The Story Between Yuri & Kibum

Love Has No Limits

Siwon first entered, followed by Leeteuk who bowed at her, then Heechul who smiled and greeted her. When she raised her head, she didn't believe who she was seeing. "K-kibum..." She whispered. "Hey Yuri... Long time no see..."


"Yes. It has been a while." Yuri said as she stepped aside, making the guy enter. "Siwon oppa, I--" Sooyoung was lost in her words when he saw Kibum. He then saw Yuri standing at the door, her face blankly staring at the floor. "Yuri-ah, close the door." She said, making the older girl gain back her senses. "Ah, yes." She said and closed the door.


There was an unease tension inside. Sooyoung knows why, but the rest of the boys doesn't. Yuri took a glass of water and gulped it all in one drink. She then turned to the boys and apologized. "I'm sorry. I wanted to talk with you and hear about how is Donghae, but I feel weak, and I really need some sleep. Sooyoung, just tell me later, okay." She told them and immediately went into the room she shared with Jessica.


Yuri left out a small cry. But Jessica knows Yuri very well. "Hey what's wrong?" Jessica asked. Yuri just pointed to their door. The ice princess stood up and walked into the living room.


"Oh, hey there everyone." Jessica greeted them. "Oh, Kibum. You're back." She faked a smile. 'No wonder Yuri's acting like that. He's back.' She thought. "Yeah. I just arrived today." He said, fliashing again that killer smile. "Well, it was nice to see you're back. But I have to look at Yuri's condition." She went back to their room. She closed the door, but she left a small gap for her to hear the conversation outside.



"Where's Yoona?" Leeteuk asked. "I think she's still in the bathroom." Sooyoung said. She turned her head and yelled. "Yoona! Come out!" The tall girl yelled, making the guys cover their ears. And in an instant, Yoona ran out and smiled as she saw them. "Oh, Kibum oppa, you're here!" Kibum smiled lovingly at the girl.


Yoona took a seat beside Sooyoung and was anticipating about Donghae's condition. "He cried to sleep at the couch." Heechul began. "And Eunhyuk oppa?" Sooyoung asked. "Still in his room." Siwon answered. "How could this happen? We planned well. I thought things would work out." Yoona said and bowed her head down. Out of everyone, she was the most excited for EunHae to be real. She had plan everything ever since she had learn Donghae's secret which was even before SNSD debuted.


"We have to make them together!" Yoona shouted. "Yoona..." Sooyoung held the girl's shoulder. "I don't believe that Eunhyuk oppa doesn't feel the same way!" She sobbed. "EunHae is real! Eunhae is real!" She repeated until she cried. The rest of the boys sighed as they looked at Yoona.


"Yoona, you can't force it. Maybe it's not yet time." Leeteuk said. Yoona sighed in defeat. "Fine. Maybe it's not just time. But when Donghae oppa needs my help, I'm willing to help him." She told them. "You're our doctor and cupid. We really don't know what we'd do without you." Leeteuk said. "Well, there are still couples left." She then turned to Siwon and Sooyoung, who both wore confused looks. She then looked at Kibum, who was trying to peek where Yuri is. She shook her head. She was also reminded of Kyuhyun and Sungmin. 'I still have three more couples beside Eunhae.' She thought.




The following day, some of the members of Super Junior and Girls Generation were at SM Building as always. Kibum greeted everyone he had missed. He missed this building he had grew up with the talent he has. Being gone for more than a year made him miss a lot of things and a lot people.


While walking, he saw her. She had just walked out from one of the studio rooms. They were both shocked at the other's presence. Their eyes met and they remained silent until Kibum spoke up. "Do you have time? Can we talk?" He asked.




"Here." Kibum handed her hot chocolate as the two sat at the bench at the rooftop of the building, where they would meet back then. "Why are you back?" Yuri asked. "First, I miss my group mates. They are my family. Second, they called me and told me Donghae's condition. I think you know about it." And Yuri nodded. "Lastly, because I'm coming back with them for the 5th album, and continue becoming a singer." He said and Yuri scoffed. "Since when did you becoma a singer? From what you said, you are always an actor." She said and stood up. 


