Chapter 5: Starting Again

明日は来るから (Because Tomorrow Will Come)

I can sense that all of you want to murder me for not updating for a long time >.> <.<



FLASHBACK : (Chapter 4) *rated flashback*


She started to cry some more but Jaejoong couldn’t care less. He moved his way from her s to her rib area down to her stomach, to her belly button and started to spread her legs. He left kissed on her thighs before landing on her . He started on it and shoved his tongue inside as he took in her sweetness. Eun Jae cried some more, ? From her very own best friend? Who wouldn’t cry…


Jaejoong took off his pants and his boxers and hovered his body over Eun Jae’s. He positioned his hard shaft in the entrance of her wet and slowly started to put it in as he continued to on her neck. When was deep inside he started to pump real fast and moan in pleasure. He started to on Eun Jae’s leaving it wet as he continued to pump in and out real fast.


Eun Jae just continued to cry and Jaejoong was near. He started to groan when he felt himself wanting to release. Eun Jae screamed through the cloth in but no success since it was on tight and covered almost her entire mouth. Jaejoong left one last groan before he released. He felt so tired and dizzy and passed on the bed next to a crying and traumatized Eun Jae…




Chapter 5: Starting Again



Jaejoong opened his eyes. They felt heavy and he felt a million Changmin’s pounding on his head with steel rocks. Jaejoong slowly sat up and was surprised to see himself . He looked to the empty space next to him and saw no one but he had this idea that someone was definitely sleeping right next to him earlier considering the state that side was in. He was worried, what if he invited a crack into the house and slept with her?


Jaejoong got up and cleaned himself before changing into fresh new clothes and heading out of his room. The place was enveloped with silence but he heard some utensils clashing with plates or bowls. He walked farther and saw that the members were eating silently and Eun Jae was nowhere to be seen. “Good morning, where’s Eun Jae?” Jaejoong asked as he scratched his head. All of them stared at him, more like glared at him. Jaejoong felt this and creased his eyebrows.


“Why are all of you looking at me like that?” Jaejoong asked and the more he thought about his little imagination about crack he could have invited in. Maybe it was real, and of course it disturbed the members. But he wasn’t sure. “Seriously, what did I do?” Jaejoong asked and Yunho let go of the spoon he was holding onto and let it crash loudly onto the bowl of cereal. He leaned back and had an angry look on his face. He looked up to stare at Jaejoong.


“You son of a … You can’t even remember the things you do when you’re ing drunk. You need to learn to control yourself Jaejoong…” Yunho said and got up. He brushed pass Jaejoong and intentionally bumped shoulders with him. Jaejoong was slightly confused, what did he do when he was drunk? He tried so hard to remember the things from last night but nothing was sinking in his head. He was desperate for answers.


“What did I-”


“How could you do that to her?!” Changmin cut him off before he could ask again what he did. Changmin was now standing up. Yoochun stood up and placed his hands on Changmin’s shoulder. “Changmin, keep it quiet and sit back down. Relax and try not to get yourself worked up.” Yoochun whispered. Changmin shrugged off Yoochun’s hands and Yoochun knew better than to put them back. Junsu was sitting silently on the bed, not wanting to be part of any of this.


“First of all, I’d appreciate it if someone told me what I did wrong before blowing up on my face. How am I supposed to correct my mistakes when no one would tell me what they are?” Jaejoong said as he glared at the remaining members sitting at the table. Nobody wanted to speak. Changmin sat down, mad, but silent.


“Can you please tell me what I did wrong last night? Even I’m freaking out right now.” Jaejoong said and Yoochun sighed. “You… Hyung you…” Yoochun couldn’t even bring the words out. “You her hyung…” Junsu finally spoke, not handling things well right now. Jaejoong’s eyes grew wide. ?! Who?!


“J-J-Junsu… W-Who?” Jaejoong asked stuttering. Please not you… I’m begging it not to be you… “Eun Jae…” Yoochun spoke and Jaejoong felt his world turn into a pile of garbage. He was definitely right about having last night, but the fact that it was and of all people it was Eun Jae… Jaejoong felt tears welling up in his eyes. His chances of getting her back were moved to a negative one hundred and he knew it would take eternity.


Jaejoong got up quickly and headed back to his room to change. When he came out everyone else was gone except for Changmin. “Where is she?” Jaejoong asked and Changmin scoffed. “Why should I tell you? So you can continue your parade?” Changmin said sarcastically and Jaejoong grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him against the wall. “Stop ing around Changmin and tell me where she is already!” Jaejoong lost his temper and the other members came out. Yunho and Yoochun pulled Jaejoong away from Changmin.


