Prom Dress Shopping :PP

Shopping with Zhou Mi


"Ready to go??" Zhou Mi asked for the hundreth time. He was almost bouncing off the walls in anticipation. 
"Give me one second!" you laughed as you tied your shoes. Zhou Mi had been friends with your brother for a long time so you knew him pretty well. Although, you'd never gone shopping with him before, so you weren't exactly sure what to expect. He seemed pretty excited, even though he wasn't shopping for himself. 
"Watch what she gets. Don't let her buy something too revealing, okay? No short dresses" Kangin instructed. 
Zhou Mi nodded but you rolled your eyes. "Short dresses are cute" you argued.
"Not the ones you like to wear. You look like a-"
"We'll be back in a few hours" Zhou Mi quickly interupted and opened the front door before Kangin could finish his sentence.
It was a quick 15-20 minute drive to the mall. "So what stores do you usually go to?" Zhou Mi asked.
"Mmm a lot, depending on what I need. I think I'll just go back to the store where I got the other dress. But this time I'll find something more 'acceptable.'" You air quoted the last word and made a face.
Zhou Mi chuckled. "Well I'll let you lead the way."
When you got to the store, one of the ladies working remembered you. "Back again? With someone?" She smiled and winked. 
"Oh, no" you said quickly, blushing slightly. "Just a friend."
She chuckled. "Well all right. Let me know if you need any help, okay?" 
"Thanks" you said. 
"So how do you want to do this?" Zhou Mi asked. "Should I pick a couple that I think would look good, and you pick some yourself, and then we meet back up?"
"Yeah, that sounds good."
He scurried off to one part of the store as you went to the opposite side, and after twenty minutes, you met up at the changing rooms. But after going through several dresses that you felt either weren't your style or Zhou Mi thought Kangin wouldn't approve of, you felt a bit discouraged. 
You sat down on a bench outside the store. "I'll never find a dress" you sighed. "I just want to feel pretty for one night."
Zhou Mi sat next to you and put his arm around your shoulders. "Don't worry, you'll find a dress" he said comfortingly. "And what do you mean you want to be pretty for one night? You're pretty everyday."
You blushed and looked down at your lap. Zhou Mi was such a sweetheart. You've always had a little crush on him but you never got your hopes up that he'd like you back. You were Kangin's younger sister after all, wasn't there some rule against dating your brother's friend? 
Zhou Mi tilted your chin up towards him and smiled brightly. "I think I saw one more dress earlier that you might like. Come on." He quickly took your hand and you blushed even more. He weaved through the store until he got to a specific section of long dresses. "Close your eyes" he said, so you did as he picked a dress and led you to the changing rooms. "Okay, you can open your eyes now." He handed you a one strap royal blue dress lol ignore the model's face ahaha and almost shoved you into a dressing room; he was so excited for you to try it on. When you came out a few minutes later, his jaw dropped. 
"______" he said as he walked over to you. "You look gorgeous."
"Thank you" you smiled shyly. You looked at yourself in the big full body length mirror.
Zhou Mi came up behind you. "I love this dress on you" he said. He parted your hair to one side and draped it down over one shoulder. "Do you like it?"
"Yes, I love it!" you answered. It fit you perfectly and you really did feel pretty. 
Zhou Mi wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. The dress was backless, so you felt his warm body against your skin. You placed your hands on top of his and smiled at your reflection in the mirror. 
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" he whispered. He gave you a quick peck on the cheek and you turned your head to look at him - a surprised smile on your face. 
Now it was his turn to blush and look away. "Don't tell your brother I did that" he said shyly. 
"It's okay, I won't tell. But only if you do it again." You grinned even though you felt slighty embarrassed at your sudden request. 
But his eyes lit up when he looked at you and he took up your offer, leaning down and very lightly, he kissed your lips. 
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Chapter 1: aw, this was so cute!!! tho poor mc not being able to wear what she wants :( glad it worked out in the end tho, with a sweet kiss~
Chapter 1: nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww omg now I started to like Zhoumi even more!!!! <3 keep writing! please!
Chapter 1: Aww!! I bet Kangin would be glad with the dress and be happy with me and Zhou Mi gonna be a couple. XD
Another good story!! XD
I LOVE IT ♥♥♥♥