"I had always been an actor. But I also can't leave music." He reasoned out. "But why did you leave?!" She yelled. "Because I wanted to explore the horizons of acting." He was still calm, like he always was. "Were you always busy?" She asked. "Sometimes yes, sometimes not." He answered. "So everytime I called you, you were always busy?" She asked. "I'm sorry..." He answered with his head hung down. "SORRY!? YOU TOLD ME TO WAIT ON YOU! AND I DID!" She said and Kibum was shocked to hear Yuri like this.


"You told me to wait, and I did. You told me to call when I have free time, and I did. You told me we'd still be together, but what happened? But most of all, you played with my feelings!" She said and walked out on him. "I don't get what you mean when you said I played with your feelings." He yelled. "Think about it clearly." Yuri said without taking a look back at Kibum before leaving him. Kibum still sat there, minutes after Yuri has left him. He doesn't understand what she meant by her last statement. "But I never played with your feelings..."



Yuri ran back to the studio she was once and immediately fell unto the floor. The rest of her group mates ran to the crying girl and enveloped her in a hug. They didn't have to ask what happened. They heard that Kibum has returned and that the two of them went to the rooftop to talk. 


Yuri started to tell about the conversation she had with Kibum  earlier, and the girls hugged her tightly. Yuri hates herself. The memories they had, the promises he made when he left, and the words that pierced through her heart was slowly coming back again.




The girls had just finished Inkigayo with Gee. The girls had finally won this week. And they were now at the SME building, being congratulated by a lot people.


"Yuri-ah!" Yuri turned and saw Kibum waving at her, holding a small bouquet of flowers. "Oppa!" Yuri yelled and ran to Kibum. He handed her the roses and she hugged him. "Congrats on your win." He said as he wrapped his arms at her. "Komawo oppa. These flowers are beautiful." She said as she looked into Kibum's eyes. The latter flashed his killer smile, making the girl blush.


They were in their own world when their attentions' were caught by Taeyeon, who cleared . She lets go of Kibum and the two apologized at her group mates. "Yuri-ah, let's go now." Taeyeon said and the two giggled, before they departed. 


Yuri smiled, and before she could pass him, he held her arm and whispered something. "Can we talk later? I have something important to tell you." Kibum whispered and Yuri nodded. Kibum lets go and smiled again, making her heart flutter as she walks away with her group mates.


She plays with the flowers, without looking at anyone. She accidentally bumped into 4 people, making Jessica and Yoona to hold her so she could avoid anyone else. "Yuri-ah, can you at least walk properly and not get distracted by Kibum?" Hyoyeon told her. "Sure, you're going out, but please, don't let your mind be occupied by him." Sunny added and Yuri nodded.


Yuri  thinks back at the memory when it all happened. They were promoting Girls Generation, when Kibum knocked at their dorm, and Yoona opened it, but she was called, so Yuri had to see who was at the door. She was surprised to see Kibum with his head hung low, and said, "Will you go out on a date with me?" She gasped and Kibum was surprised to see Yuri. She nodded and hugged Kibum. The guy was taken aback at the events that were happening, but she was unaware of it.


From that moment, they started to see each other more often, and when December of 2008 came, the two became more than just friends who casually date each other. 



That night, Yuri went to the rooftop to see Kibum. She was wearing a skirt that was up to her thigh and a long sleeve blouse and sandals. She sat at the bench and looked at the sky. 'I wonder why oppa wants me here.' She thought.


Then her eyes were covered with a pair of hands, which she is familiar with. "Yah, oppa, I know your hands very well." She smiled and held his hands. Kibum chuckled and sits beside Yuri. The two looks at the sky and points to stars until their fingers met. Yuri held Kibum's hands and intertwined their fingers. Yuri looked at Kibum before asking, "Why do you want me here? Is there something important you want to say to me?"


"Oh yeah." He held unto their hands and Kibum looked on the floor, before looking at Yuri. "Super Junior's comeback is near. And I want to tell you that I'm not participating in it." He told her. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I'm taking a break from singing, and focus on my first passion, which is acting." He sighed and brushed his thumb at her hand. 


Yuri's face fell. She and Kibum just got together last month, and now Kibum is leaving? "Does it mean that you're leaving SME?" She asked, not looking into his eyes. "Yeah. But I'm not terminating my contract." He said. She wiped her face and nodded her head.


