Chapter 1

Run Boy Run


" yah, Kwon Jiyong! get your back here, " shout Minji as she tried to catch our sorry (es) for escaping from doing the class-cleaning duties.


" Jiyong-ie, how long is the ero monster going to chase us? I'm starting to lose a lot of my precious energy here, " Seungri, my partner in crime, whom I'm escaping with start complaining. It seems like his energy is more valueable to him more than his life.


Well, its not like I'm not getting tired myself. Hell, my legs almost give out on me for running like a mad man, up and down the stairs of the school building, from one block to another. Thank God the school hour is already over otherwise we might have another batch of chaser running after us for breaking few other school rules while trying to outrun the 'so-evil-ero-Minji-monster' a.k.a our class president, Gong Minji.


" I dont know, " I honestly answer. " but, we need to save ourselves first. I mean have you seen what she did to Mir? " I shuddered, remembering the sight of injured Mir when he enterd our class this morning.


" His eye patch looked cool though, " Seungri chuckled. I cant disagree with that. The eye patch does look cool. Its like MIr was dressing up for a party as a pirate. Har Har Har.


" Yeah, "


" Lee Seunghyun! " roared Minji.


She was standing at the end of the hallways, panting heavily. I dont know either it was only my imagination or she really is emitting fire around her body out of anger.


Both me and Seungri cringed at the sight of her. Too shocked to even move a muscles. We just stand there, wide eyed looking at Minji making her way towards us.


50 feet.


" Running away from class duties, " she huffed.


40 feet.


" Making me run after the both of you for hours (not really hours. she's exaggerating a little too much here) , "


30 feet.


" Just wait till I get my hands on both of you, "


20 feet.


That's when Seungri started to scream like a maniac. If it wasnt because of Minji want to kill and squeeze the life out of us, I would probably laugh at the sight of Seungri as he cried out, " RUN!!! "


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