And That's How We Met


“Now where do I begin”?

“Just tell me where and how you two met”.

“Ahhhhhh, here’s how it all began”.


I did not know where I was going with this one, but I thought I would give it a shot. I don't know why I used Himchan from B.A.P, he just fit perfectly in the story. Also, Hyun Jae and Min Jee are just fictional original characters by me, I am not very good with korean names but I did make sure the names were korean whichc they are. Enjoy the one shot everybody!!!!

Just a side note-> Flashbacks are in italics. Character thoughts whether it's a flashback or present time are in bold.


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Chapter 1: Calming! So niceeeee
Chapter 1: Lol i wanna laugh because of the Matoki's baby bunnies name xD but ts a cute story