
KARA Buster Squad

A small group of Tundos are seen moving in one town, looking all over the place for something.

Something then hits in front of them, gaining their attentions to a shield stuck on the ground in front of them.

Hara in her suit is seen walking out of an alley, moving toward the shield and grabs hold of it. She then charges toward the group, having a small fight with them.

As she fights them all, more Tundos suddenly appear around her, but quickly defeated when a group of men arrive into the scene, helping her out.

Nearby, Val is looking at the fight, hiding herself far from the scene behind a wall. She turns around, disappears just like that.

The fight becomes short, finally finishing them all.

The heroes revert to their civilian forms, with the men salute her, “Thank you for your hardwork, sunbaenim!”

Hara just bow at them slightly, “Good work, A-Jax.”

She walks away from there.


Door opens.

Hara is standing at the door, looking at the empty base of her now-resting team.


Deep silence.

She sighs, walking away from there.


Hara enters her room, falling onto her bed.

These past months have been so quiet right now.

Their commander, Kyu was promoted to Captain and now managing a lot more teams, so he has been so busy now. Nicole and Jiyoung are no longer with them, joining different teams. Gyuri and Seungyeon…

Nobody knows what happened to them. They have been missing right after the other two quit the team.

Now she is staying here, fighting those Raijin all by herself.

She has no idea what else she could do. She wanted to fight the Elegy as well, but she has no idea where to start.

These months have been so boring for her, doing the same thing over and over.

She needs a better rest…


Her eyes turn toward the picture of her and her friends back at the village.




Two figures among other figures are seen running through a field, shooting down humanoid creatures while dodging water, fire and all other stuff.

One of the two starts flying; helped by metal wings on her back as she flies to the sky, shooting thunder from her hand.

The other one grabs a bike and starts speeding through the battlefield, finally reaching a monster and jumps toward him, stabs his head with her right sting, breaking his head off.

The Elegy sees this, running away from the battlefield as those who are late are dead.

The flying one lands nearby her friend, reverting into Seungyeon, “Eonnie, why did you have to be so harsh on that one?”

“He is an Elegy. We should never give them any mercy.”

Gyuri looks at her for a while, “How is the electricity in your body? Any trouble controlling it?”

“So far so good. But I have no idea how strong the power can be.”

Zero suddenly appears behind her, muttering, “Seungyeon…”

“Da- I mean, Zero!” she turns toward him, “What are you doing here?”

“Could you go back to the town and take care of Hara? I think it’s her turn now.”

“Is it time already?”

Zero nods, “Is it okay with you?”

“Everything for my daughter…”

“You…are not married yet…”

“I was talking about her,” Seungyeon looks at her back, looking at a peak of a hill near them.

J-Seungyeon is on the top, looking at the sky. She seems a bit…”big”


A jeep is seen moving through a plain field, finally stops.

Hara jumps out of the jeep, with a bag pack behind her.

She is now looking at her own village, covered by tall walls around.


She turns toward the source of the voice, looking at a friend that she has once closed to, “Jaekyung…”

Jaekyung is seen running toward her, out of a group, closing to her, “Val, it has been a long time!”


The group closes to her as one of them speaks in pride, “Aren’t you supposed to work with the Buster Squads? Flunk already?”


“Sunny, why are you still harsh on her? She’s finally returned home after a long time!” Jaekyung looks angry, “Didn’t you miss her?”

“Why would I? She’s just another loser who failed of becoming Buster Squads. Her presence here proves that.”

“No, I’m just having a short holiday,” she takes out her ID card, showing to all.

They seem amazed.

Jaekyung turns happy, “Whoa, you are part of Buster Squads? That’s my friend!”

A man steps forward toward her, “Don’t tell me none of you ever watch TV?”

“What’s about it?” Sunny turns toward him.

“She’s our pride. She is one of the members of that infamous Kara Buster Squad, the first team ever defeated the whole Uec’s nest in one mission only. There’s her picture all over the media.”

He shows a paper with Kara in it, talking about the first time they wiped the whole nest.

His male friend mutters, “You keep this paper with you all the time?”

“Of course! Thinking about how I once befriended this village’s hero, it makes me so proud!”

Jaekyung laughs, gently pushing Hara, “It seems Zenon-oppa really likes you!”

But then she realized how Hara didn’t even put a smile on her face. She looks terrible.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m just tired…”

“Whoa, you have a car of your own now!?”

The group is now looking at her jeep as Jaekyung asks her, “Did you have a driving license?”




Hara steps into her room, now looking at the place she has abandoned once.

Still looks the same…


The door opens up, with Jaekyung entering the place, “Looks the same, right? I know one day you will return home. This is your home after all.”


