My Valentine's

Chocolate War



Sungmin stared dreamily at his handmade chocolate balls that lying beautifully in oh-so-cute-box-that-full-of-love... Finally! After some struggle last night, he made it!

The time has come... the most important event in his life! The life of the lonely-shyly-extremely-cute-guy” will end... Today!

14 February, a Valentine’s Day!

Lee Sungmin... Like I say, he is the lonely-shyly-extremely-cute-guy... With his handmade chocolates, he will give to Jung Yunho, his forever crush... and befriend with him! at least he can have that... a friendship....

Oh my Yunho~ he is my Prince! He can sing! He is smart! He has a charisma! His smile! Oh god... I don’t need food to live, I just need his smile!

He said with his eyes sparkling brightly.... His Prince of Charisma though...


Okay, exaggerated... He then imagined the moment he gives the chocolate to Yunho...

 “For me? Thanks... I’m so happy... Would you like to be my valentine?”

He was running and squealing with excitement as he entered his college building, the wrapped box in his hand... Lucky for him, Yunho arrived a minute after with his flashing smile.... Then he heard a squeal from behind...

tch! Too many es nowadays...oh! Some jerks also here...”

Sungmin sneered mentally at some guys those es--- urm, girls that gathering in the hallway, waiting for his Yunho...

ah.. What can I do... My Yunho is so famous...of course he will get many chocolates...”

Yeah, everything about Yunho is perfect in his eyes... but later he doesn’t know, those bitc—I mean those girls were swarming to his direction, to Yunho to be exact....

“hey... s – stop pushing me!”

Oh, they won’t stop easily... They keep on pushing him behind...

“hey! Watch where you touch me!”

They won’t hear, they’re not paying any attention to him... Their target is Jung Yunho...

Sungmin was crushed within the large group of girls and he’s getting farther from his target, far away from his love, almost kiss the floor when someone caught him right on time...

“ah.. Sorry...”

He apologized, and when he lifted up his head to give his little cute smile, it turned to horrible-shock-face-ever...

Cho Kyuhyun? ! I bumped into the most seductive creature in this college! The playboy that can never be resisted by anyone! He’s first year student yet player of this year! He has dumped, played, toyed, and broken heart of many girls in this college! Some say he ruined guys too! In brief, he’s dangerous!”

He was busying described the detail about Kyuhyun in his mind, the one as he known as iest Creature... But his chocolate already missing from his hand... his eyes widened and blinked unbelievable when Kyuhyun shook the box slightly before his eyes...


Kyuhyun smirked and walked slowly away from him with a ton of es --- I mean with a ton of girls trailing behind his sweet-nice-plump-...

m-my chocolate!”

Sungmin rushed to playboy Kyuhyun and blocked his way... he bowed his head 90° downward...

“I made mistakes... Please return it to me...”

Sungmin gulped in nervous when he heard an-evil-dark-scary-chuckles... he straightened his body and meet with Kyuhyun scary eyes with a weird forcedly smile...

“heh... First time... People ask back for chocolate I have...”

Sungmin shuddered when he felt such a chill air revolving the atmosphere...

“you sure? Then, try to get it back... time limit till lunch... if you fail, I consider this as mine...”

Kyuhyun walked off from Sungmin along with his es, yeah es... While the lonely-shyly-extremely-cute-add-poor-guy still try to deduct Kyuhyun’s words in his mind...

get it back? Time limit till lunch? F-fail?”

Sungmin gasped in horror when those words totally give a blow to his mind... he utterly shocked...


This is the beginning of the war...

During the break between classes, Sungmin spying on Kyuhyun... he followed the iest Creature... They are heading to the library... Students barely come to the library though... Sungmin carefully followed him and he grinned happily when Kyuhyun placed his bag on the table, leaving it and disappear to somewhere which is Sungmin doesn’t care at all...

Taking a sign everything is clear as he see nobody in the Computer Science Section, he walked slowly to the table and snatched it as he squatted down in a flash, hiding next to the table... He started to rummage and tipped the content of the bag onto the floor...

“Not here... I thought he kept it here...”