“Hold yourself back! What the is wrong with you?!” Yunho asked as he glared at Jaejoong. He had enough of this, it was just too much. “Me?” Jaejoong said and scoffed. “I’m going…” Jaejoong said and walked out, only Yunho’s voice calling his name was echoing and fading slowly.




“Here…” Soojin handed a cup of tea towards Eun Jae and she took it. Tears dried up in her eyes and her cheeks as she took a sip. Soojin sat next to her and looked at her, worried. “So… That’s what happened?” Soojin said and Eun Jae nodded. Eun Jae grew curious, “Why are you so calm?” Eun Jae asked. She wondered if Soojin cared about her. Soojin pursed her lips.


“I’m so sorry if I seem so calm… It’s just…” Soojin wanted to tell Eun Jae the truth, but she knew she was in no position to be the one to tell her. And most of all, she knew she couldn’t pressure Eun Jae to regain her memory. “Let’s not dwell on this topic anymore okay? As for now, I’m glad you came here. I’ve been meaning to ask you something…” Soojin said as she grabbed a clear file on the coffee table and opened it up.


“You do remember these right? You, as a model.” Soojin said and Eun Jae took a closer look at them. “Was I really good?” Eun Jae asked and Soojin nodded. “People loved you.” Soojin responded. “Anyway, my question was to ask whether or not you are ready to get back to work. I mean, you just did came out of the hospital and you are still recovering as it is.” Soojin said.


“But… I want to actually… It’s just… What if I forget? I mean, I’ve forgotten everything else…” Eun Jae reasoned out and Soojin smiled. “While you were at the hospital I released a statement about your condition. I held a press conference the day I left the hospital during my first visit. A lot of people grew curious so I had no choice but to give them a statement they would want and need to know.” Soojin said.


“The world knows your state, and they’re just waiting for you to become healthy and make a comeback. Which is why I’m asking. I know it’s only been a couple of days but, maybe going back to work will give you back memories you deserve to know.” Soojin said and Eun Jae thought about it. It was a good idea, and she was desperate for answers from the millions of questions floating in her mind right now.


“I’ll do it…”




“Jaejoong sshi!” Karam said as he was opening up the store. “Where is she?” Jaejoong asked and Karam had a confused look on his face. “Where’s who?” Karam asked and Jaejoong sighed. “I did something wrong Karam… Very wrong…” Jaejoong said as he sat down and tried to compose himself. Karam rushed towards the counter to pour a mug of hot water and gave it to Jaejoong.


“You seem panicked. I know coffee won’t make it better, and it might just worsen your condition of being tensed but I still don’t have any porridge whipped up so try to take this instead.” Karam said. Jaejoong slowly took a sip of the hot water prepared. “I… I hurt her…” Jaejoong said and Karam understood who he was talking about. There was only one person he knew Jaejoong could never hurt.


“What did you do exactly?” Karam asked. “I her.” Jaejoong said bluntly and Karam’s eyes grew in surprise. He stood up, shocked. “What?! How could you do that?! What gave you the right?! I’m going to kill you!” Karam yelled as he tried to pin Jaejoong but he was too weak, and he knew better. He gave up after a while when he saw Jaejoong wasn’t fighting back.


“Get out. You don’t deserve to be here. If I knew where she was, and I found out about you her. I would never let her go back to you, let alone tell you where she is.” Karam said as he walked towards the door and opened it. “Good day, now get out.” Karam said and Jaejoong knew he deserved this treatment so he followed suit and left. He continued to look for her until he remembered one more person she could run after. Despite not remembering who she really was in her life.


Jaejoong stopped in front of a building. He put on some hug sunglasses and a face mask as he drove towards the parking lot. He got out and put his hoodie on as he entered the premises. He pushed the elevator button and as he hopped in he pushed the 16th floor’s button and wait to get there. He walked a long way before heading to the destination, as he finally rang the doorbell.


“Who is it?” he heard her voice calling out from a distance. He didn’t respond, he figured people might find out. After a couple of minutes of waiting she slowly opened the door, but keeping the security chain locked. “Jaejoong, what are you doing here?” Soojin asked. “I know she’s there. Please open the door. I need to talk to her, it’s important.” Jaejoong said and Soojin sighed.


“I really do want to open the door… But she’s still freaked out. Give her some time and I’ll call you when she’s ready.” Soojin said. “What? No! I need to talk to her now, please… I’m begging…” Jaejoong pleaded and Soojin just ignored and closed the door. Jaejoong didn’t want to force himself in despite so many things telling him to.


Jaejoong went back.




“Eun Jae sshi! It’s good to have you back!” so many people kept greeting her but she never remembered even one of them. She simply smiled at them as she headed back to her destined dressing room in the building. “A lot of people…” Eun Jae said softly and Soojin smiled as she nodded her head. “I’m guessing you don’t remember any of them… But oh well, they are the people are truly respect you. You’ve been a joy to them that’s how you gained their deep respect.” Soojin said.


