Chapter 2

Run Boy Run


Seoul Academy for Young Adult. It was barely a month of my staying here. The location is absurb. I mean, come on... isolated area of Seoul? How is that even possible? and how can they educate us, their student without any exposure to the outside world? Not only that, the uniform is super ugly. A little too circus like for my taste. 


White dress shirt, a set of grey colored tie and pants or skirts. The tie alone I can stand. With two black stripes at the wide part of it surface it look pretty fashionable but the plaided grey/black pants? urgghh! God save our fashion sense. Well thats for the middle schooler anyway. The elementary student outfit is even much more worse than us. Same design but in different color. Sky blue and baby pink. Seungri said it was the school way of organizing their student according to their age and school level placement.


Simply said the elementary school kids only have one stripe on their tie while the middle schooler two stripes and high schooler got three. The high schooler wear much more decent uniform though. coal black and gold for the stripes on the tie and they dont have to wear the stupid clowny looking plaid patern on ther pants or skirts.


The service they give us were good though. Making me miss my home less that I suppose too. Since its a boarding school, we were provided a dorm room with 2 student as roomates and I'm lucking enough to be roommate with Seungri because of his previous roomate cant stand his abnormal and sometimes kinda annoying personality. 


" Jiyong-ie ah, " he called me from his bed across from mine. Seungri is lying on his stomach with both of his arm folded under his head to support it.


" Yeah?, " I was sitting indian style on my bed with my back leaning to the wall. Trying to solve the rubik cube on my hand. 


" I'm bored~ "


I looked at him. " so? " Raising an eyebrow. 


" I dont know. I'm just bored and tired, " he looked at direction. His eyes is closed and the dark circle under it were fairly visible.


" you're not alone on that, " i said matter factly. I'm starting to get annoyed with the cube. 


" Why wont this stupid thing solves itself?! " 


" You know, theres a formula for that, " 


" Formula? for arranging all the colors? " 


" Yeah, I heard Sohee talked about it last week. Its related to math and sadly with that peanut brain of yours, i dont think you can solved it in million years. Not even in the next life, " 


I throw my pillow at him. How dare this brat insulting the ability of brain to solve some stupid invention made by human?


" Ouch! I'm trying to sleep here... " he whine. Rubbing the part of his body that got hit by the soft pillow. He's wide awake now. Thanks to me.


I ignore him and continued with the task on my hand.


" I wonder what my noona doing right now? " and as if the imaginary light bulb light up above his head, he quickly rose up from his bed smirking like the Grinch with a mission to ruined christmas.


Pathetically, i can stop myself from getting exited " Dont tell me..." I gasp exitedly as if i can read what on his mind at that moment.


" Lets visit the girls dorm tonight and pay noona a 'friendly' visit, " rubbing both of his palm together, the image of Seungri as the Grinch cant seem to escape my mind. 





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