[tutorial] text effect

Sketch Pad Tutorials

lesson#4 : text effe

o1. Type out the text.
O2. Alpha to selection > Create new layer > bucketfill
O3. Select > Shrink:1 
O4. Delete & adjust to your likings. 

O1. Type out the text
O2. Alpha to Selection> Select > Grow:2 
O3. Create New layer: Transparent > Bucket Fill
Inpact Condense 

O1. Type out text
O2. Duplicate text layer 
O3. Take the paint brush tool and lightly paint on the dupicated later.
O4. Select > None

o1. Type out text
O2. Alpha to selection> Create New layer: Transparent
O3. Bucket fill >Select > None
OneDirection Medium

o1. Type out text
o2. Filiter> Light and Shadow > Drop Shadow 
O3. Opacity 8 > Select > None 

o1. Type out text. 
O2. Duplicate text layer 
O3. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur 

o1. Type out text
O2. Alpha to selection the text > New Layer > Bucket fll 
(make sure the 2nd text layer is a bright ad light color ) 
O3. Adjust the new layer. > Layer mode : Overlay 
O4. Set opacity (or not ) to 85.0



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[SK] Technical difficulties. Sorry humans^^


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Chapter 18: Yo! Could your next lesson be about making Gifs? I wanna make gifs. :)
Chapter 18: I like this tutorial! Next time can you teach us, how to make the rounded corners?
Chapter 18: thanks for the first tutorial, can't wait for another more...
Chapter 18: waah~ awesome and simple
Chapter 18: Yay! this is cute.. Hm, unnie, can you teach us how to make horror poster? hihi!xD
purplepop #6
Chapter 18: wow... i never knew you could do that in Gimp!
thanks!! <3
Chapter 20: can't wait for the tutorials~ again
I love your tutorial! It may come in handy but unfortunately I don't have GIMP and when I tried to downloaded it something's error so I stuck on photoshop :/