She closes the door, looking at her friend, “Want to tell me something?”


“From your face, I can tell that you have something you keep. You want to tell me about it?”

“Well… I… I’m not sure…”

“Come on, I’m your friend! Just treat it as our secret.”

“I guess… I’m okay with you…”


In a dark place, something is heard rumbling all over the place, eating something weird…

Human arms…

The figure is flashed by a light, as a voice is heard, “Who are you? What are you doing in here?”


The figure turns toward the man, showing herself as J-Hara, roaring out loud and pounces onto the man.

Outside of the cave where the scene happened, Val is standing outside, looking at it, “Why is it have to be you, of all people?”


“Different timeline?”

Now Jaekyung is confused, “That did not make any sense. But maybe that could have been why the Uec, or what you said; Raijin appeared in the first place.”

“We’ve seen a lot…”

“But that’s not even you, right?”

“There, I was called as Goo Hara. Commander told me that I was supposed to hide the fact that I came from a village to avoid any unwanted bullies. But Goo Hara is the name I have in that past timeline. My name is Valeria Howard, also the name of one of the Elegy we are fighting against currently.”

“Who is she then?”

“She’s supposed to be my childhood friend, but you are my childhood friend.”

The more they think about it, the more confused they get.

“But that’s not what you are right now. Why did you give such thought?”

“I don’t know… It’s seems disturbing to me…”

Hara sighs, looking at her, “Would you promise not to tell anyone about that?”


A sound of radio transmission is heard suddenly as Jaekyung stands up, taking out a walkie-talkie, “Jaekyung, here.”

“Code red! Our village will be under attack by massive armies!”

“Is it Uec’s again!?”

“We have no idea!”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“None of these creatures shoot lightning! There are fires, waters and even flowers, but not lightning for sure!”

Jaekyung turns toward Hara in horror, “Val, is that…?”



Far off the sky, Seungyeon in her suit equipped with the Guilt Pack is gliding through the cloud. Behind her is a pair of wings and around her head is an attachment, combined both scopes and night vision goggles.

“I think I’ll be there in few minutes,” she speaks up as her own voice is heard from the communicator, “Of course! Thanks to my Raijin power, you are able to use it to power up your pack more than its limit! You knew that from the tournament, right?”

“Yeah. But there’s just one question; why are you still here?”

“Did you just chase me? Your own self; the ier version of you?”

Seungyeon sweat drops, “No, I was referring to how you guys should be dead for using up all your electricity to put me back to life before. I saw that all other members of your team; Nicole, Jiyoung and Gyuri, all disappear. But you used your electricity to the fullest, and yet you are still here, talking to me right now.”

“Wait, Gyuri’s gone?”

“You… didn’t know?”

“I was inside your captain’s body for years, what makes you think I have time to learn of other’s whereabouts? When did that happened? What actually happened?”

“I don’t know. I’ve realized how she has the thunder days ago… It seems she still doesn’t want to talk about it with me, even after returning back to her own body.”

“Well, I have no answer. It’s weird to see how I am still standing here. I really wish I could just disappear somewhere else. I don’t think I want my daughter to be born in this kind of world.”

“Yeah, one more question.”

“What now?”

“How do you get pregnant?”

Awkward silence.

“Are we going to have a talk right now?”

“No, I mean, who’s the father?”


“Please get back to the mission…”

The cloud soon disappears as Seungyeon stops midair, looking below her, “I think I’ve found her…”



After a really long time, Hara has finally uses the weapons used by the Assassins in her village.

She and all other Assassins are fighting against a huge enemy numbers of Elegy.

The fight keeps on going and going, till suddenly she is pushed from behind, toward somewhere else.

Hara quickly turns toward her back, now looking at her new opponent.

J-Hara is smiling, staring at her, “I have been wondering something… how good my own meat taste like…?”

Wearing her own suit, she charges forward toward her counterpart.


The scene shifts into a dark place, not known by anyone else.

In there, there are nothing else but a huge machine that is almost covering the whole place and one female human, leaning against a wall, looking at the machine.

“Hey, haven’t you felt tired of this loop? How much do we have to keep rolling the same tape over and over? Nobody is going to watch the same episode more than twice.”


This world…isn’t even a real world. This whole loop is a proof of that.”

The female looks at her hands, “A mean of escaping the real world; that’s what this world is.”

“Who are you supposed to be?”

Zero is standing in the same place, looking at her.

She turns her masked face toward him, “An agent of destruction; that’s what I was created for.”


“This is my world now, and I will be creating my own world, a world free from Elegy, Raijin and Buster Squads.”



