
Cause You Belong To The Lights
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I just found this fanfiction and being sad immediately bcos why you're like not going to finish it ;------; at the first-second chapter i can't help to not smiling when realized that OMG JIYONG IS TYPICALLY MEH. The fanboy thingy seems so real and omgomgomg I almost lost my scream when reading the backstage part just lyk hella why r u so lcuky jiyong lemme try it?????? And everything is so cute yet fluff and adorable. I agree to Seunghyun: jiyong is the most adorable human being?????? Lol i can't even bear anymore about how much I love this fiction. Hope you'll update soon! Keep writing! xx
Luvkpopandbigbang #2
Chapter 7: Its 2 pm and Im reading this fanfuc and Im dying on the inside pls,dear sam,pls update this,you cant just leave us haging like this,pls *trying to imitate Jis gorg pupy eyes and failing to do so*,I love this,and that moment when ji said bad boy was his favorite song I seriously had a heart attack,Im not gonna go into detail but I listened to a song of them when I was 5(idk how I found it) but I couldnt find it again,and then after so many years I rediscovered them,and the first song I listened to of them after so long was bad boy,thank you for writing this,this is just straught up awesome,love it,love you and never stop writing ♡♡♡
Chapter 7: lol the timing to deactivate accounts is on point :D
All of us, 315 subscribers need an update NOW! Pretty please?*puppy eyes*
tintatalk #5
Chapter 7: Ugh man! I really like this idol idea ahha aww. I would really love to see what happens when our GD blows everyone away with his own singing like hell yea.
Also is this a common plot thingy?? Have you read any other idol ones where one of them is an idol and the other isn't? If you don't mind.. would thoust be able to recommend any? I will worship you til the end of time!
Thank you so much for your story! If you ever update it again, I will praise the day with open arms and a huge smile. Thank you!
xmxaxrxyx #6
Chapter 7: I love this fic so much~~ update please? Pretty please??? ♡♡♡♡
CaramelPANDA #7
Chapter 7: Ohmgeee your fluff gave me life
gosh its so fluffy and amazing >< i love it please update this :(
mikadosm #9
Chapter 7: Flufyness overloaded! This is the cutest thing ever, seriously. They act so shy and adorable and I already miss them. Thanks for writing this!
Dust66 #10
Chapter 7: Ugh, why is it all so cute. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this story. Your stories in general actually. I'll probably read everything you write forever. This one is my favourite though. I hope you get the urge to finish it but dude, don't push yourself because this story is perfect either way.