
KARA Buster Squad

A blue hole appears near the fight, with the thief jumps out of the hole, looking at Seungyeon, “Hello there.”

Her mind is dumbfounded. Isn’t that is the same man that she met a year ago?

The man turns to his side, seeing the fight between two Nicole and rushes toward the two, jumping in between and grabs the good Nicole while pushing the bad Nicole away, “Knock it off, you two!”

The bad Nicole points her finger toward him, “You, what are you doing here!?”

“Not now!”

“Give me back my friend!”

“I said, not now!”

“Why not? She’s an important detail for this!”

“Because you guys are no longer important!”

The bad Nicole seems silenced, backing away, “That’s…what you feel about us…?”

With a flash of light, she disappears from there.

Good Nicole pulls herself out of him, looking at him, “Who are you?”

“Someone important.”


The team enters their base back as the man walks toward Kyu, waving at him, “Hello there.”

“Why are you here?” Kyu seems mad at him.

The man looks at the girls, pointing toward their commander, “Whoa, he’s the not-so-kind one.”

“Not-so-kind?” Jiyoung wonders.

But Seungyeon speaks first, “Who are you, really? I met you a year ago and you told me you are going to go met me again a year later. And then you jump into that blue hole thing and gone. Now you are here, just jumped out of that blue thing again.”

The man just smiles, “Well, it’s a bit of a timey-wimey explanation there…”

“Timey-wimey?” now Hara got confused.

“Yeah… I need to stop watching Doctor Who… that show is making me addicted.”

He turns back toward Seungyeon, “Long story short, I stole that picture and enters a time portal, which brings me to the future, or the present if you will.”

“Time travel? That sounds like a science fiction to me!” Seungyeon seems enraged.

But the man stares into her soul, “Electrical monsters appear out of nowhere is real and time travelling isn’t? For all I know a military team called itself Kara Buster Squad IS the science fiction part and the real deal Kara is a girl group singing Korean pop.”


“Believe anything you want, but I just wanted to tell you that this picture shall be kept by your commander,” the man takes out the picture and gives it to Kyu, who gladly accepts it, “Make sure no one knows about this, not even the leader of this world.”

“Why not?”

“Because the Elegy is coming.”

“The what?”


“What spoilers?”

“Find it yourself.”

The man is about to reach the door, before turning toward Hara, “I think this is for you.”

The girl is given a box as he walks out of there.

Seungyeon quickly moves toward her commander, “Who is he? Did you know him?”

“A traveler.”

“What kind of traveler?”

“A traveler through worlds.”

Before the conversation turns intense, Hara is seen walking out of the base and moves toward her room, looking at the box still.

Finally sitting on her bed, she opens up the box, started tearing up.


It is one of those days in her early childhood.

Hara is seen sleeping on a wooden bed before a pair of hands is seen shaking her.

“Wake up!”

“Zenon…just let me sleep…”


“Why not?”

“Because I’m not Zenon!”

She wakes up, looking at the person who woke her up, “Jaekyung-eonnie!”

“Owh, so this is your secret!”

Hara starts blushing, “I don’t know what you are talking about!”

“Let’s go, everyone is waiting for you!”

“Where to?”

“Let’s just go!”

Jaekyung pulls her, running through a messy village that seems surrounded by wooden gate all over the place.

The two enter a hall, where everyone shouts, “Happy birthday!”

Hara stops, looking all over the place, “F-for me?”

“Today is your birthday, right?”

“I think this girl is still sleeping.”

A man walks out of the crowd, giving her a box, “This is for you.”

Hara takes the box and opens it up. She then smiles wide, taking out a necklace made out of metals, “Bronze?”

He nods.

“Thank you, Zenon-oppa!”

“Wah, Zenon is really good with ladies!” everyone starts surrounding the two.

Somewhere nearby, a man is seen looking at the crowd, smiling at the scene full of happiness.

An old man with two people following him stops near him, “Ah, mister…”

“Kyu. Jung Kyu.”

“Yes…mister Kyu, I’m sorry for leaving you alone in this village before. There is one thing that had to be done.”

“I understand. With the government has cut off the ties between the district and the rural areas, villages will be very busy in increasing the defense around them. I’m sure you had it busy in order to fight against the Uec.”

