
60 Seconds is Enough for This Story


“You’ll be attending my graduation, right oppa?” Soomin asked Myungsoo, who was in the other end of the line

“Yeah. When is it again?” Myungsoo asked

“The day after tomorrow! I told you a thousand times already oppa” Soomin said in an irritated tone

“Ah. Mian, I forgot” Myungsoo replied, “I’ll be there. Bye. Saranghae” Myungsoo said and ended the call. He then tossed his phone on his bed and went to his desk. *Now to do my graduation speech* Myungsoo opened his laptop and began typing.

Myungsoo was so busy because graduation was just around the corner. Ever since he was informed that he was the valedictorian, he became busier and busier. It didn’t stressed him at all, but it did make him forget about Soomin. Before Soomin appeared in his life, all Myungsoo wanted is to be the valedictorian. Now his dream was fulfilled. Myungsoo’s mind had less thoughts about Soomin now.

*What else should I put in?* Myungsoo tapped his chin while thinking of something else to put into his speech. Not a single word in his speech was about Soomin, only about himself and his dream. He rarely go out on a date with Soomin, whenever she’d call, Myungsoo would always end it quickly.


Finally, the graduation day of Soomin arrived.

That day, Soomin was too busy to call up Myungsoo and Myungsoo’s mind was still off.

“Yah. Myungsoo” Sunggyu knocked on Myungsoo’s door

“Yeah hyung?” Myungsoo asked

“Aren’t you getting ready?” Sunggyu opened the door revealing his formal attire

Myungsoo looked at Sunggyu’s outfit, “You’re going somewhere hyung?” Myungsoo asked

“Yeah. It’s Soomin’s graduation remember?” Sunggyu gave him a look

‘Omo, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me” Myungsoo got up from his bed and went to take a bath “What time is it again?” He asked from the bathroom

“The ceremony starts in an hour” Sunggyu said

“An hour?! Why didn’t you tell me a while ago?” Myungsoo panicked

“I thought you’d remember and besides, I was busy getting ready myself” Sunggyu fixed up his tie

Myungsoo came out of the bathroom dripping wet, “Did you bring any flowers?” He asked

“It’s not my responsibility” Sunggyu said

“MUH?! Do you think we still have time?” Myungsoo asked as he put on his coat

“I don’t know. Lots of people are buying flowers. I’m not sure if we can still get one at this time” Sunggyu looked at his watch

“You know lots of people. Find one. Please” Myungsoo said as he dried his hair with a towel

“Araso. Araso.” Sunggyu said and picked up his phone


Soomin was already at school wearing her graduation outfit, “Where is Myungsoo oppa?” She sighed

“Don’t worry Soomin. I bet they are on their way here right now.” Sungyeol said while fixing Soomin’s hat

“Yeah don’t worry, Sunggyu hyung just texted. He said they are on their way already” Sungjong said

That made Soomin less worried

In reality, Sunggyu and Myungsoo were still circling the area for a flower shop. The flower shops they passed by were either out of flowers or had too much work to do.

Myungsoo scratched his head, “What do we do hyung?”

“Just wait. My friend told me there is another flower shop near here” Sunggyu said and looked around the area

The graduation ceremony was about to begin, Soomin looked around for any sign of Myungsoo, “Where are they?” She sighed

“I’m sure they are just here. We’ll find them for you, just smile and go” Sungyeol said

Soomin nodded and went to the her chair

Myungsoo and Sunggyu was able to find a flowershop and ordered the fixed bouquet already.

“Omo, the ceremony is starting already. Soomin’s brother just asked where are we Sunggyu said

“Hurry up hyung” Myungsoo said and went inside the car. Sunggyu stepped on the gas and drove in a very fast speed.