"Will you wait for me?" Kibum asked her and her cheek. "No matter how long it takes, I will be waiting for you." She told him and smiled with tears b on her eyes. "When you have time, call for me, okay?" She nodded again. "You do know how I feel for you, right?" He asked and she once again nodded. 


At that moment, Kibum her cheek again, and held both sides of it. He looked into her eyes, and she looked too. Their eyes met, and the atmosphere was silent. Kibum started to lean in, slowly closing his eyes. Yuri slowly closed her eyes and waited until their lips met.


Kibum slowly kissed her and Yuri kissed back. It was their first kiss with each other, and they made sure to make it last. When they both pulled away from each other, Kibum tucked Yuri's hair behind her ear and smiled. He kissed her forehead, before pulling her into his chest and hugging her.




Yuri would often text and call Kibum, and the latter would answer some times.


One day, Yuri had a day off and wanted to surprise Kibum. So she prepared a bento box and went to where Kibum lives. She was about to knock, but stopped when she heard Kibum's conversation with a friend.


"Are you happy dating Kwon Yuri of Girls Generation?" His friend asked. "Well, yeah." Kibum replied, making the girl blush. "But I thought dating her was an accident?" The friend asked. Yuri was stunned and leaned closer to hear it clearer. Kibum confirmed it and Yuri covered so that no one could hear her gasp.


"What happened? Tell me. I'm not updated with you anymore, Kibum." His friend said. "Well, the day I first asked Yuri on a date, it was an accident. When I knocked on the door, it  was Yoona who answered. I bowed my head and asked her on a date. I don't know what happened, because when I raised my head up, Yuri was in front of me. I just couldn't say no." Kibum explained. "Wait, so you were supposed to go out with Yoona?" His friend asked. "Yes. Yoona was very popular. I wondered that for me to gain popularity, I need to date one of SME's most famous and most beautiful girl, which was Yoona." He answered. "So, Yuri was like the one who forced herself into you?" His friend asked again. "I guess you could say so." 


Yuri couldn't take it anymore. Her tears were flowing from her eyes, and the pain was digging in her heart. She ran away, and didn't listen to the conversation anymore. She couldn't handle any more painful words and the truth from Kibum.


"But did you play with her feelings?" Kibum's friend asked. "I didn't. I couldn't. At first, I thought, after this, it's done and I'll explain to her that it was all a misunderstanding. But after the first date, I became fond of her personality. Eventually, I couldn't ignore her and my feelings for her grew. Now, I don't regret asking her out. That accident lead me to her, and I fell for her. I actually miss her so much now. And I'm very certain of what I feel for her is more than like. " Kibum ended with a smile on his face as he thinks about Yuri.





The hidden story behind Yuri & Kibum is out. :D


My 2nd day of classes got suspended, 5 minutes after I arrived at my school today. T.T Which gave me time to update! :D


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Yooo this was my first ever fanfiction, I remember reading this like five years ago on my old account omooooo glad to have found it again, man :)
FreezingLove #2
Chapter 48: I did it. I was able to finish it. This story is totally great and I love all the drama of it.
--chickenbunny #3
Chapter 1: your story is very interesting eonni. hope i can copy this to my wordpad so i can read it there. would you allow me?

good job for the story author-ssi.. ^_^
Chapter 48: Hanchul<3333
Chapter 49: Wow this fics is amazing!!!!!
I loved it!!!! ^□^
kwokjiayi #6
Chapter 33: The kyumin fanfic us well written..sorry I'm a kyumin shipper and I only read the part which have kyumin...anyway,thanks for ur wonderful fanfic !:)
innersense #7
I love this, I'm subscribing even tho it's already finished ^^
My interest is mainly eunhae but I loved how you showed the other couples! I was touched over the Leeteuk,Kangin and Heechul part, couldn't blame the two for feeling for each other :D
I have subscribed to this and will be back to read it later :)
hebteuk #9
yeaaaaaaaaah, i did it...finally i'm done :)...what a great story...i almost cried about how kangin forgive leeteuk and the whole situation and how he accepted him's so touching T___T...leeteuk is lucky to have someone luv him like this <3...what can i say?..i was woooow...really wooow..u made my day <3 :))))
hebteuk #10
back again after finishing ch:36 it's a surprise what leeteuk and heetchul did but i know it's not cheating...they just feel lonely and they both feel like the other can understand his condition because he is the same :(..but they have to stop before the things become harder