 Sungmin exhaled weakly as he packing back Kyuhyun’s stuff... He gets to his feet but flinched drastically when Kyuhyun was sitting on the chair arrogantly and posing temptingly...

“Caught ya’!”

Kyuhyun smiled naughtily...

“iest Creature!!”

Sungmin covered his mouth, too bad because Kyuhyun already heard his nickname and kinda like it...

“Where is my chocolate?”

Kyuhyun smiled stunningly as he lifted up his shirt, exposing his upper body a bit and the box that half-stuck in his pants...

“you mean this one?”

Sungmin literally suffered from nose bleeding... Kyuhyun with his legs spread opened and the way he lifted his shirt up, showing his white skin and indeed, the box was placed in the most dangerous area is a breathtaking view of him...

look damn y!!”

“you want it? Take it...”

“you must be kidding!!!!”

Kyuhyun shrugged and waited for his next action... Sungmin took a deep breath and walked closer to his iest Creature... he seemed like he closes his eyes but they were crackly opened in tiny line... he was trembling as he held out his hand, looking away from Kyuhyun... he jolted when Kyuhyun held his hand... next, he felt a smooth warm surface on his palm...

When he opened his eyes to see... He wants to say something but he just gasped, he wants to pull his hand but he just numbed there...

I touched this iest Creature’s skin!!!”

“You like it?”

Kyuhyun .... he love when Sungmin was making a doubt face and confuse... But he somehow underestimates Sungmin’s willpower to have the chocolate back... Despites of be shaken by the iest creature in front of him, Sungmin, in a flash managed to snatch the chocolate...

“ahh... I got it...”

He slumped down on the floor... Sighed in relief...

“Nice try...”

Kyuhyun chuckled to see Sungmin giggled, thinking of his success but then, he detected something different with his chocolate... the box seemingly empty fake box... Kyuhyun grabbed his bag on the floor beside Sungmin and laughed softly...

“I love that face...”

He pecked Sungmin’s cheek with a satisfied smile on his face and left him behind... Sungmin was blushed, irritated....

And.... Having a crazy heart beating....

Sungmin was leaning his back against the wall... he was waiting near to Kyuhyun’s class... he can’t let that guy escape from his eyes... he want his chocolate back...

“Hey you... Stop pestering to our Kyunnie... you are pest!”

A group of girls surrounding him...

ah, Kyuhyunnie’s es... Yunho’s es are better, they are polite...”

Sungmin ignored them and makes a move, stepped away from them but one of those ed yanked his hand and pushed him harshly to the wall...

“we aren’t done yet...”

“alright.. so? What’s up?”

Sungmin acted cool... When necessary... he can’t be a chicken in front of these es...

“I want this to be the last time we see you here! Don’t come near to our Kyuhyunnie! Because of you he is neglecting us!”

She poked his chest Hard.. Sungmin hissed in sharp pain... he grasped her hand, giving all of them his death glare... when I say he is all shyly guy and lonely, only for his Yunho...

But why when he heard the words our Kyuhyunnie made his ears sore?

“your Kyuhyunnie? Did I hear wrong? Have Kyuhyun ever said you are all his es? And who is pestering who? Don’t blame on me, it was him... he lured me to him... I’m not like you, wasting my time chasing him...”

Oh, he’s being so arrogant right now... but everything has a price... and the price for his snarky remark is a slap.... the girl slapped him hard, leaving her hand print on his pretty face... he nudged his inner cheek, trying to ease the sting... Sungmin heaved a sigh and intend to leave them but they stopped him... he gritted his teeth annoyed...

“What happens here?”

Kyuhyun looked at those girls in suspicious... he knew Sungmin was waiting for him to get back his chocolate... and as soon as he stepped out from the class, he saw this suspicious situation...

“ah... nothing... we just try to be friend with him...”

She, the most annoying one from the earlier faked a laugh, followed by her friends... Sungmin rolled his eyes... Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows, giving them a disbelieving look... Kyuhyun averted his eyes to Sungmin, his eyes were suddenly intent... the red mark is so obvious...

“Who touch my toy?”

He glared at them, the girls furiously... but everyone just kept silent and fidgeted...

