom : tomorrow in your dorm!

Me : but .. you see we have to spend the next two weeks practicing for our next concert and ……..

His mom : then I’ll go to TS !

Me : the dorm will be better!

His mom : alright honey , I’ll see you tomorrow then! Bye for now! Love you sweetheart!

Me : I love you too , bye.

She hung up , I put the phone back on that table and I went back to the living room .

Zelo : who was it ?

Me : my mom.. ( it felt weird to say it since I never did )

Zelo : how’s she ?

Me : she’s fine .. she’s coming to visit us tomorrow evening .

Zelo : oh , that’s great.

Am I going to act weird when Daehyun’s mom comes ? I hope I don’t do anything stupid that will make her angry or sad ..  how am I going to do in the concert ? what is Daehyun doing now ?

Millions of questions and no answers !

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