Jealous much

Hello there

It was a typical day at work for amber she went in for the dancers morning workout and then at noon it was time to practice with the boys. Of course Kiseop was late again, he was such a diva and was never there on time. Amber never minded it was always an excuse for her and Kevin to talk some more.

Kevin! come help me with this!* she shouted. She couldnt get this one dance move down and Kevin had been trying to help her. 

Kevin loved to help it was his excuse to touch her and be around her. She always brightened his day and he could in turn always make her laugh. 

* I can help you Amber* stated dongho making his way over to her. * alright* she said showing him the part she couldn't get down.

 The two were laughing and having a good time when suddenly she tripped and fell right on top of Dongho sending both of themto the ground. Everyone around started laughiing including them two. The only person that wasnt laughing was kevin. He didn't find the incident funny at all infact he was repulsed by it. He made his way over to them and pulled amber off of Dongho. 

* what are you two doin?* Kevin asked a little harshly. * relax Kevin Amber just tripped thats all, nothing happened* Dongho said trying to calm Kevin. * I know nothing happened because she is my GIRLFRIEND not yours so next time just stay away* Kevin retorted taking ambers hand and leading her across the room to help her himself.

*Kevin what was that about* Amber asked pulling away from him. * what do you mean?* Kevin asked all cheery as if nothing had happened. * you know what I mean. Why where you so mean to Dongho he was just helping me when I fell.* she said crossing her arms. * well I could have helped you* Kevin pouted. * then why didn't you?* amber asked rhetorically turning to face the mirror to practice what Dongho had showed her. 

Kevin sighed * your doing it wrong, its supposed to be like this* he said showing her how to properly perform the move. Amber watched and soon began to mimic his movements.

* so jealousy huh?* Amber snorted she practiced the steps. * jealous who me? please* Kevin said showing her once more. * Dramatic much* Amber stated as she finally got the steps down. * good job and i am not over dramatic* Kevin said as he watched Amber peform the dance on her own. * then it has to jealousy, it's not like you to over react for my clumsiness now is it?* she asked after finishing it once more. * well Its not my fault after all Dongho shouldn't be touching my GIRLFRIEND any how* Kevin retorted slightly annoyed * so now i'm your girlfriend? i havent been for the past two years and now i suddenly am* Amber said now gazing at Kevin. Kevin looked down at the floor * well I never thought it was needed to be said untill Dongho put his sleazy hands all over you* kevin said clacking his feet together.

Amber laughed * thats ridiculous Kevin he was just helping me, plus you have nothing to worry about I have been yours since day one the term " girlfriend was never needed I guess but it is nice to know you get a little jealous* she said * I wasn't jeal.... oh whatever* he said now meeting her gaze. 

* alright you two Kiseop has arrived its time to work* soohyun said ushering them over to get back to work.

Kevin gently pecked ambers lips and they joined the rest of the team and started dancing.

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