Oh... they damn scared to him...”

“We didn’t do anything! He started it first!”

“You are damn nuisance!”

Sungmin just be a witness to see how Kyuhyun threatened them with his overdose-scary-eyes...

Don’t stir with my toy, or else...”

The girls shocked to see Kyuhyun’s flaming gaze... They left the place with unsatisfied frowns on their face...

“um.. Thanks for your help...”

Sungmin was thanking him... a tint of red color gathered on his cheeks when Kyuhyun gave him a y glare... how can he refuse it? Kyuhyun caressed Sungmin’s face with the back of his hand, stopped at his chin as he held and titled Sungmin’s face up to look at him...

“I just don’t want they ruin my toy... you are so interesting... you still have time...”

Kyuhyun ended his teases with a light kiss on Sungmin’s red face... Leaving the blushing one dumbfounded...

Sungmin’s heart started to feel the wave and shaking...

He feels... Uneasy to see Kyuhyun left him...

Kyuhyun walked as nothing happens even though he alerts that Sungmin is stalking on him... he deliberately led Sungmin to the empty class... Sungmin innocently took the bait made by Kyuhyun... he was peeping inside... Kyuhyun was sitting next to the window, looked out of the window before he changes his gaze to Sungmin....

“why were you peeping me? I’m willing to show anything if you ask me nicely...”

Kyuhyun’s voice echoing in the empty room, Sungmin pouted, entered the room with a loud hum...

“I want my chocolate back...”

And he really looks childish now... Stomped his leg on the floor with a cute pursed lips... Looking angrily at Kyuhyun who folded his arm with a smug expression....

“how far can you go to get back this thing?”

Kyuhyun put the box on the table... he chose to use provocative way...

“I will do anything, just gimme back mine...”

“We will see...”

Kyuhyun his shirt slowly... Teasing Sungmin by looking homaigod! -he-is-so-delicious-tempting-seductive-and-ing-y!...

Sungmin unable to tear his gaze... As another student, Kyuhyun is a temptation that no one can resist...

As he exposed his bare chest, Kyuhyun grasped a small bottle that already on the table, opened the cap and pour on his body...

Sungmin frowned as he tries to recognize the sticky and sticky liquid that flow slowly down to his chest...

Chocolate? Where did he get that?”

Oh well, who knows....

“Come here...”

Kyuhyun beckoned him to come closer... Sungmin stood in front of him in confusion...

“I want you to this mess...”

what on the earth this guy was thinking?!!!”

Sungmin choked his own saliva... Nervous, scared, uncertain and even excited to see how Kyuhyun can be...

As if he was completely bewitched by Kyuhyun, he straddled Kyuhyun’s thighs and sat comfortably... Both hands were clasped on Kyuhyun’s shoulder.... 

Sungmin leaned slowly and began to eagerly, starting from Kyuhyun’s collarbone... he nibbled and Kyuhyun’s skin ually... the smell, the texture, the taste, and Kyuhyun... It’s too sweet for him to resist now....

But, Kyuhyun wasn’t delighted with whatever happens right now... he doesn’t like the fact that Sungmin do this because of the chocolate that means for someone else irritated him... and he didn’t expect Sungmin to obey him neither...


 He pushed Sungmin up when he already reached for his chest... Sungmin looked at him in confused with a chocolate stain on his lips...

“What do you like about him?”

He thumbed the stain as he waits the other to answer... Sungmin flushed, feels happy when Kyuhyun acted so gentle...

“who? Jung Yunho? Because he’s cool, popular, smart and polite! He’s the Prince of Charisma...”

Sungmin said smoothly with a glowing face... The detail already stuck on his head a long time ago...

“is that so? But you never talk to him right? You’re wasting your time for your unrequited love...”

Sungmin hates it when people belittled his feeling...

“but I still love him!”

Kyuhyun expression changed... he looks evil and heartless... he stood up from the chair, he got him in a corner as he trapped him between his body and the wall...

“I don’t give a damn about that guy, but the way you praised him makes me puke...”

Kyuhyun leaned to him...

“instead of wasting your time with him, how about we spend some time together?”