Hara manages dodging one powerful attack from J-Hara as she looks at the sky, now seeing Seungyeon moving toward her, “Hara, bring all your friends far from this place!”

“Why? We are in the middle of a war here!”

“No time to explain! Just do what I said!”

“But these Elegy is attacking my village!”

“You got it all wrong! These Elegy are not attacking your village, but they are running away!”

“Running away? From who?”

J-Hara sees an opportunity and roars out loud, shooting a stream of black electricity toward her, shocking her, hurting her.

Seungyeon’s wings de-attach from her back and combines into a round shield on her left arm as she lands between the two, shielding her teammate from the attack, “This is weird. All the previous Kara should have no longer act as Raijin anymore after the tournament. But this Hara is still as crazy as ever.”

Her eyes wander around, looking for something as she mutters, “Could it be…”

With a strike, J-Hara is downed on the ground, stomped by Val the Script’s palm.

The Elegy jumps away, landing beside Hara, “Are you okay?”

She startled, looking at her, “The enemy!”

“No, wait!” Val speaks up, “I’m not the enemy!”

“You are an Elegy, right? You must be the one leading this army to attack my village!”

Seungyeon steps toward her teammate, “Hara, I’ve told you before; these Elegy are running away!”

“Why would they be running away? That statement alone is strange!”

Val sighs, looking at Seungyeon, “Sorry about my sister. She is still a Raijin unlike others.”


“We are twins, separated at birth. I was named Valeria Howard while she is called Goo Hara. We meet years later, not knowing of who we really are to each other.”

Val turns back toward Hara, “This world has a far different story thanks to interference from someone you called Zero. His presence before changes the world into what today is.”

Hara is shocked, “Zero…that man I’ve met before during the hiatus?”

“You met him already? The man with weird things coming out of his brain?”

She nods, “He know who I am.”

“In this new world, there is no Goo Hara.”

Seungyeon looks at her, “What?”

Always masked, Val takes off her mask, showing her face similar to Hara’s, “I am Hara’s twin sister, and you are me of this world.”

She turns back toward Seungyeon, “That is why my sister is still act like Raijin. A Raijin can only start to control themselves when meeting their own selves.”

“What about you?”

“I am an Elegy. We have already lost everything before.”

J-Hara wakes up, roaring in anger as Val turns toward Hara, giving her a book, “Have this. This is a portion of my power, a power to create a story of your own in a period of time. Use it wisely.”

“Why did you give it to me?”

“Listen,” Val ignores her, “We only have one-shot for this. I will try and direct her attack to you and write the script of her power transfer into you by mistake. You’ll need it.”

Hara is still blank, but Val and Seungyeon has already charge forward toward the rampaging girl, who is shooting her thunder all over the place.

The fight is really hard as J-Hara has the ability of turning into a spark of voltage, sneakily moves through anything. And every time the two are trying to attack, she keeps running away, only having her attention toward Hara.

Hara takes out a pickaxe nearby her, while equipping herself with her shield, “All she wants is me, right?”

She throws the pickaxe toward J-Hara, who did not paid any attention that she gets hit by it, hurting her elbow.

Hara runs forward, grabbing a spear and jumps toward her, going for a kill but the Raijin girl quickly grabs the tip of the spear and throws her off course.

Seungyeon turns toward Val, “I’m not sure if I should trust you or not, but I wish you could distract her a bit.”

Her Guilt Pack de-attaches from her and reforms itself into a huge gun, landing on her shoulder, acting as a bazooka.

Val runs toward J-Hara, hitting her but missed still. J-Hara keeps on wanting to fight against Hara for some reason, going for a kill every time.

J-Hara becomes furious, started attacking them all with her thunder, coming out of the sky.

One is about to hit Hara as Val takes out a piece of paper, throwing it away as the lightning hits her.

Seungyeon shoots a huge beam toward her, obliterate the last of electrical Kara to nothingness.

The thunder has disappears, now with Hara standing on the spot.

She is looking at her hands. Electricity.

“It is complete,” Val walks toward them, smiling, “We are going to win this fight.”



“Weird,” Seungyeon wonders, “Whose side are you on?”

“Anyone who want to stop the world from looping.”

Hara suddenly realizes something, “The Elegy…from who are you guys running away?”

Val is about to speak, but a spear struck onto her stomach as she falls onto the floor, with Hara catches her, “A-are you okay?”

“This power…I can’t regenerate…it’s her…”

“Who? Who are you talking about?”

Val looks at Hara, coughing blood, “All we want is to be together forever. Please…cherish the name Hara. I don’t want her ceased to exist…”

Her eyes turn blank as Hara shouts, shaking her up, “Hey, wake up! Wake up!”

