Chapter 2 - Sanctuary

What makes you think that I need you?

Baekhyun: Back for now…more on that at after the chapter. On another note I decided to change the age of Baekhyun in this story from 17 to 15 so it can be longer…and a bit darker.

Jenna: Baekhyun wrap it up already!

Baekhyun: GOING! See you at the end of the chapter!

It was 4 am in the morning when Baekhyun woke up. Sometimes Baekhyun was happy to have insomnia, now he can go to the washroom and not have to worry about anyone being there. He was even allowed to lock the door thanks to everyone in the shelter knowing about his “struggles”.  Baekhyun did his daily ritual of taking a shower and washing his body as well as his mind from the terrible nightmare he just gone though. After he was done with his shower he would get dressed into his warn out clothes. His clothes had holes and were stained beyond belief, which cause the other student in his school to make fun of him but he didn’t mind. Friends did mean companionship but it also meant interaction of the touching nature. His only friend right now was his younger cousin Kyungsoo, but because they were in different classes Kyungsoo didn’t know how alienated Baekhyun was in school.

It was 5 am when Baekhyun was done getting dress. School wasn’t till 8 and his parents didn’t wake up till 7. Baekhyun exited the building and began to walk to his secret place. Near the homeless shelter there was a park, and at the edge of the park was an abandoned temple. A long time ago, Baekhyun can’t remember exactly when but he does remember that he was still an “innocent” child then, the temple was deemed unsafe, it wasn’t earthquake proof and the foundation was cracking. The cost to restore it was more than the cost of building a new temple, so instead a new one was built about a block away. They were going to tear the old temple down but so much history happened there that the community decided it was best to leave the temple up and let nature tear it down. At first many still visited the old temple but now everyone goes to the new temple that they sort of forgot all about the old temple even being there. While everyone forgot, Baekhyun didn’t. Over the years it became his sanctuary where he came to sing. Sure it was old and dangerous but the temple blended in with the nature making it look majestic, ancient and magical to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looked around and checked his surroundings, “The temple looks deserted as usual.” Baekhyun  breathed a sigh of relief.

One time, a few years back, he came and accidentally ran into some people here. He was pretty sure they were tourist because locals never went into the temple knowing that it wasn’t safe. The tourist had asked him what he was doing there, and other question like; was he lost, where were his parents, was he abandon (thanks to his warn out close)? Everything was fine until they started to get to close. Baekhyun had instinctively backed away, which caused one of the tourist to grab him…the decision the tourist made didn’t end pretty. He started to hyperventilate, then scream at the top of his lungs. The tourist, not knowing what was wrong, tried to calm him down but unfortunately they had not let go of Baekhyun’s arm. Next thing he knew he woke up in the hospital with a breathing mask on his face and his parents apologizing profusely to the tourist. Apparently he had attacked the tourist, scratching and biting everywhere he could before he passed out due to continued long physical contact. Luckily for Baekhyun and his parents, the tourist dropped all assault charges when they had found out why Baekhyun acted the way he did. They even offered to pay his medical bill because they felt guilty, even though Baekhyun and his family insisted that none of the incident was their fault. Ever since that incident, Baekhyun’s parent prohibited him from going to the temple again. They knew he loved the temple but it wasn’t safe and they didn’t want the same event happening to their little boy again. But what they didn’t know was that thanks to Baekhyun’s insomnia, he always woke up before his parents and went without their permission. He loved his parents and respected all their rules…well all except this one. His sanctuary was the one place he could go, sing, and let out all his depressed feelings. But ever since Baekhyun was more cautious, just so he wouldn’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

As Baekhyun entered the clearing in the middle of the temple grounds he whistled and beings to yell out “Cadence, here boy!” Cadence was the name of a dog he had recently met, “Where is that dog?” Though he barely had met the dog, he felt an instant connection to the dog.

“WOOF! WOOF!” barked the German shepherd as it jumped out of the bushed that surround the clearing and tacked Baekhyun to the ground.

“ACK!” Baekhyun yelped, “OH NO! NOT THE FACE!” Screamed Baekhyun as the dog began to his face up and down.

“Down boy!” Baekhyun giggled, and then looked at the collar again. “Who in the world would call their dog Cadence? Must be from a military family…”

“WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!” began to bark the dog over and over as Baekhyun try to stand up.