“Of course. We had to create our own proper defense organization to defend this place.”

“What was it called?”


“Why such name?”

“Well, we are unable to fund the organization and make it as grand as Buster Squads, so we had to find whatever we can and use it as either training programs for them or as their weapons. Like ninjas been trained to match samurais in the history of Japan, these people we are training should at least match the Buster Squad. Thus the name, Assassins.”

“Well, I would like to see their training.”

The three bow toward him, “It is an honor for a man from the military to request of such toward a lowly village like us.”

“Well, the idea on the defense organization is quite interesting. This is the first time I’ve seen such from villages before. From what I’ve seen before, they pretty much either want to be as strong as military or Buster Squads or just plain being defensive. Feels bad, though.”

“Nothing to be guilt of. I understand that you are not the one who asked for the budget of the military to be cut off.”

“I was there in a meeting. That spoiled son never learn. He lost his feet due to the Uec’s attack during one voyage and he still able to think of gaining his own power, even making his own Buster Squads. Well, they are stationed deep inside the New York District, so they won’t be ed up that much.”

“It seems you have much hatred on the team you are working with.”

“In the recent years, the military started to lose their true reason of creating technologies of defending themselves against Uec and starts thinking more of themselves. You will hate them even more if you have seen what they are talking about during the meeting.”

“Then, what are you hoping to achieve with these visits?”

“That will be my secret alone.”

“Why not share a good thing with us?”

“Unfortunately, it’s never a good thing to begin with.”

The two look at each other for a while, before the old man nods, “I see. So that’s what you are planning to do. You are one brave human.”

Kyu is seen whispering, “If I can still be called as one…”


It is the next day, as Kyu and the three people are sitting on chairs, looking at people fighting each other with weapons and stuff.

His eyes are set upon Hara, who is fighting against another woman. She is wielding a bladed wheel against the one with a spear.

“She’s the one.”

Of course she is, he thought. He can clearly see her face.

Hara shields herself against the spear, but that woman is too fast. She keeps on stabbing her, and manages to make her fall onto the ground.

And then the tip of the spear is pointed toward her, as the woman laughs, “Is that all you got?”

Jaekyung and others quickly run toward her, helping her out, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she just nods.

Her face shows otherwise.

Kyu moves toward the crowd, pulling her out of nowhere, “Your movement is good, but you can at least stop defending yourself and try hit your enemy when you can.”

“You are…”

The old man arrives, “He is Colonel Jung Kyu from Seoul District.”

“A military?” the woman with the spear scoffs, “Why is this doing here?”

“Trainee Sunny, lower your voice!”

“I’m just asking, why is someone from military even bothered entering this village they won’t even defend?”

“Because humans like you should stop having fun while those soldiers out there losing their life against the Uec,” Kyu speaks firmly.

Angers in chatters all around the place.

“Those militaries in those huge districts aren’t even doing their job properly anymore. In you villagers mind, military will save your . In their minds, Buster Squads will save their asses. What about Buster Squads? Their commanders. And so on and so forth.”

Zenon moves forward, “Sir, what’s with such speech? Who are you rooting for, really? Military or villagers?”

“None. I only count on those who is willingly to step outside and get into their nests, killing those Uec.”

“Isn’t that reckless? Why waste your life on such dangerous task?”

“Because a revolution is needed. How long are you going to just hoping for people to save you in time of danger? Those Uec out there is getting stronger and stronger day by day and soon even Buster Squads will fail to win against them all.”

He turns toward Hara, “Say, what is your name?”

She takes a look at him, muttering, “Val. Valeria Howard.”

Wait, her name is not Goo Hara?

“Valeria? Now, that’s interesting.”

“So, Val. I can see your potential in fighting. I can train you if you want to.”


“In fact, I’ll train anyone if you guys ever interested. Tonight, in this place.”

Sunny smirks, “This military dude…who does he thinks he is, coming here, acting all mighty and high?”


At night, Kyu is sitting on the same chair, looking at the empty hall.

“She’s not coming. You’ve made her mad.”

“I’ve made you mad.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

A shadow is seen as he stands up, looking at the side, “Val?”