“Just glad to know you are back and ready. Listen, I’m going to only be booking you minor jobs for the mean time, just so you can familiarize yourself first and so you won’t feel pressured as well.” Soojin said and Eun Jae nodded her head.


As she started working, a couple of things were coming back into her mind. She honestly enjoyed what she was doing and even the photographer was praising her for being natural despite her condition. “Let’s take a break.” The photographer said and Eun Jae smiled as she headed to the table. She took a cup and poured some juice on it as she started to take a sip.


“Hello!” a woman approached her and Eun Jae looked at her and smiled weakly. The woman chuckled. “You don’t remember me, I understand completely. But I’m a little hurt. I’m Min Suhwe, the one who took care of you at the hospital, I’m Ra Hanseul sshi’s assistant.” The girl said and Eun Jae’s eyes grew in surprise. “Oh! I’m so sorry for not remembering you! It’s just, I’ve had so much in mind and random people have been welcoming me back that I even forget the people I’ve recently met.” Eun Jae said and they both laughed.


“So how are you so far?” Suhwe asked. “I’m fine, coming back to work is helping me remember a couple of things from my past.” Eun Jae said and Suhwe smiled. “Hopefully it will help you remember your love life.” Suhwe said and leaned on the table, her hands on her back firmly on the table supporting her body from leaning. Eun Jae gave her a look of confusion but she was looking away, not noticing. “You two were Korea’s golden couple.” Suhwe said with a smile on her face.


“What?” Eun Jae asked and Suhwe simply smiled at her. “Suhwe! Help me!” a woman called out, Suhwe turned to see that one of the new interns was having difficulty holding onto the pile of dresses. “Oh , I’ll talk to you later! Nice having you back Eun Jae sshi!” Suhwe said and ran towards the intern and disappeared before Eun Jae could ask any further questions.


G-G-Golden… Golden Couple?! Love life?! What are these? What is she talking about? Eun Jae thought to herself. As she turned, she found Soojin and finally approached her.


“Hey you! Have you eaten? We’ll be back to work in a while so don’t eat too much.” Soojin said as she was arranging some schedules on her Blackberry. “Who was I in a relationship with?” Eun Jae asked and Soojin looked up from her Blackberry, shocked as ever.




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ForeverFive #1
So... That's the real Eun Jae.....? I wonder where is Ji Bin's soul.. Wonder why they never got curious of it?
mareta #2
OH NO! I guess I can`t stand the next chapter if Jaejoong commit to suicide *LoL*
Can`t EunJae just forgive him? that`s too much for Jae :`(
Totally don't remember anything!! But I'm glad you updateddfff!!! * hugs * ㅠㅡㅠ
mareta #4
ahh~ finally I'm comeback after having a hard time with troubles in connection to aff :D
Oh My! after those obstacles and pain Jaejoong had back then, now he doesn't has a chance of being together with the real Eun Jae?
I think it's unfair 'cause Jaejoong has suffered a lot for was about to lose Eun Jae:(
I'm wondering where the soul of Ji Bin will be? Is there any possibility that her soul will comeback to her dead body and she'll live normally like in the past? or maybe she's really dead?
I'm looking forward for the new chapter, I think that would be great :D !
Im really confused now... What happened to Ji Bin? And is the Eun Jae now the real one??
I do not remember this story... ;______;

PLEASE!!!! Unnie wants updates!!!! jebal!!!*sorry for my poor Korean...I swear, I'm gonna learn Korean so I don;t embarrass myself!!!! Saying mabuhay from the Philippines, dongsaengie!!!
llamalove #8
llamalove #9
I love Ji bin in the beginning but when the story progessed in the 1st story I think she so selfish. She keeps make up more lies and took advantage ppl. that care for her to cover her lies (I'm annoy with her). She even took advantage of Eunjae body and then pregnant with JJ.If I was the real Eun Jae, with someone took advantage of my body and preg with my fiancer, I will kill her..literally. Look at the characters list, it seem that Ji Bin is the lead BUT..... I ROOT FOR THE REAL EUN JAE. This is so unfair for Eun Jae!! and I do think Ji Bin deserve the happiness too, so I hope she end up with changmin or s.t.
just a questi0n?what happened to jibin?c0z im kinda lost as to why eun jae s n0w eun jae and jibin s n0where n the picture...and im a new reader i wanna kn0w what happened to actualy ro0ting for her! Anyways,by the way the sequel s g0ing,is it safe to presume that eun jae and jaej0ng w0undnt end up together and will end up with jibin as herself who was magicaly given an0ther chance by fate to be with her real body?