
I Hate You but I Love You

After landing in South Korea I decided to check out the apartment my parents bought for me. I quickly called a taxi and told the drivr to drive me to the address on the paper my parents gave me. After I went into my house I quickly unpacked all my stuff and showered and got dressed into new clothes. My parents also got me enrolled into SM Academy and I also have bought my uniform. 

"Hmmm... It's boring I think I'll go to the supermarket to buy some food and make myself dinner!" you said happily

Your parents also have bought you a bike because they knew you love to bike and left it in front of your apartment.

"Asa! I can bike to the supermarket!" you said 

You techniacally knew the streets of the neighborhood you live in because you lived in the same area 6 years ago.

When you got there, you accidently bumped into someone 

"omo mianhae!" you said to the person without looking up


Luhan's POV

I accidently bumped into someone when I was at the market with Jessica

I looked at her and was surprised to see a beautiful girl that reminded me of someone

"omo mianhae!" she said and ran quickly in the market

I was too surprised to say anything as I watched her run in

"Luhan? What are you looking at?" Jessica said

"Oh! Nothing!" you said

You both entered the market and you followed Jessica as she was finding food

Your eyes kept on wandering around to find that girl when something caught your eye

It was her that "girl" you bumped into

"Ajhussi! Can you give 1 pound of meat?" she said

"Sure thing!" the ajhussi said

"Gomawo!" she said

The "girl" turned around with her bag of meat and walked towards your direction

As she was walking she tripped but you were fast enough to catch her before she was on the floor

"OMO! Gomawo!" she said looking in your eyes

There was a silence for a moment as you looked at each other 

"Luhan?" she said

You looked at her confused at how she knew your name

"Luhan, It's you right! It's me Minah!" she said

Minah, it was her. She was the one that made your heart beat ever time 6 years ago!

"Minah, y-y-ou came b-back?!" you said stuttering


Minah's POV

Yes! Finally I met Luhan, the one that broke my heart!

"Minah, y-y-ou came b-back?!" he said stuttering

"Yes, I came back today! How are yo-" before you could finish your question a familiar girl came up to Luhan hugging his arm

"Luhan, Who is she?" she asked

"M-Minah, remember 5 years ago? My *gulp* Ex-girlfriend?" Luhan said nervously

You crookd your head looking confused

"OOOHHH! Minah, I remember her! Remember me? Jessica?" she asked

That stabbed you through the heart right there

Jessica, she used to be my art class buddy in 7th grade! She's the one that hated you for dating Luhan before! you said in your mind

"Omo! Jessica? You got a lot prettier now!" you said trying not to sound sarcastic

"Haha! You too Minah!" she said

"Oh I have to go now! Bye!" you said pretending to look at your watch

"Bye!" Jessica said

"Bye..." Luhan said

You quickly checked out the food you bought and walked half-heartedly out of the market and biked home

When you got home you ran into your room and started crying on the pillow you were hugging

"Yes, I missed him a lot!" you said

Without eating dinner you cried yourself to sleep


AWWWW!!! OMO so sad, i cried when i was writhing this chapter

BTW guys please comment and let me know if you like this and if i should continue this story

 please respect this story THX GUYS!


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