Val appears out of the shadow, looking at him, “Good evening, sir.”

“Please don’t be so respectful. I’m not from around here, so I shall not get any respectful treatment.”

“Yes, sir…”


But then more shadows appear out of the place, with Sunny walking toward him with the spear on her shoulders.

Kyu turns toward them, “What now?”

“I don’t trust you.”

“On what basis?”

“What makes you think you can teach us how to fight?”

“I’m not teaching you how to fight, but I am teaching you what to fight for.”

“So is this class going to be theory?”

“No need for theory when you are fighting in order to protect.”

Zenon speaks, “Isn’t defensive is already enough to protect someone?”

“I told you before; day by day, those Uec are getting stronger. Defense won’t getting you anyway.”


Sunny seems agitated, “Enough talk! I’m the strongest in this place and if you think you can defeat me, then pick your weapon! If I lose, I’ll join this stupid class! If you lose, never step into this place again!”

“Fine by me,” Kyu steps forward, “If you can defeat me, that is.”

He flicks his fingers secretly, but Val sees it as she can see sparks flying across his fingers.

With a roar, Sunny charges forward, trying to stab him. But he grabs the end of the spear, spins it along with her, causing her to lose her weapon.

“Who’s next?”

Not wanting to give up, all other students are armed, charging toward him.

But then they stop, feeling something chilly around the air.

Val whispers, “What is this feeling? I can feel dread in the air…”

She looks at his serious face. This man seems to be capable of killing human.

Zenon then shouts, “Okay, you win.”

“Good, then are you joining the class?”

They all just nod.

Kyu sighs, “Most of this place is made up of wood, so destruction is hard to be avoided. You guys call yourself Assassins, but all I see is a parody of military training. If you want to stay true to that name, at least know how to kill.”

“But…we are fighting against Uec,” Val finally speaks, “Can they be killed in the same way as human? They are monsters made up of electricity.”

“That’s where you are wrong. Uec is a species, capable of living normally. And they and humans have so much similarity than some even look like one. What is so hard about fighting them is the fact that you will get shock if you come in contact with it.”


And so, their secret trainings begin.

It is a lot harder than before, but at least they can feel the difference of the normal trainings they had and this secret trainings. They are getting stronger and faster, even more in term of flexibility.

But there’s one thing that bugs Val the most.

Most of the time, Kyu always have his attention on her, trying to help her and even giving advice on anything.


“Yeah, don’t trust . They are fakes and always made up. Real life is actually a different thing.”

Valeria is blushing, “Yes…”

She has no idea how to respond such statements.

“Wait,” he looks away, “Why am I talking about with you? I am corrupting your mind… Please forget what I just said…”

He walks away from there, as she is still blushing.


And then there’s one time…

Kyu and Val are sitting across each other.

“Me, joining Buster Squad?”

Kyu nods, “I want to bring in some from the rural areas to join the Buster Squads of my friends and I so that we could together fight those Uec, inside and outside.”

“But…why me?”

“Because of your potential.”

“My potential?”

He leans forward, “The Buster Squads we are creating are aiming more than just protecting. We have already constructing a plan on going straight into one Uec’s nest and eliminate all of them.”

“That’s dangerous.”

“Leaving them is more dangerous. Wait any more and the death rate will be escalated quickly.”

She looks down, “I… I don’t know…”

“Hey, if you don’t want to, you can just say no. I’m fine with it. Just…I don’t want any more deaths…”

He looks down, “Getting the promotion of this title is hard, but what’s harder is looking at all those deaths you could have avoided. I’ve joined a lot of team, and every time there will be a mission that is making us entering the nests. Only few will survive. I’ve learned all I can about them, even their weakness but they falls onto deaf ears. Forming a powerful squad of my own is the only way…”

Val sighs, “I guess… I can try…”

“Good. Then you may pack up and I will sign you up into the academy. You only need to learn few about military and Buster Squads, so I’ll sing you up in the mid-term. So, see you tomorrow, Hara.”




“Owh, you’ve screwed, big time!”

“Err… I mean… I’m callin you Hara during your time in the district.”


“Nobody should know about your real name or your affiliation with Assassins. This thing is a secret.”


