My hyung ♥

My super-HERO ♥






A scream sliced through the ungodly hour of an afternoon.


30 seconds later, superman came zooming in the source of the scream: the kitchen.

"Yunja? What happened to you?" Super-uh, Kim Jaejoong rather, asked his lover, worry evident on his flawless face.

The other just sniffed, tears threatening to flow down slightly chubby cheeks.

Jaejoong sighed. He leaned closer and wrapped an arm around the other. "Do you want to tell me what happened, baby?" Jaejoong tried again. The sniffing came in full force. "Yunho?"

With the burning ache on his tongue and hand, Yunho finally let out a sob. He cried hard in Jaejoong's chest while the latter wrapped arms around the other's shaking frame. Jaejoong petted Yunho's hair sympathetically and waited for the other to talk.

Another 30 seconds later..

"Mmphgfh," Yunho muttered, words muffled by Jaejoong's now wet shirt.



"Yunja, I can't hear you," he buried his face in yunho's neck and breathed.

Finally, Yunho lifted his head up, eyelashes wet, cheeks pink. "I burnt my tongue when I was trying to taste what you were cooking and then I burnt my hand." Yunho pouted for all his worth.

"And how did you burn your hand?" Jaejoong tried not to chuckle as he  distractedly wiped the smudged tears away from his lover's face.

"Well, I burnt my tongue, and then I yelped and accidentally stuck my hand to the pot." Yunho sniffed again and pouted.
This time, Jaejoong didn't even try to hide his chuckle. His brother can surely be clumsy, and cute, and adorable, and amusing all at the same time. He wonders how someone could be like this. So, lovable and precious. Good thing Yunho is his.

"You're so cute, you know that?" He said before squeezing Yunho's body.

"Hmpfh. I am not cute!" Yunho protested.

"Yeah you are. Anyway, does it still hurt?" Jaejoong pecked yunho's cheek.

A nod.

"Wait here. I'll go get something." Jaejoong reluctantly left yunho to go get some cooling gel he's gonna use for Yunho's hand.

Not a minute later, he came back with a tube of said gel. "Where is it?" Jaejoong asked.

Yunho showed the back of his hand where a red mark was slowly forming. Jaejoong poured enough amount gel on the hand before he spread it. Yunho hissed as the cool gel soothed the burn on his hand.

"There. It'll be gone in a few minutes. Don't worry." Jaejoong declared after he finished the task.

"B-but, hyung, my tongue still hurts." Yunho pouted for the third time that day.

Feeling aroused all of a sudden, Jaejoong leaned closer, a mischievous glint in his dark eyes. "Hyu-" Yunho was cut off as a pair of plump lips descended on his own soft ones. He gasped as a wet tongue swiped across his bottom lip. Taking the chance, Jaejoong slipped his tongue past Yunho's lips and started everything he could reach before finally coaxing yunho's tongue with his own. Not getting his response, Jaejoong tried again this time reaching a hand around the other's neck and immediately pushing the other forward, trying to be deeper onto Yunho's mouth. Yunho moaned, the burn completely forgotten concentrating momentarily on responding to Jaejoong's intoxicating kiss.

For a minute, they stayed like that. Bodies flushed, tongues sliding against each other, dancing, twining, until they ran out of air and reluctantly broke apart. Leaning his forehead against Yunho's, he eyed his brother's ravished state- all ragged breaths, flushed cheeks, closed eyes, and deliciously red, swollen lips. He unconsciously his own and detected Yunho's taste immediately. Yunho fluttered his eyes open, long lashes revealing love and lust filled brown eyes. He grinned in satisfaction before cupping Yunho's cheeks and kissing his lover again. He doesn't know how Yunho could be impossibly cute one moment and then be so y the next. But Jaejoong  isn't going to complain anytime soon, maybe not ever. He loves Yunho just the way he is.

"Now, does it still hurt?" Jaejoong asks, smirking.

"N-no," Yunho looks up, he stutters and blushes. "But why did you-" He looks away, biting his lip. The red tint on his cheeks refuses to go away.

"Remember what I used to tell you?" Jaejoong brushes Yunho's bangs away from his eyes so he could look lovingly into them.

"Don't talk to strangers?" Yunho blinks.

Jaejoong laughs. He sometimes wonders if Yunho has a serious memory gap or he just never listens. He opts for the former.

"No, silly. I used to tell you whenever you're hurt or have a boo-boo, hyung will always kiss it away for you?" He tightens his hold on Yunho.

"Oh," Yunho looks up again and blinks. Then blushes and looks away again. He could feel Jaejoong leaning in, his breath fanning his red cheek. He turns, just in time to catch Jaejoong's kiss.

"I love you," Jaejoong whispered into the kiss. "So much," He added.

"I love you too, hyung."

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Chapter 1: yunho is so cute here
ririryuu #2
Chapter 1: /squeals/ yeah!!! kiss it better, oppa!
yunho is really adorable ~ i want to give him boo boo too
jenyun #3
Chapter 1: i hope it has a sequel...
Chapter 1: Cute~
My Yunnie so cute~ loves him alot~!
Chapter 1: ahhhhhhhhhh that was so sweet and fluffy , so adorable like yunho :D
Portia #6
Chapter 1: very cute ...
Chapter 1: seriously cute
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa love love this so cute kyaaa thank you so much for sharign us this cute JaeHo fic love love it ^-^