
let's escape together






You crumpled another piece of paper. It was useless. You couldn't write anything even if your life depended on it. You had lost it.

You remembered all those times when you would go around, walking, hand in hand with that one person you dreamed of being with all your life. He would squeezed your hand thigh in his to keep you warm. He would often whisper sweet nothings in your ear. And most often than not, those 'nothings' would have you writing 'til the morning after. Oh, how you missed those times.

Sometimes you wonder how it could have been if you did not let him go. People would always say that it wasn't your fault. He left because he wanted to, not because you drove him away. They were mistaken. It was your fault. It was always your fault.

It was your fault when you did not take out the rubbish one night when he came home late after work. He was so tired and he still did all the chores that you were so lazy to do. It was your fault. Like that time when you forgot your anniversary... or his birthday... or that promise to take him to the movies. They were all small things, but they were all your fault.

If only you gave him more time... attention... love. Maybe he wouldn't have left. Maybe you'd still have him beside you on this lonely bed, keeping your feet warm with his, snuggling closer to you that everything you write looked like they were scratched by chicken feet, and whispering those sweet nothings to your ear so you could write about him and the love that you shared.




ok. so this is the last of my drabble stash. xD

i'm going to need a bit of help for the next ones. so if you guys see interesting pics, can you give them to me? i can use those as prompts. lol.



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Chapter 18: ch 18 = a quote from Con.template’s "an eternity of eclipse"!!!
ahhh that's what i thought right when i read the quote i was like.........suyin? but i do agree with that quote i've been hating the word forever for iono how long haha
awww this one was sad *tear* i hate remembering the memories that u don't want to it just brings u pain.........
ah that enough one was sad that one was about abuse huh? lol but thank goodness u put hi up lol that one made me smile like a dork cause it was so cute and when i saw that ice cream picture made me want more ice cream when i just ate some not to long ago HAHAHA
i swear i am in love with these each one has a lot a meaning in them gahh i don't know if i could ever choose a favorite out of these but i do have to admit i loved the fine one it's just really sad when u think about it