“Goo Hara.”

“I like that name,” she smiles at him.


Back in the room, Hara is looking at the pictures of the academy, with her friends are now part of the Assassins.

She smiles, with her eyes fixated at the picture.


Kyu is looking at the picture, with the picture shows lands with explosions around the place. People are seen shooting each other.

“That’s not what happened before.”

“I know.”

“Someone has a bad memory.”

“Or this is more than just a painting.”

A woman appears beside him, “I can decipher this picture if you want to. But I won’t be around.”

“Don’t worry about me, Seung. I’m sure I can handle anything myself.”

She then disappears along with the picture.

His eyes now turn toward a picture, showing him and full members of Kara, only Nicole is blonde, Seungyeon has a dark red hair and Jiyoung’s hair is short and blue.

Wait, what?

“I miss you guys…”


Blonde Nicole is walking around a hill at night, dissatisfied, “Who is that man, really? He keeps appearing all around the place like a ghost.”

“Found you~…”

Feeling a strong air, she looks around, now seeing a girl in black robe walking toward her, “Elegy?”

The girl shoots thunder at her, as Nicole rolls away from there, “Show me your true self!”

The girl then opens up her hood, as Nicole is terrified, “Valeria Howard?”

“It’s Val the Script now.”

A black thunder is shot toward her, but then another thunder pushes it away, with another girl appears between them, “None shall be killed by you, Elegy!”

Val smiles, looking at the girl, “So, Hara of Kara Buster Squad will try to fight me?”

The story ends with the two’s thunder clash each other.



Man, doing backstory is really hard!

So, I’ve messed things up, and now I will be telling two chapters at once, meaning one chapter that will be overly long.

Next: A secret story of another group called Kara Buster Squad. It is comprised of five girls with an ability related to electricity each, with certain addition each. Know the TRUE enemy is.


Next: The first Nest Mission for the girls. A distress signal is heard from one nest nearby and the girls along with Kyu infiltrate the place, only to find some survivors and Gyuri? Isn’t she is supposed to be still in coma? Seungyeon reveals three secret weapons for the team to use; Guilt Pack, Break Forms and their own huge mecha, Pandora! The forbidden box will be opened, as two Kara finally clash! Wait…Nicole…Jiyoung…why are you two quitting?



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PikaBleu #1
Chapter 9: you're back!!!!!!! and then left us with a cliffhanger...what is inside the hole??what did jing see?? >______<
only 2 chapter left??i'm gonna miss this fic T_T
update soon kay :)
syer1001 #2
the seungyeon in this chapter is all raijin seungyeon. no, not all elegy are kara's children. technically, there is no right question since both kara are pretty much the same people with different origin, but to clear it all up, it's the raijin kara's children.
PikaBleu #3
Chapter 8: so,j-nicole's dead already??but why?? feel sad for her T_T
also,a bit confused with seungyeon appearance??is it all raijin seungyeon??she finally can be separated from kyu??
and and and......the elegy are kara's children?!?! O________o....which kara btw??still confused with the transition between human kara n raijin kara >______<
1123 streak #4
Chapter 7: wow so kara buster squad is a three person team now? are you going to add 2 or they will remain 3?
PikaBleu #5
Chapter 6: i'm back!!!!!!! a bit confused here...isn't val n hara are same person?? then why at the end O_______o or hara at the end is hara from the future (based on spoiler i got from hero bank prologue)...val is an elegy??
now only gyuri's past left..can't wait for it :)
1123 streak #6
Chapter 6: Woah this makes me more confused... Wait are they really quitting?? But i heard same kamilia friend told me Nic just renewed her contract.
1123 streak #7
Chapter 5: Oh so this is how Seungyeon was requited into kara baster squad... What Hara is a train asssassin?? cant wait for it
PikaBleu #8
Chapter 4: another cliffhanger >___<
cole vs cole!!!!! can't wait for that ^___^
1123 streak #9
Chapter 4: Wow Nicole vs Nicole...
1123 streak #10
Chapter 3: Whose eyes flash.. the nurse or Gyuri and What do you mean my "Gyuri is seen with a short hair shooting down nicole " is the short hair you mention Eunjung???