Question about fanfic. HELP!



It’s based off of Lana del Rays song “Off to the Races” and before anyone says what the song is actually about, I know. I’ve read Lolita. (Though disgusting, amazingly written and I loved every minute of it.. Besides its morbid nature)
It will have Jongin but no Kyungsoo. I want to add an OC character my best friend thought of. Think of… 40, 50’s. the oc character is a red head with a lot of appeal. Think of Emma Stone in Gangster Squad. Or… Jessica Rabbit. Lol. Would anyone read it? 
Usually I get extremely turned off when I see that it’s an OC character in a Fanfic. I hate it actually. But I am so drawn to this idea, I really think its going to be good. Back up?
It’s just that I see Jongin fitting the persona well. It’s not going to be angsty, but I want it to be morbid and disturbing…
Exo will all be in it of course! Just not direct kaisoo. Though many kaisoo moments its not the focus


Can anyone give me some feedback? Some thoughts of the idea?


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honhonbaguette #1
I would. Orz Seems different.
Ohhhh this is the story you sent me in that email forever ago!!
I would read it... I don't like OC characters much ( they tend to be shi tty-self inserts no offense), but I enjoy your writing so I would actually pay attention to it and read it with an open mind.

If you decide to keep the pairing as Jognin/OC I think that you should keep the KaiSoo to a minimum because it would hurt my shipping soul to torture me with what I can't have... unless that is the point.

Regardless of what anyone says; whether 1 person or 100,000 read it, I think you should write it anyway, especially if your muse tells you to.