Comeback Time

I Hate You but I Love You

Since Minah is still in America everyone calls her Naomi because it's her english name just wanted to get that straight :)

"AHHH! It's already 9:30?!" you said waking up from your bed

You quickly ran out holding a pair of skinny jeans, a red and white plaid shirt, and a white tanktop.  At the same time your annoying younger brother Kim Minjae (Ricky- English Name) came out of his room.

You stared at him and he did the same to you.  

~ You and your brother have been fighting over the bathroom for years because it was the only bathroom, and you guys both take a long time in there. ~

You both glared at each other, then to the bathroom door

"OH MY GOD!!! It's SNSD!" you said pointing to the backyard

"OMG, WHERE! WHERE!" Ricky said fanboying

Before you even heard what he said you quickly ran into the bathroom and slammed the door with a THUD!

"HAHAHAHA! Works every time!" you said laughing

After showering and changing, you quickly tied your hair into a messy bun and went out.

"Good Morning Mom and Dad!" you said and quickly sat down in your chair at the dining table to eat your breakfast

"Good Morning sweetie, we made pancakes for you as well!" said your Dad

As you were eating your pancakes you saw a pair of furious eyes glaring at you

"What?" you asked

"What?! You have to bring up my 9 beautiful angels at the same time when we are fighting over the bathroom!" Ricky said

"Gosh I'm sorry, I had to hurry or else Jasmine and Karyl will make fuss that I'm late!" you said

"Fine!" he said

You looked up and started giggling because of your brothers red face. Your brother had a crush on Jasmine ever since he met her.

After eating you quickly ran and took a bus to the mall to meet your friends. You saw one wearing a blue tee shirt (Karyl) and another wearing a pretty loose peach colored blouse (Jasmine).

"Finally on time!" Karyl said

"Hehe I quickly woke up beacuse of this!" you said

"Stop the conversation and let's go!" Jasmine said pulling both you and Karyl's arms toward the entrance of the mall

"What shop should we go to first?" asked Karyl

" about Forever21?" you asked

"Kay let's go!" Karyl said

As you guys were walking Jasmine asked you a question

"Ummmm, Naomi?" Jasmine asked while walking with you and Karyl

"Yes?" you said

"Are you still planning to go back to South Korea, because of your revenge?" Jasmine asked

"Unfortunely Yes, I'm sorry Jasmine, I had waited 6 years for this revenge!" you said

"Kay, whatever you say." Jasmine said sighing

Hmmm...Im sorry Jasmine I have and I need to go, Don't worry I'll comback with victory in my hands! you said in your mind

~ Flashback ~

6 years ago

"LEAVE!" you said crying

"Fine, I never loved you either!" he said

   you were stunned by sudden words

"What?! What happened to the old Luhan I used to love so  much?!" you said

"Hah! I only dated you for popularity and fame!" he said

    With that he left, leaving you back alone

I'll make you regret for leaving me! AND I WILL GET MY REVENGE ON YOU! you said in your mind...

~ End of Flashback ~

You then felt a tear dropping from your face, you quickly wiped it before your friends saw and went on with the day

~ 1 Week Later ~

You were at the airport, ready to leave for Korea

"Bye Sweetie!" your mom said

"Have a nice time dear!' your dad said

"Bye sis, I'll be using the bathroom to myself happily!" Ricky said

You glared at Ricky 

"What? I'm just kidding, have a fun time" he said

"Bye Naomi!" Jasmine and Karyl both said hugging you

"Bye everyone, don't worry i'll call back!" you said 

After that you ran to the ticket booth to get your plane ticket and leave to your flight. After many hours of sleep and boredom, the plane finally landed. You got out your luggage and passport to checkout and quickly ran outside to get fresh air. 

"Hahaha! Finally, Minah has returned to Korea!" you said laughing





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