what are you waiting for?!

No one POV

“soooo, I saw someone left the party last night” Suzy smirked at Jiyeon who had her mind occupied with last night moment. She never been this dizzy thinking about Myungsoo, he’s her best friend anyway why he keeps appearing on her mind.

Jiyeon sighed “eoh? Yeah I went to the glass house”

“and I saw  Myungsoo  catching up” Suzy giggled “what  are you guys  up to?”  she raised her eyebrow giving jiyeon a curious stare.

“oh c’mon we’re just playing around and don’t shoot me such glares, what you think will never happened to us, okay?”  Jiyeon said sternly

Suzy laughed at what Jiyeon “bwo? What was that mean? I never think what you claimed me to be hahhahaahha” she poked Jiyeon’s cheek.”

“YAH!” Jiyeon slapped suzy’s arm and stormed out of her room leaving the laughing Suzy.  Chanyeol suddenly appeared in front of Jiyeon’s room looking at Suzy “yah, suzy…michyeoso? Why you laugh alone like a maniac?” Chanyeol  asked.

Suzy smiled while strolling out of Jiyeon’s room “you see..your sister and her best friend have a thing going on” She giggled leaving Chanyeol dumbfounded “mwo? Jiyeon? And her bestfriend?..... Myungsoo?” He mumbled and smiling catching up for Suzy to gather more information about his baby sister.


Jiyeon’s POV

“God, that Suzy girl can’t she stop making fun of me?  Me and Myungsoo? Please, what’s wrong with us?  Is it impossible for a boy and a girl to be best friend without any feeling?  We’re the example, I’ve known him for years yet I never grew a feeling towards him and I believe he feels the same way, it’s like the most strange feeling I felt for him is only when he kissed me that night right? He.kissed.me” I mumbled to myself, sitting alone at the bench in the garden looking at some maids cleaning away last night’s trash. But…

“ OH HOLY ! ANDWAE THAT JUST A DREAM RIGHT? I MUST BE HALLUCINATING THAT NIGHT OR OH C’MON THAT JUST A COMMON KISS, NOTHING SPECIAL…IT’S BESTFRIEND KISS, YEAH RIGHT”  I scream at myself, convincing myself while gritting my teeth when suddenly my eyes catches a scene, Myungsoo and Naeun chat happily while….holding hands.  I smiled at the sight but….why? why I feel like I don’t like it when Myungsoo hold another girl’s hand? I sighed and was about to leave the garden when I heard someone called my name.  , I cursed under my breath, not now please, I’m not on my right mind to talk to you now, Myungsoo.

“yah, Park Ji silly girl!” he yelled and came to my place with naeun.

“aish, what do you want?” 

He smirked “tsk! Such a mood-shifter, you’re a nice girl last night and now you’re back to your true-self, a gangster”

“yah! Jugullae?” I glared at him up and down.  He chuckled, tsk what so funny? Weird guy.

“we’re going to the waterfall, you want to come with us?” He tilted his head. But, I glance at Naeun who look uncomfortable, I think I should let them go alone and why would I be such a third party on their date, I will be bored as hell.

“No, thanks I’d rather go to sleep”  . What a lame answer

“sleep? At 9 in the morning? Yeah right” He teased.  I was about to fought back when someone interrupted.

“Yeah don’t be such a boring, Jiyeon! If you don’t want to disturb them on their date, so let’s have a double date, Myungsoo and Naeun, You and Me, what do you think?” Kai asked while looking at me with that oh so good looking smile.  I looked at Myungsoo slightly, and yeah I can tell he doesn’t like the idea and I’m a hundred precent sure he will reject it. But yeah I’m not Myungsoo, and it was like why not? as long as I don’t disturb Myungsoo and Naeun together, I can go with Kai.

 “is it okay, Naeun-sshi?” I asked her.

“yeah, why not?” she smiled, I can tell that she’s agreed of having this double date thingy.

“Kaja!” Kai said as he grabbed my arm.  Awkward.  I stared at our hands, his hand is surprisingly warm.

“wae? You mind?” Kai asked me with that innocent face.