Kyuhyun’s lips almost touch on Sungmin’s when suddenly, his body has been pushed hardly...

“just let me be! It’s not your concern whom I like!”

Sungmin shouted...

“give me back... I stayed up all night to make it... for him... I don’t care if this will remain unrequited love.. I’m the one who decide where will I waste my love... so please....”

This is not what I want...”

Sungmin inner self rebelled...

“I understand... here...”

Sungmin was shocked to see Kyuhyun easily returned his chocolate back... somehow... He doesn’t want this game over yet... and he was trembling...

“Are you hesitating now?”

“No I don’t!”

Sungmin flinched... and his reflex incidentally swatted then box flown out of the window...

The box stuck on the tree... with a guilty flooded him in waves, Kyuhyun climbed up the tree...

“Kyuhyun shi! It’s okay!”

Kyuhyun stopped reaching out his hand to grab the box... The first time he heard his name rolled on Sungmin’s tongue...

“It’s dangerous! I won’t catch you if you fall!”

Kyuhyun chuckled at his cuteness...

“Kyuhyun shi... I give up... so please---“

“so noisy! Didn’t I tell you? Until I say so, this game is not over yet...”

Kyuhyun shi...”

Sungmin smiled contently... he thoughtless pulled Kyuhyun’s leg into his hugs...

“Kyuhyun shi!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!”

“hey! Stop pulling me before I --- arghhh!”

Kyuhyun fell on the ground...

“Kyuhyun shi! Are you alright?”


Kyuhyun handed over the box to Sungmin... The box was dirty but the content still saves... Instead of worried about the chocolate, Sungmin stare at Kyuhyun... he doesn’t care about the chocolate much now... He cares about Kyuhyun...

Kyuhyun blushed to be observed intently by Sungmin..

“Don’t make me confuse with your look...”

Or I might think that you like me...”

In blinks of eyes, he already in Sungmin’s arms....

“urm, hey?”

Sungmin broke the hug first with a big sincere smile plastered on his face...

“Kyuhyun... thank you for giving back my chocolate...”

“you still want to give it to him?”

“huh? why you were you asking that?”

Kyuhyun threw his arms around him and hugged him tightly...

“because I’ve yet want to return it...”

uhm... Kyuhyun shi...”

Sungmin blushed... He could hear the beating of his own heart... Suddenly, his mouth says the name he admired for a long time as the guy coincidentally passing by there...



Kyuhyun shoved the box to him, giving him a warm smile as he encourages him...

Sungmin got on his feet and runs to Yunho... Yunho eyed the dirty box in Sungmin hand...

“What is that? For me?”

"Ah! Yes.. Please accept my chocolate...”

Yunho was hesitated when he took the box... he has a disgusting look...

“You want me to eat this creepy thing?”

Yunho said directly...


Kyuhyun popped up and shove the chocolate into Yunho mouth...

“he made this for you... Don’t waste it...”

“Crazy bastards!”

Yunho pushed Kyuhyun roughly and spit out the chocolate as he threw his tantrum to Sungmin and Kyuhyun before he walked off....

 “Are you happy now? He ate your chocolate...”

Sungmin slumped down on the ground... His eyes widened, he cupped his face...

“I’m not crying...”

“are you too shocked?”

Kyuhyun squatted down too... Sungmin nodded at his question...

“I don’t feel anything...”

“You got rejected by your crush... you must be shocked, utterly shocked...”

But Sungmin realized, it’s not about shock or sad to be rejected...

Kyuhyun tried to reasoning... there is one more left in the box... Sungmin offered it to Kyuhyun...

“Kyuhyun... This is for you... Happy Valentine’s Day...”

Kyuhyun laughed cynically...

“What are you doing? Trying to make me as his substitute? off!”

“No! That’s not what I mean... I want you to taste the chocolate I made wholeheartedly...”

“tsk... you made it wholeheartedly for that brat, not me... don’t fool around! Stop it...”

Kyuhyun is annoyed... but he frowned when Sungmin started to cry...

