Kim Sunggyu

60 Seconds is Enough for This Story


“YAH!! DONGWOO!! GET UP!! WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE!!” Woohyun shouted at the sleeping Dongwoo

“Don’t bother. We’ll be late anyways” Myungsoo said on his way to the bathroom

Woohyun rolled his eyes and kicked Dongwoo’s bed,  “Just get up and eat breakfast. Before I eat it all”

Dongwoo’s eyes popped open, “Not until I eat them all first” Dongwoo ran to the kitchen

Woohyun smirked, “Magic word”


The three of them were running towards their classroom. As usual, they were late an had to stand in the corner with their arms in the air.

“Yah! Myungsoo!” Dongwoo whispered

“What?” Myungsoo asked

“I think I forgot my notebook back at the dorm” Dongwoo said

“So?” Myungsoo blinked

“Do you have an extra paper or an extra notebook there?” Dongwoo asked

“Why would I bring an extra notebook?” Myungsoo shot him a look

“Pst. Dongwoo, don’t worry. I brought your notebook.” Woohyun said

“Thanks!” Dongwoo smiled

“Do I hear talking?” The teacher asked

“No ma’am” The three of them answered

The teacher glared at the three of them, “You may now sit down and turn your English text books to page 102. Mister Nam, please read the first paragraph.”

Woohyun turned his book to page 102 and stood up and read the first paragraph out loud.

The classroom awed at Woohyun’s  English accent.

“As usual. The amazing Woohyun” Dongwoo rolled his eyes

Myungsoo stuck his tongue out, “He can read English well, but when it comes to talking in English…” Myungsoo slowly shook his head with a pout

Finally, time for recess. Woohyun, Dongwoo, and Myungsoo were taking notes and girls were watching them from a far

The three of them finally finished faster than before

“That should be our new record!” Dongwoo raised his arms and put them behind his head and relaxed

“And we still have 20 minutes left until out next class” Woohyun said, “Let’s go to the cafeteria” Woohyun stood up and slung his bag on his shoulder

Dongwoo took with him his wallet and his phone and stood up, “Let’s go”

Myungsoo was the last one to get up, he smiled in amusement, “I think it will be the first time in months that we will go to the cafeteria together”

“Stop wasting time and get up!” Dongwoo kicked the legs of Myungsoo’s chair

“Arasoo! Arasoo!” Myungsoo got his bag and stood up. The three of them handsomely walked out of the room. The girls who were watching them followed them

“One chocolate pretzel please” Woohyun ordered, “How about you guys?” He asked Dongwoo and Myungsoo

Dongwoo looked at the menu, “Vanilla smoothie”

“Brewed coffee” Myungsoo replied

“OH! Myungsoo! Isn’t that your brother?” Dongwoo suddenly asked

At the name, Myungsoo’s head swiftly turned towards the window. His jaw fell at the sight of his brother in the campus, he looks like he was looking for someone. Girls passed by him and recognized him. Sunggyu sent winks, waves and air kisses to them making them squeal

Myungsoo rolled his eyes, “Oh brother!”

“Myungsoo, here is your coffee- Wait! Isn’t that Sunggyu?” Woohyun tilted his head


Myungsoo grabbed his coffee and went out to meet his older brother

Sunggyu spotted Myungsoo going out of the cafeteria, “Lil bro!” He waved

Myungsoo went infront of Sunggyu, “Hyung-“ “Is this coffee? Thanks” Sunggyu grabbed Myungsoo’s coffee and took a big sip, “BLECK! Lil Bro! When you get me coffee, remember I only drink de-caf coffees” Sunggyu handed Myungsoo back his coffee

Myungsoo blew a raspberry, “What are you doing in my campus? Getting more fans?”

“Bingo!” Sunggyu winked

Myungsoo rolled his eyes, “You have enough fans already.”

“Not that much. I still need a little more for me to get into the top 3” Sunggyu put his hands in his pockets and winked at a random girl.

“Hyung!” Myungsoo barked

“YAH! Don’t talk to your hyung like that! You should be happy that your hyung is here. People will now know you’re the brother of a famous singer” Sunggyu said

“Everyone knows already. You’ve brought me once on your live interview” Myungsoo said

Sunggyu laughed, “The real reason why I went here, I need to tell you something”


“Tomorrow night is our family reunion. Since Omma is busy preparing the things, she wasn’t able to tell you because it was so sudden.” Sunggyu said. Suddenly, his watch started beeping. He looked at it, “OMO! I’m late for my schedule!” Sunggyu looked at Myungsoo, “See you tomorrow night” Sunggyu said and began running towards his van

Myungsoo rolled his eyes and went back to the cafeteria

“So? What was he doing here?” Woohyun asked

“He was looking for more fans” Myungsoo said

“That’s all?” Dongwoo and Woohyun asked

“And he said there is a family reunion tomorrow night.” Myungsoo replied

“But why come here and personally tell you that? Why not call you?” Dongwoo said

“Sunggyu hyung hates phone calls, he loves to have a personal conversation rather than a phone conversation. And he also wants to come here to get more fans” Myungsoo said

”Oh! Our next class starts in 5 minutes! Let’s go” Woohyun looked at his watch and stood up

Myungsoo and Dongwoo followed


* edited *

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Chapter 16: I think if you put more drama before soomin remember myungsoo its going to be great but its okay I still love this story so much ^^
Chapter 15: At first when I first read this I wanted to know about the past which made me interested in the story and what will happen soon, please update soon~~
Chapter 15: Oh the memories...
Chapter 15: kyahhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 14: WHAT HAPPENS NOW!!!!! OHMYJESUS!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: SOOOOO CHEESSYYYYY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: HELLA CHEESY~~~!!! author-nim did you get infected by woohyun's greasyness?
Chapter 10: I'm bawling right now cause of those sad memories
AAAAAAAAAAAA FINALLY MYUNGSOO. Sorry if I just subscribed this though I've been reading this for awhile. I just got the chance. Anyway, update soon!
Chapter 9: Myungsoo just understand that she has amnesia