“Okay, okay! I’m going to sing in a second. Just let me take a breather and compose myself.” Giggled Baekhyun

The dog settled down and Baekhyun began to breathe deeply and then began to sing Lisa Miskovsky’s – Still Alive. Baekhyun was so into his singing that he didn’t noticed a boy come though behind the bushes and stand next to the dog.

“Your concrete heart isn’t beating. And I’ve tried to make come alive. No shadows, just read lights, now I’m here to rescue you…~” sang Baekhyun

Baekhyun continued to sing as tear streamed from his eyes and down his face. How the lyric touched him deep inside, for he always wish someone would sing to him those lyrics every time he heard that song. Oh how he wished someone would come into his life, understand that he is sad even when he was putting on a facade, love him completely including all his faults, be patient with him and teach him to love, and most of all rescue him from all his problems.

“So silent, no violence, but inside my head so loud and clear, you’re screaming. You’re screaming, covered up with a smile I’ve learned to fear…~” he continued to sing.

Baekhyun could feel his throat tighten with emotions as he imagined his dark passed, his sad parents, the nightmares and his entire pathetic life filled with sadness and he let it go. He sang to forget, he sang to ease the pain, but mostly he sang so that when he returned to the homeless shelter he could look at his parent directly in the eyes and show them a sincere smile on his face. It was the only thing he could give them seeing as he rejected any and every touch they tried to give him. He never blamed or hated his parents for his condition. He knew they loved him, but that didn’t change the fact that the passed had happened and he couldn’t stand anyone’s touch.

“I’m still alive, I’m still alive. I can’t apologize, no…” Baekhyun finished sing and tried to regulate his breathing when he heard someone behind him get closer.

“That was amazing” exclaimed the mystery boy behind him while clapping his hand.

Baekhyun span around and stared in fear at the new person who invaded his sanctuary without him even noticing.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. Heck I’ll even stay here, far from you if you like.” said the boy with his hands up as if show he was friendly.

All Baekhyun could do was stare at this new stranger. He was taller than him, and had short black hair. He also had a nice captivating smile, though the boy’s eyes looked like he needed sleep…even more sleep than Baekhyun and Baekhyun is an insomniac. Baekhyun brain was currently screaming for him to run but every other instinct in his body told him to stay.

“I was looking for my dog. I saw him run away around this time yesterday and the day before yesterday.  I decided to investigate the reason today if he did it again. With sing like that, it’s no wonder he came running.” The boy continued to make conversation as Baekhyun studied him, “My family is here on vacation. Are you a local? My name is T-”

Unfortunately at that moment the boy took one step closer to Baekhyun which cause Baekhyun to run for his life as fast as he could.

“WAIT! DON’T GO! PLEASE!” scream the boy.

Run! Run! Run! Was all Baekhyun could think of as he ran down the street to the shelter, and even when he reached it he didn’t stop running. He ran up the stairs, down the hall, into the room and dived into the cot that he was assigned for the day. As he was rapping himself with his covers to comfort himself, all he could think about was the strange boy. The boy tried to introduce himself before he ran…his name started with a T but he didn’t stay long enough to hear the rest. A small part of him was disappointed but the rest of him was relieved to be far away. The boy said his family was on vacation…better to avoid the sanctuary for a while and…his dog…Cadence…

“Baekhyun? Are you awake?” whispered Baekhyun mom.

Baekhyun looked at the clock and noticed it was 7. Baekhyun was shocked, all that happen in two hours? Oh how the time flew past his grasp.

“Yeah mom, I’m awake. Is dad?

“Yes he just woke up. He went down to get us food. Now you should get ready for school.”


“What is it sweetie?”

“…It’s nothing. Just wanted to ask a question I already know the answer to…”

“Hmm…I think I know which one…you can’t blame your aunt for shunning us. All she wants to do is protect Kyungsoo. I understand where she is coming from.”

“You’re too nice, both you and dad. But what I don’t understand no matter how many times you tell me is that you guys helped her when it all happened. If it wasn’t for you……that man…could have still been out there…why is she shunning you guys too along with the others?”

“Unfortunately we live in a world where some people judges others without understand them first. We both know your father is a good man. But in the eyes of society, his is the reflection of his brother…-cough, cough-”

“MOM! Have you taken your medication!?”

“No I’ll be just fine…need to save them for incase I get worst.”

“But mom…”

“Don’t worry. Hey your father has been saving up the little bit of scrapes to buy you something nice.”

“I don’t want anything…why can’t you guys just take care of yourselves!?”