I shook my head and smiled “aniya, kaja!”  


Myungsoo’s POV

I’m having this conversation with Naeun and she’s holding my hand, is it a progress between us? I don’t know I just go along with it. Naeun asked me to walk her around the waterfall when I saw Jiyeon on the far sitting on the bench alone, something seems bothered her, I glanced at her once in a while talking to Naeun.  Jiyeon was about to go when I got this idea to ask her out to the waterfall, I know Naeun wouldn’t mind.

I yelled Jiyeon name out, she seems annoyed. I ask her out to go with us but he reject it, she said she wants to sleep, what people on their right mind wants to sleep at 9 in the morning? She just woke up this morning and having breakfast and she wants to sleep again? lame excuses, silly.

Jiyeon was about to fight me back when Kai suddenly appeared out of nowhere and convinced Jiyeon to come with us. Tsk, this flirt is really something, he doesn’t change from the last time I met him on that faithful competition.  But No, Jiyeon won’t fall for you, I guarantee that. 

“is it okay, Naeun-sshi?” she asked Naeun.

“yeah, why not?” Naeun answered. she smiled, I can tell that she’s agreed of having this double date. I cursed under my breath, I can’t believe Jiyeon and Naeun agreed with Kai stupid idea.

I was about to walk to the car with Naeunm when something caught my attention.

“Kaja!” Kai said as he grabbed Jiyeon’s  arm.  I swear if I’m not on right mind that time I will hit Kai’s hand and drag Jiyeon away from him. But NO, I need to keep my cool, I don’t want Naeun to misunderstand.

“wae? You mind?” Kai asked Jiyeon. Just say yes, Ji. Take your hand away from him. But her action is not what I expected to be.

She shooks her head and smiled “aniya, kaja!” 

My heart sank at the sight, but I don’t know why. I just feel disappointed?? Maybe.



Jiyeon’s  POV

I swear me and Kai would be the best gagman and gagwoman when it comes to fooling around, even Naeun would laugh along with us at the car. But there must be something happened with Myungsoo he just smiled slightly once in a while at our jokes.  He has his mind 90% occupied on the road, he’s not usually like this, he always loves my jokes and laugh along with me everytime  we hang out together, but not this time.

Finally we reach the waterfall area,  Myungsoo and Naeun walk ahead in front of me and Kai. I look around and feel the wind caressed my skin, I love the weather. It’s a bit cold but the sun shines brightly. I feel the air once more with eyes closed when suddenly I felt a fabric wrapped around my body and it’s Kai’s sweater.

“you forgot to bring your sweater, I’m sorry I didn’t remind you  before” Kai said as he keep walking.

 “thank you, that’s so kind of you” I chuckled.  He smiled “anytime for a girl like you”

“eww that’s so cheesy” I mocked as we keep walking ahead to the top of the valley.

“no, I mean it” He said. I just can’t react immediately

I scratched my head feeling awkward with his answers “euh? Thanks?”

He laughed  as he ruffles my hair “why so awkward? I’m just kidding” I swear I wanna kick this guy.

And we mocked each other again along the way.

We take different path from  Myungsoo and Naeun,  so when we reach the waterfalls I can see Myungsoo and Naeun on the other side, I waved to them and they waved back at me, Myungsoo took pictures but as always he always take panoramic photo, he never took human’s photo with his camera,  weird.  Naeun was there and he don’t even bothered to take her picture.

I strolled around the waterfall while Kai talking with the waterfall’s care-taker.  I found a beautiful sight and I immediately yelled at Myungsoo

“Yah Kim Myungsoooooo!!” I waved to him

“Waeeee???” He yelled.

“Please take my picture with this background view!!!!” I begged inter wining my fingers and make a pleading gesture.

“NOOOO!” He yelled. 

I stomped my foot “YAH! YOU STINGY PERSON, I HATE YOOOUUU!” I can see he laughed and took another shot, didn’t care about my rants.

After almost 2 hours strolling around the waterfall, we finally decide to go back to the villa to have a lunch and go back to Seoul  this evening.

