Without You


All Kim Quinn wants for her father, Jonghyun, is someone special for him.

Is that so hard to ask?


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Chapter 3: this was so 'AWWW' and sweet and ajhdajdhfhakdfh gosh <3 i love it!
jonghyun is a father?! o.o
Chapter 3: Oh god, that last sentence was just perfect <3
musikey #4
Chapter 3: that was cute :D althrough sad T.T
thestrangelittlegirl #5
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl;' how can u write so well... I love the development of Eun Mi's character... XP of course jongkey's cute too~
Chapter 3: Wow! Its so good! Its all sad but cute and beautiful. Skzhxgz
Chapter 3: I really liked this 3-shot but...I almost feel like there should have been one more chapter between 2 and 3 to show Jongkey's relationship develop more before you did the whole time skip five years thing. I did like though all of Jongkey's interacting with each other, when they were younger, even if there was only a few written :) Over all this was fun to read ^.^
Chapter 3: I really liked reading about Jonghyun as a dad in a more serious way because I think once you get past the skinship, he would be just that loving caring guy that you wrote! Great job as always.
Chapter 3: Aw so sad but fluffy.
Beautifuly written loved it ^-^
Chapter 3: That last line was so perfect... I almost cried...