“Byun Baekhyun! I know I didn’t raise a downy downer!” his father stated sternly.

“Sorry dad…” mumbled Baekhyun

Baekhyun father smiled and asked, “Oh come on where did my smiling little boy go?”

“Don’t you mean our smiling little angle?” added his mother.

Baekhyun smiled “He’s still here.”

“There we go. Now on to the food I bought, I manage to get some bread and butter with some fruit, also was able to convince some of the guys to give me two chocolate treats for you guys.” Declared Baekhyun’s dad

“Oh sweetie, I don’t need chocolate, you’re all the sugar I need.” she leaned over and gave her husband a kiss on the check.

“I could say the same about you…” his dad whispered while kissing his wife on the lips.

“BLEH!” jokingly blurted out Baekhyun, “You know I’m still here.”

“Sorry son, I just can’t help it. Your mom is so beautiful.” Breathe out his dad while starring lovingly at his mom.

“Okay! That’s it! I’m going to school now!” Baekhyun grabbed his books; he didn’t have a backpack to carry them in, and began to walk off.

“Wait Baekhyun, don’t forget you chocolates.” said his father.

“…but I feel bad that I’m the only one getting any…you both always look after me and never yourselves…”

“Baekhyun, we keep having this conversation and our feelings will never change,” sighed his father, “we do that because we love you. Now take your chocolates, have a great day at school and get some knowledge in to that head of yours. I’ll be waiting with a surprise for you when you get out of school.”

“Thank you, mom, and dad.” He put both chocolate on top of his text books and began his walk to school.

Baekhyun was so thankful that this was small town. School was about five blocks away from the shelter and Baekhyun was used to walking somewhat long distance.

“BAEKHYUN!” called a voice Baekhyun was very familiar with. As he turned to respond he felt said persons hand on his shoulder and instantly Baekhyun dropped all his books along with the chocolates.

“! Sorry Baekhyun, I forgot you have that weird no touching thingy. You know, you should go to therapy for that. Maybe you can be cured.”

Kyungsoo never knew what had happen to Baekhyun. He was too young to remember what had happen during that time. Dara had just told him that his father died when he was young. He also didn’t know about Baekhyun living conditions seeing a Dara strictly forbid Kyungsoo from being anywhere near Baekhyun. Little did she know that they both went to the same school together, Kyungsoo just never told her because he wanted to spend time with his cousin, and not be transferred to another school out of town. Baekhyun never told Kyungsoo anything about his personal hell because he didn’t want to bring his cousin down like he did with his parents. Also if Kyungsoo ever found out, he would surly beg his mom to help out Baekhyun’s family. It sound good and all but when you think about it, it’s a bad idea. Once his aunt Dara finds out that the cousins were in contact with each other, she would surly do everything in her power to separate both of them. It was hard enough for Baekhyun to endure his life with Kyungsoo by his side, sure clueless but by his side. Baekhyun couldn’t imagine how he would get though everything if he lost Kyungsoo. To tell you the truth no one in his school knew of what happened to him in the past except for the teachers, not that the teachers knowing helped him, at times instead they made his situation worst. For some reason some of the teachers thought it was his entire fault that the situation happened but then again…that man…was a teacher at his school.  What a small world! Every teacher and administrator loved…that man…and saw him as a loveable family man. Because of that adoration some of those stupid people couldn’t wrap it around their puny brains that…that man…was a horrible on the inside. Some have even accused Baekhyun of seducing…that man. His parents didn’t know about how both the students and some of the teachers treated him…he never could bring himself to be a bigger burden to his family…after all they had been though a lot all because of him. How could he bring them more hard ship?

“…Ack…ahh…ummm…” Baekhyun tried to respond to Kyungsoo suggestion but absolutely nothing would come out of his mouth other than squeaks and grunts, so he gave up and began picking up his book from the ground while Kyungsoo helped him.

“Again sorry, it just every time I see you I want to hug you like normal cousins…you never told me how you developed that touching problem by the way. All you ever do when I ask the question is dodge it.”

Baekhyun just shrugged. He was used to Kyungsoo asking this question every time the accidentally touch and Baekhyun froze/went mute. He would just ignore him until he dropped the subject.

“Well let’s get to school!” exclaimed Kyungsoo when they were done picking Baekhyun’s stuff.

Baekhyun just nodded his head while smiling. Little did Baekhyun know that his day and life would get a hell of a lot darker. As the say, “it always darkest before dawn” …that is if you live long enough to even see dawn.