“why? You always messed up with my feeling... I always liked you but you such a big player and I scared to fall for you! I let myself to admire Yunho to distract myself from you... But you come again and steal back your place in my heart... I hate you stupid womanizer! Why Yunho’s charisma lose to your iness???”

Kyuhyun chuckled delightfully...  What a weird confession he got today...

“hey... What am I to you now?”

“What else... A jerk!”

Kyuhyun grinned happily as he pulled sobbing Sungmin into his arms...

“What is your name?”

Kyuhyun never know his name...

“Lee Sungmin...”

“Sungmin, can I be your Valentine?”

Sungmin lifted up his head, eyes and nose was red but cute though...

“You  wanna be my Valentine?”

Kyuhyun nodded...

“I don’t want to... I need to share you with others... you are jerk playboy... you will cheat on me anytime...”

He’s still sobbing though...

“I won’t do that... I will be your only Valentine...”

Kyuhyun persuaded him... But it’s not convincing enough...

“okay... With conditions...”

His sobs subsided....

“No more es around you...”

He called them es? so cute!”


“No flirting with those es...”


“Don’t talk to them...”


“urm, maybe you need to talk to them...”

“Which one baby? Talk or don’t talk?”

“Don’t call me baby, we’re not declare yet...”

Kyuhyun shrugged...

“you can talk, but not too much...”

“I will manage that...”

“Don’t be so touchy with those es...”


“are you really okay with this? No more your all-es-around life...”

“As long as you agree to be mine...”


And Sungmin agreed shyly...

“But... I have one condition...”

Kyuhyun smirked...

“Only one?”

“Yes... “

“What it is?”

“you must follow your conditions too...”

Sungmin giggled... Kyuhyun just made a summary of his conditions...

“Okay, it’s easy for me...”

“So... are you my baby now?”

Sungmin shook his head playfully...

“Nope... I’m your Valentine...”

[After a Year]   Valentine’s Day...

“Kyu! Do you receive a Valentine’s gift from any es?”

“of course not Min.. This whole college already knew I was devoured by you...”

“Good... Let’s go back...”

Kyuhyun smiled... His only lover’s level of jealousy is high...

“Min? What’s inside that bag?”

Kyuhyun looked at the paper bag that Sungmin held... it looked stuff with something...

“ah.. This? Valentine’s gifts!!!”

Sungmin beamed...

“Wait a Sec... Didn’t we agree to follow your conditions?”

“yeah.. I did follow the rules...”

Sungmin said innocently...

“Then what's with all these gifts?”

“Kyu, all these from guys, so I’m not violating any conditions... I not famous among the girls but guys like me a lot... Hmm... I wonder why...”

Sungmin tone full of teases.... Kyuhyun frowned at the fact... he definitely didn’t expect this... He has only forbidden the girls from approaching Sungmin, not guys though...

“Min... We need to change the conditions...”

“Don’t need Kyu.. They are not es... They are guys...”

“I don’t care, they are all jerks! Now let’s renew our conditions and rules...”

“Don’t want to...”

Sungmin said playfully and runs far away from his Valentine...

“Lee Sungmin!”







A/N: okay... am I too late? I didn't sleep to make this..

And I have a class in 4 hours!

anyway, do leave your comment~ ^^

Happy Valentine's Day!

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Gyaaaa #2
Chapter 1: Just find thisssss... hahaha... i love Sungmin here. Not his usual damsel in distress character. XD

Thanks for writing. ^^
Alice_K26 #3
Chapter 1: Oh my gooddd.... Sungmin soo sly....
He is not famous with girl but boys love himm so muchhh... Hahahaha kyu, he is more evil than you...
I keep re reading this cute piece of fluff arggghhhh!! I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Omo~~~Sho cute! The chocolate pics are making me hungry...Xp
little-dreamer #6
Chapter 1: aigoo~ its cute >///<
venzsuju #7
Chapter 1: sweet! hwhwhw
Chapter 1: Ahahahahaha. I just read this and I think I got a cavity...

OmyKyuMin!!! Full of sweetness! >////<
I will go now to eat some chocolate, your pictures made me so wishful!
Sweet chocolate, sweet Kyumin, sweet story!
Chapter 1: Cute one , love it ♥ ♥