The Last words: "I Love You..."

The Last words: "I Love You..."

It was just like any other day where you'd walk home from school with friends. But yesterday wasn't like that. On your way home, you witnessed these masked men attacking your friends, one by one with a iron bar. You had pulled out your cellphone to dial for help but before you could, you felt pain pounding in the back of your head. Warm, fresh blood slowly descend its way down your neck, soaking your white t-shirt.

At that moment, you thought of nothing but your boyfriend, L.Joe. You saw his brown-black side swept hair with his arms open wide, waiting to embrace and protect you.

"L.Joe... Helpp.." You managed to whisper softly as you fell the ground, hoping he would come miraculously. 

You became cold and drowsy. You were fighting to keep your eyes opens as if you were afraid that would be the last time seeing earth and of course L.Joe.

You felt your body slip into a strong pair or arms. It wasn't L.joe's. There was a different feel to it. *I miss you already...*

"Wrap her head up so she does bleed to death, we still gotta torture that bastard. Also don't forget her cellphone."


The black van door slammed close. Your head was rested on someone's lap while another was bandaging your head. Just like that, you passwed out


You slowly opened your eyes. Your vision was blurred. There was duct tape on your mouth. You were exhausted and completely drained out. The back of your head ached and dried blood stained the back of your neck all the way down to your thin white shirt. Obrseving your surroundings, you tried your best to make out the dark shawdowed corners and the double rusted doors.

Trying to escape, you came to realize that you tied and chain back. There was a black cuff around both you ankles, connected to the chair's legs and your arms was paralell to the wooden arms of the chair, held down with a thick rope. You tried to wiggle your wrists free but managed to create red marks which eveantullly revealed your pink flesh that burned whenever it came in contact with the rope. 

Trying to free your ankle you try to kick your legs violently creating a loud noise. At the same time the two rusted doors burst opened. The sunglight from hte outside world shone in, blinding your eyes, making it hard to see and your head ached. You saw the silhoutte of 6 tall men. 

The middle one stepped forward and everyonbe followed. Behind them the doors closed again making a loud noise that was worse than nails on a chalkboard. The sound of the set of keys echoed within the thick walls.

"Well, well, the beauty ~~~~ is finally awake" The leader said in a deep voice that would consider seductive.

After a while of squinting, you finally came to mind that they were Block B. You have heard and seen them once or twice but never really came in contact as close as now.

"What do you want from me??" You spit at the foot of P.O's trying to make him move away but that only made him come closer.

"Fiesty one aren't you, eh?" the back of his hand ran down the side of your face than grabbing your chin with force. You screamed out in agony.

"We don't want anything from you, we just want L.joe dead." Taeil was examining his sharpened knife as he said it.

"Calling L.joe now and tell him to come here immediately. Or else...." Zico unlatched the saftey latch on his pistol. You shrink back with fear.

Zico went through your phone and dialed L.joe's number and placed it near your ear. It rang 3 times exactly and L.joe picked up.

"What's up babe? need help with homework?" Not aware of the sitaution at all.

"U-Uhmm.. I h-have a favor for youu.." You tried to hide the fear in your voice and tears began to form.

"Stop it with the waterworks before I shoot your eyes out." Zico threatned.

On the other end, L.joe was on the edge of his seat. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DO YOU HAVE MY GIRLFRIEND. WHAT DO YOU WANT!?"

Zico removed the phone from your ear and held it to his. He had an evil look on his face.

"If you want you girlfriend back, come and get here. I'll send you the address through her phone. Come alone understand?"


"Time is limited you know." Zico smirked


"More like you. Hahaha" Zico hung up and texted him.

"For every 30 minutes you are not here, she gets punished. Time is limited." -ZICO

"You heartless piece of I hope you do burn in hell." You cursed at him earning a slap to the face. His hand print remained visble and it stung. Tears began to form again.

30 MInutes have gone by and L.joe was not here. Zico motioned Taeil to come over to you. He got out his pocket knife aand without hesitation, he raised it and jammed it into you thigh. You threw your head back and the pain pierced through your whole body.

"I told him~" Zico smirked and raise and eyebrow.

2hrs have gone by now. Your body was completely wounded. Your skin turn pale and your temperature dropped. Block B had untied and unchain you, leaving your broken body laying on the cold hard ground. You knew you wouldn't make it. Just as you were about to leave the world forever, the doors burst open. L.joe, covered in sweat and tears dashed towards you.

"~~~~~~!!!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!"

He lunged towards your broken body but was stopped by Block B. 

"UH-OH, not so fastt. Kneel."

L.joe did what they said. Caught off gaurd, Kyung, Ukwon, and B-Bomb began to beat him to pulp. Witnessing the whole thing, your heart ached more and tears streamed down your tear stained cheek once again. Once Block B was done playing with him. 3 Gun shots were fired. Just like you, L.joe was broken. he crawled over to you, craddling what's left of you and pulled you close. 

"~~~~, don't leave me, you're my world. Without you, I'm completely hopeless. You're my only support, you're the one who stopped me from doing drugs. ~~~~ Please don't leave..."

You head was against his broad chest. His warmth embraced your cold body. You felt the life in you fade away. Snuggling close against L.joe for one last time, you tried you best to hug him.


"Yes babe, I'm here.. I always am no matter what."

"L.joe....I love you."

"I love you too're always in my heart wherever I go.." He hugged you closer and tighter. HIs crystal tears fell onto your cheek,

"Always know that.... that I will love you for enternity no matter where I am.." 

With that, your eyes closed forever, within the arms of your most beloved, L.joe.


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iamaflamer #1
Chapter 1: OMG ZICO >.< I loved it so much!! :D
Chapter 1: I cried. Lol! Beautiful <3 :'D