Baekhyun: I would blame Jenna but for once she does have a good reason.

Jenna: I’m going to ignore that “for once” comment Baekhyun and keep explaining my situation to the readers. Unfortunately school got the best of me. In the beginning I tried to balance school, trying to find a job to support my family, the volunteering I do, friends, and AFF writing. Guess what? My grade dropped…well not just dropped…the plummeted! It came to a point where the school was threatening to take my FASFA grant away. I can’t afford my class and rely on that money completely so I dropped EVERYTHING instead of school. I stop looking for jobs, only hung out with my best friend Rei when he need help with homework or to study, stop volunteering and lastly did write anything AT ALL!  And I was able to lift them to board line passing. But now I started a new Intersession. At my college we have 2 semesters (16 weeks of school) and in between we have intersessions (6 weeks). Now just because it’s an intersession and it’s 6 weeks doesn’t mean less work, if anything it means more because we are learn what we would learn in the 16 weeks but crammed in to 6! I’M DYING HERE!

Baekhyun:  Only reason she is updating today is because it’s a three day weekend, she felt she had left you guys waiting for two long and so she is right now multitasking studying and writing.

Jenna: But that means I have another 4 weeks of rigorous classes AND due to a weird mix up at my school right after this intersession there is another. I don’t have any classes yet but I may sign up for some cause I want to study in Japan ASAP!

Baekhyun: so yeah...more waiting…SORRY!

Jenna: Really but if I don’t get any classes that means I’ll be off for about 6 weeks…unless I final find a job.

Baekhyun: But anyway that’s what has been going on. We haven’t drop this fic and won’t ever. We will finish it till it is done, right Jenna?

Jenna: Right! Even if it cost me my sanity…which it almost has WITH ALL YOUR NAGGING BYUN BAEKHYUN! Anyway for now I’m going to update “Stay Away!” then go back to studying.

Baekhyun: You better get going. You have to study. I’m going to sleep.

Jenna: Yeah. Kyungsoo, Tao and…Xiumin. Do the outros!

Baekhyun: Cya!


Tao: Oh …do you think they will kill us if we do it wrong….

Xiumin: Guys relax and stop panicking in front of the readers. I’ll start! Thank you all for reading our crap fic. We are not worthy. Kyungsoo your turn.

Kyungsoo: ME! WHAT DO I SAY!!!!??????????

Xiumin: CALM THE DOWN MAN. Just thank the new subscribers okay.

Kyungsoo: I can do that…thank you exokriswife, FarahNiyaz, Galdy42, Palabra_viva, lunaluna, gaemgyu245, hunana, and depdeph. Sorry for making you wait so long for a second chapter…

Xiumin: Now you Tao. Before you ask, you’re going to thank the commenters.

Tao: Thank you Raelin, eunhaeonkeymyungjong, and gaemgyu245 for commenting. Seriously, it means the world to us that we get any response at all.

Xiumin: Until next time which I truly hope will be soon instead of later

Tao: Agreed

Kyungsoo: Motion second.

Tao, Kyungsoo, and Xiumin: Bye and See you next time!

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Chapter 2: You just take your time updating, that's a whole lot to handle! Author-nim, FIGTHING! Kekeke, this is a really surprising story, our poor Baekhyunnie~ T__T
Chapter 2: Poor Baekkkkk He didn't deserve all those thing! His family even! Bad Kyunggie dad!
suppai #3
Chapter 2: wow.
poor baek, but i'm just wondering if not better to if him let out all this pain, is too much for a young boy, but, by the other way, i can understand him~ i not experienced nothing like that but, wow! by the circunstances it's totally conceivable his reactions.

a-ha~~ tao was there for a vocation? oh, i'm little worried now, no, i'm pretty worried now.

omg is really funny your final comments, i like it =]
i'll be watching next updates =]
gaemgyu245 #4
Chapter 1: baekkie;;;A;;;

hope Tao will treat him better

please updatee<3
eunhaeonkeymyungjong #5
Chapter 1: i sympathise with my poor baekkie!!!!!!!
update soon? by the way where have you been i hope you're okay!
i love you and all of the muses!
Chapter 1: ; - ; his story asdkfnkdnfjs
written well! c:
Keep going!
asdfjkl; <3 I think this will be so so so good! c:
I can't wait until your first update~

My best wishes.