rally for support and more jobs

The two of us Together, Forever

Every tv shows like variety and specially the news in whole south korea are talking about one thing, the relationship about Kim woobin and Lee jongsuk that they have revealed on their own in their interview. Lot's of people talked about it. Lee jong suk and kim woobin's agency gave up when they saw that the two guys's populatity were dropping , and so they have decided to let kim woobin and lee jongsuk go so that they wouldn't be hurt. All of a sudden loud noises were heard outside the office.

- sir ! we have a very important thing to say to all of you about Lee jongsuk and Kim woobin (secretary)

- We know ( presidents )

- really ?! wooooohhhhhh~ (secretary )

- why are u so happy ? Are you happy that they're leaving the agency ?! ( kwb's president )

- what are u talking about ? ( secretary )

-we're letting them go now (Ljs's president )

-what ?! I don't wanna say that you're out of your mind but your out of your minds !! . Don't u guys hear the noise outside ?! They're popularity are increasing really fast and there is a rally outside for them to stay and do more jobs together.

sorry guys if it was so short. I used my phone to make this story so i thought I wrote alot but pls still thanks for reading.

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PrincessJuli #1
Chapter 3: cute babies. They just get along so well...its just...FAST....especially since you seemed to be building up to a story, plot-building, relationship building moment/story. I do like their interactions though.
PrincessJuli #2
Chapter 1: same thing. My only issue is the quotations around "vocal comments" and whatnot. Otherwise I am LOVING it!! grammar can use some work, I always have the same issues, and maybe space out the paragraphs more. With new ideas and new scenarios come new paragraphs. :)
PrincessJuli #3
Chapter 1: I love the idea and it is simply ADORABLE! awww...he's carryin him hooommmee. XD and I understand...they are just too cute.

i think one of my only issues is no quotation marks around what people are "saying." It gets a little confusing sometimes when everyone starts speaking one right after the other and I think that quotes may help to break it up a bit. Can't wait for more!
Chapter 3: !!!!! Oh my GAWD! ///<- blushing
Chapter 2: <33 love love love! can't wait for more (:
Chapter 1: aww~ i found out this is sho cute~ i like it~ :3 i ship them damn so much! haha xD anyways, update soon dear author-nim! fighting! :3
Chapter 1: They are so adorable together! I want to watch the special but then it'll really be over. :( Can't wait for the next update :)
I'm anticipating this~ :)