Secretly In Love

Secretly In Love

[PART 5]

- you were ready to link arms with Jongup and walk away from there - 

Junsu - No hyerin-ah.. I'm sorry

- but right then you just linked arms with Jongup and walked away from there -

- akward silence around Junsu -

Hyunjoong - Yaaaaaaaaah....Junsu-ah.... She was like 10% angry and now like 1239302903% angry at you because you shouted YAH at her

Junsu - ooooh shut up!

Jaebum - Yaaaaah.... bro' you knwo that she hates people call her yah and specially in that tone you shouted.

Junsu - Ugh I don't know.... what just happened?

Shinwoo - You want me to tell you? oh?

Junho - yaaah i'm starving! Let's just go and eat huh?

Seunghyun - Junsu-ah just think of what you just did while eating okay?

Junsu - okay, lets go * he walks infront of all of his friends*

Hyunjoong - *whisper to jaebum* Oh god don't do anything stupid now or he'll beat you or other people up....

Jaebum - eiiiish I'm not as stupid as Junho *laughs*

Junho - did you say my name?

Jaebum - no, wae?

Junho - oh... no... aniyo

- they arrived in the schools big diningroom and the first thing Junsu sees is you -

Junsu - this b*tch 

Hyunjoong - Shut up don't say that

Jaebum - yah, she's your girl

Seunghyun - Lets just eat somewere else?

Junho - NOOOO!? WAE!?

Shinwoo - yah, stop being hungry all the time ugh *whispered*

- then they leave and Shinwoo has to drag Junho away from there because he don't wanna leave -

Jongup - Hyerin-ah? HYEEEERIIIIIN? *waves his hand infront of your eyes*

You - oh? *startled*

Jongup - What were you looking at? *laughs*

You - haha aniyo it was nothing, but oppa... *while chewing*

Jongup - HAHA yaaah chew and swallow then talk *smiles*

- you laughed -

Jongup - so... what do you wanna tell me?

You - Am i being mean to Junsu?

Jongup - hmmmm, well i don't know

You - well if i treated you like that and you were my boyfriend?

- you said that while jongup was drinking and he suddenly cough -

You - *laughs* Oppa you spilled over you *gives him tissues*

You - okay oppa seriously... Was I mean to Junsu?

Jongup - hmmm, I actually don't know. I don't know how he feel so I can't jugde. Ask his friends?

You - Oh you're right! Oppa! Do you recently have an girlfriend?

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Baekna #1
Chapter 15: update please author nim
i like your story
xbgirlkuaix #2
Chapter 15: Updateeeeeee for meeeeee!
Chapter 15: Update please ^_^
xDreamStarx96 #4
Chapter 14: Update pleasee
seohyun1234 #5
grea t ^^
bu2tyinspritdalmate #6
Chapter 8: update soon please
Chapter 7: wahhh what did he buy her!!!
WritersBlocks #8
You spelled popular wrong!