Pretty boy

Can't Say I Love You


It's the weekend. Finally i can get some time to myself.. Some free time to just chill and relax, and to be pulled away from all the work I had been drowning myself into. I was planning on staying home, watch some romantic movies and maybe invite Dara over.. It's been 3 days since we last talked and worse, we haven't seen each other for more than a week. And I gotta admit it, I miss her like hell!
It wasn't a long time since we started going out. 4 months. It isn't really that long but it was enough for me to realize she's the ONE.
I grabbed the phone and dialed her number.. I listened to it rings a few times before it went to voicemail. I pressed to end the call and called her again, but I got the same result so I cleared my throat and started speaking..
"Hi.. Ehm I tried to call you but you didn't pick up. You must be busy, right?.... Well I just wanted to invite you over. I rent this movie you told me about once.. Anyway, make sure you call me back when you get my message. I miss you...." I stayed silent for a moment and after taking a deep breath, I ended the call.
I threw the phone on the couch next to me. I followed by throwing myself on the same couch and started punching it. I gave up after I felt a slight pain in my right hand that hit the couch's wooden arm twice. I shook my hand few times in the air and slid it under me to get the remote control that was stuck between my body and the couch. I pressed the play button as soon as I held it and starred at the black screen in front of me that soon started showing people's faces; whom I assumed are the main cast.
I woke up to a familiar sound.. It's a song.. a song that I like... a song that I use as a ringtone.. My eyes widen as the realization hit me. MY PHONE WAS ACTUALLY RINGING!
I got off the couch and looked around me, dazzled, trying to figure out where the hell the phone is. I glared at where I was lying moments ago and recognized the black device. Quickly, I ran a few steps forward and held the precious phone (which already stopped ringing) close to my face so I can read the caller's ID. It was her..
I had five missed calls and one message. Three of the calls were from Dara and the other two were from seungri as well as the message. I can't believe I fell asleep. What if she thought I'm ignoring her?! 
I was about to slide the phone open when her photo popped up and filled the screen of the phone in my hands, and the same song from earlier started playing. Oh my dear god she's calling... I felt my heart quicken and a sudden shiver run through my body reaching my fingertips as I pressed the green button and held the phone right next to my ear..
"Oh dara.. I was just about to call you. Sorry for not picking up earlier.. I was sleeping.." I waited for her to reply but she didn't say anything, so I continued ... 
"I actually fell asleep through the middle of the movie you wanted to watch. It's really good you know, but I think I found it boring cause you're not watching it with me.. let's watch it next time we meet. are you free to-"
"Jiyong.. Let's break up" her voice came cold that I almost didn't recognize it. I stayed still for a second not saying anything, and she didn't push me to talk..
After a few minutes of awkward silence, I finally spoke.
"Are you free tomorrow?! We can meet and work things out. I don't know what's wrong but I'm sure we can work it out." 
"Jiyong... It's not something you can fix. It's not just something you've accidentally done. It's YOU. It's everything about you.." she was shouting through the phone and I felt my ear drums vibrate. Yet I couldn't stop myself from admiring her beautiful voice.. Even when she's almost yelling, her voice crossed my ears making its way right to my heart and I could feel it dancing to the music-like sound that's coming out from the magical tiny black device.
I snapped out from my own world when her voice hit me once again, but this time it was calm..  Then I realized I didn't say a thing for like a whole minute.
"Jiyong.." she whispered angelically and I got lost again, but was able to pull myself before I involve too deep in my world of fantasies.
"I don't know.... I don't know what to say. I mean, I thought you were happy with me.. You seemed happy with me."
"oh Ji, you're amazing. I love spending time with you.. but you're like my little sister..."
what the hell?!! Did she just say sister?!! Me?! Like her little sister?! 
"I'm sorry, what?!" I said a bit shocked
"I'm sorry Ji, but you're not a man.. no I mean you're not the right man for me.. You're just too girly. The way you dress, the way you act, the way you talk.. how many times people called you in front of me?! How many times people stared at us- you and giggled whispering too loud the word GAY?!"
I couldn't believe my ears.. she was calling me gay!! She knows very well I'm not and she knows how I feel about gay people and that I'm against those things. But still, she called me gay..
"That doesn't make sense Dara.. You know I'm not gay" I spit the last word with disgust showing in my tone. I closed my eyes and calmly spelled the words I wanted to say long time ago "I love you."
"That's another problem Ji. You talk about love like GIRLS. Like foolish high school girls who're waiting for their dream man to come on a white horse and take them away to god knows where!! I mean, we have known each other for only 5 months and you're already saying you love me."
I couldn't handle this. I needed to.. "I'll hang up. Let's talk later after you come down"  
When I was about to take the phone away from my ear and hang up, her voice rang in a commanding tone "Ji. Let's not ever meet or talk again."
And just like that.. The call ended and I was left in the dark, leaning my to a couch arm, holding a phone to my ear and a tear forming in my eye...
Seconds had passed.. minutes had passed, and I realized that hours had passed when I noticed that the darkness that was filling the room is now getting soaked up by the annoying sun light. I rushed to my room and slammed the door behind me and immediately headed to slide the curtains close. After I did so, I stood facing the darkness that filled the place one more time. I shut my eyes leaning on the wall behind me, took a deep breath and for the first time I dared to think about letting her go.. I decided it was time to move on..
I thought making this decision would be the end of our story, but I turned out to be wrong cause just when I thought IT ended, IT started to begin... 
AN/ if you're reading this, then you have a supernatural powers. I mean you just read the I call "first chapter" and you didn't get blind!!! ^o^ yaaaaaay~ 
ok I'm sorry. But I really spent long time writing this chapter. (not really) but I did work hard you know.. I wrote the description by myself *cough cough* and I edited this chapter also by myself *cough cough* >_> 
Hehe~ jk.
My pabos saengs Piya_k and theinventionofd helped me with it so a special THANK YOU to them! ^^ *clap clap*
please don't forget to comment (you can say whatever you want, but be aware I would chase you and hunt you down if I felt offended b your comment ^_^... Just warning) and if you liked what you read, please subscribe~ :D
Peace!! XD
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mikadosm #1
Chapter 9: I really like this story! Jiyong and Seunghyun are playful and mischivious ^^ But I'm sorry I couldn't read the last chapters, just no.
I don't mind if Seunghyun and John are in a relationship and that he's a jerk or whatever, but I wished you hadn't wrote it so detailed that I don't dare to read it because - ugh. You wrote so much and I can imagine how much the tohn chapter means to you but at least tag the pairing if you continue to keep your focus on tohn. I have nothing against the pairing but I really feel uncomfortable reading about it. I wonder if gtop will happen because we all can see how much Seunghyun is in love with John and... I'm looking forward to where this is heading. Maybe I will read the tohn chapter some time but I really dislike it although I like your writing :/
dabygael #2
Chapter 9: .............................................there's so many guy out there........why must john? </3
But I love the story, so I can't leave just because i don't like john.
Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 9: whaa! please update soon! please??
Chapter 9: Seunghyun is an A.S.S.H.O.L.E *groans*
Chapter 9: OMO OMO too much!!! xD
hobuttlover #6
Chapter 9: omg! omg! omg!

what will happen now?!!
Chapter 9: Ohh...interesting...why is Seunghyun so sick...and he was just playing with jiyong? He didn't really like his first date with him? :(