“Hara, we have something else matter the most,” Seungyeon mutters, pulling her as she looks forward.

A female figure walks into the battlefield, with things flying all over the place. She has the most wicked smile, looking at the two.

Hara whispers to Seungyeon, “Is that… Nicole?”

“No…she looks way different…”

The woman laughs, “Arah the Collosus, daughter of Han Seungyeon. Kra the Legacy, father of Kang Jiyoung. Val the Script, sister of Goo Hara. All dead.”

Seungyeon aims her bazooka at her, “Who are you!?”

“Me? I am simply Jung Yongjoo, also known as Nicole Jung. The girl who dies… I am Jugun.”

She stares beside her, speaks, “Gyuri-oppa, isn’t this is a perfect time to wake up?”


The earth shakes hard as the giant machine from a scene earlier appears out of the ground. The machine blows some steam, slowly transform into a huge humanoid robot, with the body of a female is seen on top of it, inside a liquid-filled tube.

Jugun chuckles, “The end starts now…”


J-Seungyeon suddenly kneels onto the floor in the camp, broke a glass in the process.

Kyu runs toward her, helping her out, “Are you okay?”

“The baby…”

Kyu is shock, “Nicole’s baby is going to be born?”

J-Seungyeon nods, “It is time for her to shine…”

Kyu helps her moving out of the camp, leaving us confused with what just happened.


One more chapter, and things are going big.

As you can see, the three important Elegy are revealed to have a connection with Kara, but Nicole’s version and Gyuri’s version of Elegy is still not around.

And there you have it.

Next: Gyuri-oppa, the most dangerous machine of Bridge-MLDY is capable of destroying the world, re-creating the world of his liking. At the same time, Jugun’s storyline is foreshadowed a bit as she is from a timeline before the Elegy appear where she is an idol of a girl group who ended up ending her contract for a personal reason…what?? The story of how Elegy appears are discovered! And what about the baby?

Read the two important trailers down below



“All of you are dead!”

“There can only be one Nicole…”

“Is this all you have?”

“If you don’t do something about her, a time paradox will appear, and I’m sure your husband wants you to stay alive.”


“Mom, who should save her now…”




“The famous Korean girl group, KARA, have reported missing on their way to Japan. Along with them are their ex-members, Nicole Jung and Kang Jiyoung, who are scheduled to record a MV for the team as actress and the mysterious actor for the MV.”

“The search is now started…”

“Eonnie, where are we right now?”

“Girl group Melody? But that’s us!”

“Those girls are not you. They are not KARA. We are not in the same world.”




“Seungyeon, no!”

“Han Seungyeon, will you take the 400-year old Kraken as your husband?”

“I do.”



“Sorry… Nicole…”

“It’s okay…”



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PikaBleu #1
Chapter 9: you're back!!!!!!! and then left us with a cliffhanger...what is inside the hole??what did jing see?? >______<
only 2 chapter left??i'm gonna miss this fic T_T
update soon kay :)
syer1001 #2
the seungyeon in this chapter is all raijin seungyeon. no, not all elegy are kara's children. technically, there is no right question since both kara are pretty much the same people with different origin, but to clear it all up, it's the raijin kara's children.
PikaBleu #3
Chapter 8: so,j-nicole's dead already??but why?? feel sad for her T_T
also,a bit confused with seungyeon appearance??is it all raijin seungyeon??she finally can be separated from kyu??
and and and......the elegy are kara's children?!?! O________o....which kara btw??still confused with the transition between human kara n raijin kara >______<
1124 streak #4
Chapter 7: wow so kara buster squad is a three person team now? are you going to add 2 or they will remain 3?
PikaBleu #5
Chapter 6: i'm back!!!!!!! a bit confused here...isn't val n hara are same person?? then why at the end O_______o or hara at the end is hara from the future (based on spoiler i got from hero bank prologue)...val is an elegy??
now only gyuri's past left..can't wait for it :)
1124 streak #6
Chapter 6: Woah this makes me more confused... Wait are they really quitting?? But i heard same kamilia friend told me Nic just renewed her contract.
1124 streak #7
Chapter 5: Oh so this is how Seungyeon was requited into kara baster squad... What Hara is a train asssassin?? cant wait for it
PikaBleu #8
Chapter 4: another cliffhanger >___<
cole vs cole!!!!! can't wait for that ^___^
1124 streak #9
Chapter 4: Wow Nicole vs Nicole...
1124 streak #10
Chapter 3: Whose eyes flash.. the nurse or Gyuri and What do you mean my "Gyuri is seen with a short hair shooting down nicole " is the short hair you mention Eunjung???