Seaweed Soup

City of Lies


Update: After speaking with my friend she recommended that I change the tense of this part so that's been updated. I like it better this way, I think it makes more sense. I hope you guys like it better too!

Of everything I witness in the city, I love the night life of Seoul the most. The buildings seem to burst into these bright entities; light spill from every corner of the city, pools of it gather at every corner. Seoul is especially exciting to wander around the alone. Oh the things you could discover, the hidden treasures you could find, tucked away inside an old noodle shop or a worn down boutique. I mostly tried to hit the city at night. This is sometimes difficult considering the fact that I have class in the mornings and that my host parents don’t really like me being out too late. Nevertheless, I try to visit nighttime Seoul at least once a week.

A feel a gentle vibration buzz in my pocket and the familiar chimes of my ringtone call out to me. I pull out my phone from my pocket, frowning when I see the number on screen, “Oppa?”

“Ya, Elizabeth, where are you? Umma is beginning to worry,” the stern voice of my host-brother, asks.

I furrow my eyebrows, why did he always have to be on my case? It’s not like I was doing anything wrong! I’ve been out for twenty minutes for god’s sake, not the whole night. Besides, my cup of seaweed soup isn’t even ready, how am I supposed to leave the street vendor? I paid good money for that soup. “Sheesh, oppa, calm down,” I reply, taking a long pause before continuing, “I’m getting some soup, I’ll be back when I get my order.”

I hear a loud sigh, well it’s more of just white noise, but I know well enough what that entails. “Soup, eh? As if we don’t feed you enough, you should be a little more grateful.”

“No, no, it’s not that!” I correct quickly. Even if he does get on my nerves sometimes, I have to be sure not to upset him too much. He is my host brother after all; he could get me kicked out in a heartbeat, and then where would I be? “It-It’s just unnie really likes seaweed soup, I was picking up some for her.”

“Oh yeah?” I can almost hear him smirking, “I’ll just check— ” I feel my heartbeat race up, there’s no way she will rat me out, right? I can slightly pick up the conversation in the background, but it isn’t enough for me to decode. Oh shii— “Hmm, she says you’re right, but don’t get your hopes up, I’ll get you one of these days. Just hurry up and get home, okay?” The phone clicks off before I can comply. I sigh into the phone, and shove it back into my pocket.

“One seaweed soup cup!” the vendor calls out.

I shoot up from my seat, “Oh that would be me!” I reach out for my cup, fingers brushing up against the warm Styrofoam when someone jerks it away from me.

“Thanks,” a deep voice mumbles; which at first I thought was a sarcastic remark, but then realize was just the man’s way of thanking the vendor.

Or at least realized after I call back, “Ya! Where do you think you’re going with that?”

The tall man swerves around, turning slowly on his heels. “Hm, me?” he asks, a bit more threateningly than I would’ve expected.

I consider backing out, but then remember my oppa and how I had to get home fast soup in hand. “Yeah, my soup, I ordered that like ten minutes ago.”

The man glares back at me, as if he hasn’t comprehended what I’d just said. I open my mouth to repeat myself, when he steps closer to me, staring me down with his dark brown eyes. So dark they were almost black. “You must not be from around here, so I’ll let you in on a little tip. You never talk back to elders, ever.” His velvet voice sends ripples down my spine. I can’t tell if they are good or bad. “Understood?”

I guess I nodded though I wasn’t really sure of what had happened until I noticed the man leaving. I sigh, sulking in my defeat. I contemplate going back to the shop and getting some more soup, but guess it would be better to just head home. If I was any later I’d probably get kicked out. So I begin my trek back home, swearing under my breath at the giant, who might have been a little handsome, that took my soup.

“Hey, kid.”

I swerve my body around, and search for the source of the voice. The dark figure looms in front of me, one hand in its pocket, the other clenches a little Styrofoam cup-- oh my god, it’s the man! Jesus did he track me down or something? What did he want; I gave him back his food?!

“I-I don’t mean any trouble I’m so sorry!” I nearly shout, my loud foreigner voice carries further than it should. The man laughs a light, genuine laugh that doesn’t sound like it should come from a man like him. It scares me a bit.

“Uh, no, I came here to apologize, I was very rude before,” the man smiles, extending the cup in his hand towards me, “Here, this is yours?”

I take the cup, unsure of what to do with it. His sudden change in behavior is odd, and suddenly I have this growing ache inside me willing me to turn around and leave. I almost do, but the other more prominent urge in my heart forces me to stay.

“Sorry about before, forgive me?” He cooes, and puts his hands in prayer position while looking down at me with puppy-dog eyes. I smile, turning my head away before he can catch my blush. “You look pretty with the red,” he compliments, and brushes his cold fingers against my burning skin.

Maybe the man was intimidating, but he sure as hell was handsome. His chocolate brown dreamy eyes, his soft mint hair which swirls into a perfect point on his head, everything about him lures me in. I am overwhelmed by my sudden rush of desire, where did it come from? Oh but his beautiful voice, so smooth I can almost taste it. How badly I want to. I can even hear it, clear as day, in my head. Oh-oh no, it was him, he was humming.

It’s weird, the way the rhythm flows, there are too many high notes, too little break in between. The sound is too irregular, it’s almost surreal as if that sound shouldn’t sound inviting but does. I can’t take my eyes off of him, his dark eyes pierce through mine into my soul, they feel up my mind, caress my desire. There’s a hunger in them, but not of pleasure of something more, something much more dangerous. My heart begins pounding, heart rate speeds up. I can feel it down to my core, no the look in his eyes is of a hunter. He is the hunter and I am the prey.

Fear shoots through me, faster than a bullet. I have to get out of here, but I can’t. My legs feel like bricks cemented to the ground. I beg them to work, pulling at them with as much force as I can bear. The soup drops from my hands, the sound coming back to me as if it is a mile away. That’s when I realize: I can’t hear anything, not the city, not its people, not even my own heartbeat. I can’t hear anything, but that irregular beat, that high and low pitch. It fills every ounce of me, fills me to the brim. It’s so loud it’s unbearable, but I can’t do anything, I can’t even lift my arms to cover my ears.

The man glares at me, his bright hair shines in the glow of the street lights. He is so much closer to me now, so close I can feel his breath warm against my skin. Gently, as if he doesn’t want to damage me, he moves my head upwards, so that our eyes meet. “You were just such a little brat. I didn’t want to do this, mind you, but how could I give up an opportunity like this? You’re new, you’re innocent, and you’re so naïve. No one will miss you, you know. I wish I could say I was sorry, I really do,” he murmurs softly, his voice rings in my ears, “But a man’s got to eat.”

There is an unbearable white pain. It shoots through my body and will not leave. I struggle, push it aside as much as I can but it persists. The pain is so agonizing. I scream out but no sound escapes my lips. I feel him, he rips at my flesh, nips at my bones, the blood clean out of my veins. My body feels like it is splitting open. My whole body goes limp and everything is black. The last thing I see are those piercing black eyes, tearing into me.


Choi Seunghyun made his way down the dark street, liking his fingers clean. The scent of blood lingered in the air, and would remain there until the body was found six days later.



A/N: Whoo it's finally up, OwO;; (sigh of relief). This is my first story that I've ever uploaded ever so kind words and also some criticisms are appreciated! 


I bet you thought it was going to be all about some girl huh? Fooled you, haha! Anyways, yeah, hope you all like it! I promise to upload the next chapter soon (as this chapter had like none of the main characters in it). Please comment or whatever and thank U&U for reading!


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