Chapter 2

The Servant

"Dam, I fricking hate english." Jaehun chanted over and over again in his head. The teacher continued yesterday's lesson about Romantacism and was going to assign a cause and effect essay. Jaehun's seat next to the window provided at least some form of distraction from the subject that he despised to most. Looking out the rectangular window, he sees the green oak tree's leaves, slightly damped by the previous night's sprinkle. He sighed when a bird landed on a branch and chirped a beautiful tune.

"Dang, how nice it would be to be a bird and not go to fricking english class. Heck, I don't even understand the point of learning english if I'm never going to use it... Aldo Leopold? Psh, nothing important her-" 


"LEE JAEHUN WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING DAYDREAMING IN MY CLASS?!?!?!?!" Mr. Parker screamed as he snapped his meter stick on Jaehun's desk with a resounding crack. Mr. Parker was from Britain, with a stocky build like a rugby player and short brown hair. Clothed in a white shirt, he looked like a super hero in disguise, but to Jaehun, he was the evil villian. "YOU WANT TO FIGHT AFTER SCHOOL YOU STUPID PEICE OF CRAP!?!?!?" Mr. Parker screamed. The way Mr. Parker was acting, he could have popped a blood vessel for all Jaehun cared. But he finally had enough with Mr. Parker's tough act.

"Yes sir, I would like to fight after school. You don't seem all that tough. More like an old dog. All bark and no bite." Jaehun replied cooly in flawless english and crossed his arms. "Infact, why don't we fight after this class sir, I think I can beat you up by the time passing time is over... sir." Jaehun smirked and put his feet on his desk and smiled innocently at Mr. Parker. "Oh, and I'm actually ranked 1st in our grade, so I'm actually not stupid." For the longest 5 seconds in Jaehun's life, he and the teacher had a stare off. After those 5 seconds, Jaehun found him self in the worst possible situation.

~~~~~ 5 minutes later ~~~~~ 

"YOU DID WHAT?!!?!?!?!?!?" Yelled the principal Kim. Jaehun knew that what he did to the teacher was stupid, but after this, he would be a legend. Jaehun could practically see the steam coming from Mr. Kim's ears, but he made his hardest attempt to supress a giggle. "I just can not believe your behaivior Jaehun. You're a model student, so act like one! If you were anyone else like that crack pot Yang Yoseob or his stupid little friends, I would have had you suspended for a month. Sadly, our school exams are coming up, and if this school wants a bonus, I'm going to have to let you go on this one." Mr. Kim sighed and shook his head. "Just don't get into any trouble alright?" Mr. Kim sighs again and shoos Jaehun out of his office. Before Jaehun can leave, he winks at the principal.

"But in all seriousness sir, you can count on me to be better." Jaehun smiles at the principal and leaves the office to get to his next class.

"Ay! If it isn't the man who went against the American?" Sung Yoon yelled across the hall. "So, wanna tell us the story?" Asked Sung Yoon. Sung Yoon just had to know everything about everything. His glasses reflected a pair of bright looking eyes, eager to learn. Or inflict revenge. His black bangs reaching the tip of his glasses. His uniform was worn in the most casual way possible. Even though he was quite popular, not everyone thought very highly of him. He was always followed by at least 5 people. The 5 that always followed him were part of his gang, the others were just his friends. Today, there was a total of about 7 people.

"It's not your business. Why don't you ask the teacher himself. I'd bet he'd be delighted to tell you while he's beating the crap out of you." Jaehun stated. He glared at Sung Yoon. "Get lost before I beat every single one of your stupid gang members." He then gave the cold shoulder and walked briskly away back to his classroom. Suddenly Jaehun's feels like a tank just ran into him as the biggest of the seven tackle Jaehun from behind.

As Jaehun crashes to the ground, the other 6 steadily walk up to Jaehun. The big guy puts Jaehun in a headlock and shoves Jaehun to his feet.

"So dude, mind telling your hyung?" Sung Yoon said with a half smile. Jaehun looks up and spits in Sung Yoon's face. Sung Yoon casually reaches up to his face and wipes the spit away.

"Tsk tsk Jaehun. Looks like I'm going to have to get it the hard way." Jaehun looks at Sung Yoon before a truck hit his stomach and he lost the ablitlity to breathe. Sung Yoon hammered Jaehun's abdomen over and over again. Knocking the breath out of him. Jaehun purposely acted like he had given up. In response, Sung Yoon stopped and smirked.

"Now you wanna tell me Jaehun?" Sung Yoon asked.

"Sure." Jaehun snaps over throwing the big guy over his shoulder, catapulting the man onto Sung Yoon and his friends. The throw wasn't as clean as Jaehun had wanted, but it would do for now. The gang topples over under the size of the big teen.

Jaehun quickly rushes over, striking the older bullies at their back and chest, instantly knocking them unconcious. When he gets to Sung Yoon, he picks up the shorter boy up by his collar.

"Next time, don't even think you can mess with me, got it?" Jaehun snarled shoving him to a wall. Sung Yoon nods vigourously in agreement. "Now if you do this again, I might not be as nice as right now." Jaehun pushes Sung Yoon down the hallway. Jaehun watches the boy scurry down the hallway.

Clap Clap Clap

"So I see that you dispatched my spy and his men quite easily." Jaehun turned around and saw the next member of Mblaq.

"Well if it ain't the charismatic Lee Joon. What does Mblaq want with me now?" Jaehun asked.

Lee Joon steadily walked over to Jaehun.

"I think I have an offer for you that you can't resist" Lee Joon said and smirked.

"Alright, give me your deal..." 

When the prinicpal looked out his window, he saw two men, slowly walking towards the bustling suburbs.



Well, Sorry I put up the chapter a little late. I had to study for my math exam, and then it was my birthday, and yeah. So I tried really hard. Remember to comment and subscribe!

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Chapter 3: I actually think the story would have been awesome if not for the rushed writing and rushed atmosphere. It’s like you’re trying to get to the most important part as fast as possible, ignoring character development. Because of that, I don’t see anything special in terms of character, not even the loose attitude of the school staff (the Korean system can be demonic) or how the main character interacts with his surroundings.

Then again, the plot is attractive – some high-school kid with a secret? Well, I’m in! Despite the rebellious cliché he’s portrayed with, it might end up being more than that. I’m also curious what’s with all the bullying and everything, it seems a bit farfetched. I do say Lee Joon already looks daring, but that’s maybe because of the cliffhanger ^^ Wonder what his deal shall be.

Keep writing! Just remember to take your time and double-check everything before adding a new chapter. If you’re having a difficult time with placing your ideas in order, just write them down so you can see them better and trace the appropriate line the plot should follow.

Oh, and belated happy birthday! Hope you’ll have another amazing year :)