I walk back with Kai after taking some pictures with my phone.  I’m about to fall when suddenly Kai grabbed me right by my waist, but this rocky path doesn’t help at all, his foot slipped so we both fall to the ground and he’s on top of me, our lips almost touch each other.  All I can do is stunned and so was him, my mind got flashed back to that moment when Myungsoo kissed me, and hell my heart and my breath feels heavy just because I recall that moment.

“Jiyeon, why are you so pale?” Kai said as he get up and hold my hand as he helping me to get up.

“ah aniya, let’s go back!” I still feeling nervous and walk immediately to the car, but seeing Myungsoo there doesn’t help at all and I just become more nervous. But why am I being like this? .

I got quiet along the way, and when we reach the villa I immediately walk to my room, but Kai grabbed my hand.

“Are you okay?” Kai said while holding my hand

I nodded “I’m okay, no need to worry” I smiled.

“if it’s about that last moment, then I’m sorry” oh God what is he talking about, it’s not about that, Kai. It’s just you remind me of something.

“no, really, it’s okay” I gave him reassuring smile when suddenly someone interrupting, Suzy appeared from my room.

“oh hi Kai” she greeted him.

“Hi Suzy, okay I‘ll leave then” He bid goodbye and walk to his room and I walk into my room with Suzy followed.

“Jiyeon, why are you so pale? Where have you been?”  She asked holding my face.

“The waterfall with Myungsoo, kai and Naeun!”

“Did something happen to you?” 

“No, I just fall and Kai helped me” I smiled slightly at the accident.

“and then?”

“nothing just that”

Suzy scoffed “something must be happened right?”  gosh, this girl must be smarter than me in a thing like this..she’s a drama queen.

“nothing, okay” I glared at her and I was about to walk out to the kitchen, but when I opened the door my curiosity begins “Su..?!”


“are you already have your first kiss?” Suzy chuckled at my question

“nope, I’m still waiting for you brother, but don’t tell me you already have your first kiss!” she accused me. .

I stuttered “NO!” I immediately go out before Suzy haunt me.



No One POV

Suzy laughed at her friend’s behaviour “Oh my God, Jiyeon, you’re so obvious…so it’s him” she shook her head and walk out of the room.  When suddenly she bumped into Myungsoo.

“ah myungsoo, be careful please, tch”Suzy pouted.

“Suzy ah did you see Jiyeon?”

“yeah she was here just now, why?”

“no, it’s just she was so pale after we went to the waterfall, she don’t even talk in car”

Suzy giggled “that kid, the impact was so big on her like that?”

Myungsoo raised her eyebrow “what impact?”

“that cute girl” Suzy giggled.

 “huh? What are you talking about?”

“this is a secret okay?”  Myungsoo nodded. 

“Jiyeon already had her first kiss” Myungsoo jumped in shock.

“her first kiss?”  He asked in curiousity, did Jiyeon realized  that night.    


“with who?”

“It’s so obvious Myung” Suzy chuckled.










“with Kai”

hello, here I am updating the story again, sorry it took a long long long time ..please leave a comment  i really need it <3 I'll update next chapter as soon as possible probably the end of this week or next week..promise ^^

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 10: Myungeun ❤️❤️❤️
Kaieun ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
amiraazharuddin #2
Chapter 12: Update soon please !!!
Anuka_bolor #3
Chapter 12: Kai yeon is great
1year_already #4
Chapter 12: Great story authornim
Update soon please :D
mywhstar #5
Chapter 12: KaiYeon is so cute! *-* <3 I love it ~ hehehe
Chapter 12: update soon pleaseee
myungyeon or kaiyeon its okay ^^
niiyeon #7
Chapter 12: huhuhu i like this chapter very much..
you made me cant pick, kaiyeon or myungyeon ;n; i like how kai-yeon-kai's mom interaction.. but i still like myungyeon orz
amiraazharuddin #8
Chapter 12: Kaiyeonnnnnnnnn ! Cute couple but myungyeon cute also . Update soon ! :)
please update soon authornim
Retsel_ #10
Chapter 12: awww... myungsoo is totally jealous..
kaiyeon so funny^^
update soon. !!!!♥