Soomin looked back at Sungyeol, ‘Any sign of them?’ she mouthed

‘Still looking’ Sungyeol mouthed

Soomin bit her lip, *He didn’t forget, did he?*

Finally, 20 minutes late, Myungsoo and Sunggyu arrived. They entered the building and looked around for any seats

“There you are. What took you guys so long?” Sungjong asked

Myungsoo looked at Sunggyu waiting for an excuse

“Mianhae, had a hard time parking” Sunggyu said

“Araso. We saved you some seats. Come with me” Sungjong said and lead them the way

Soomin looked back and beamed when she saw Myungsoo. Myungsoo saw Soomin and waved at her. She waved back, *I knew he’d come*

Finally, it was time for Soomin to go up the stage and receive her diploma

“GO NOONA!” a voice yelled from the audience

Soomin laughed, *Silly Sungjong*

The ceremony finally ended, instead of joining her friends, Soomin ran to Myungsoo, “Oppa”

Myungsoo smiled at her, “Congratulations Soomin” He gave her the bouquet

“Gomawo oppa. I heard you’re the valedictorian of your school. You didn’t tell me anything” Soomin said

“Mianhae. I was so busy” Myungsoo scratched his head

Soomin nodded

“Picture time!” Hoya shouted while holding a camera

“Yah! I’ll do the pictures” Sunggyu snatched the camera away from Hoya, “Get in the picture everyone” Sunggyu said

“How about you Grandpa Hamster?” Soomin asked

“Later. I prefer to have my picture taken with my own camera.” Sunggyu said and patted his bag, “Later”

Sungyeol and Sungjong both stood next to you. Hoya went behind you and made a funny face

“One. Two. Three. Smile!” Sunggyu snapped the picture

“Ok. Me and Soomin next” Sungyeol said

Sunggyu snapped the picture

Myungsoo took out Sunggyu’s expensive camera, “Take a picture of me and Soomin here” He handed the camera to Hoya and went next you Soomin, “Smile!”

Hoya finished taking a picture of both of you


After Soomin’s graduation, Myungsoo became more and more busy for his own graduation. Soomin would call every other hour, but Myungsoo would just talk to her for a short while telling her he was busy with his graduation so the whole week, Soomin was lonely and bored.

At last, it was Myungsoo’s graduation day.

Soomin already bought flowers a day before the graduation and already got ready 2 hours before the ceremony began.

“Be careful Soomin. Have fun. I’m sorry if we can’t come with you. If I finish early, I might catch up” Sungyeol said

“Yeah. I have to finish submitting the requirements for my recognition next week” Sungjong said

“I have to review for the finals” Hoya said

“It’s ok oppas. I can handle myself” Soomin beamed

Before the ceremony began, Myungsoo was so excited, he kept mumbling his memorized speech

“Bro. Good luck on your speech” Woohyun smiled

Myungsoo nodded

Soomin arrived 15 minutes before the ceremony began, she searched for Myungsoo, but sadly, she couldn’t find him, *I’ll just find hi later. I have to find a seat closest to him.* She thought and then spotted Sunggyu, “Oh! It’s Grandpa Hamster” Soomin smiled and ran towards him, “Grandpa Hamster!” She pulled Sunggyu’s sleeve

“Oh! Soomin, you’re here early” Sunggyu smiled

“Duh” Soomin smiled

“Where are you sitting?” Sunggyu asked

“Still looking for a near seat” Soomin said

“Oh. Come with me. I found you a nice seat next o me” Sunggyu said

“Where are your parents?” Soomin asked

“They couldn’t make it” Sunggyu said, “They had an unexpected business trip to New York”

“That’s sad” Soomin said

“I know, but it’s ok.” Sunggyu said and sat down

Soomin sat down too and looked at her watch, “Isn’t the ceremony going to start now?”

“Yup” Sunggyu said and then it was announced that the ceremony was going to begin in 5 minutes

After the opening messages, it was time for Myungsoo give his speech.

Soomin listened well, *My oppa is so perfect*

Myungsoo’s speech was perfect. He delivered it so well, just as if he has prepared the speech years ago.

The ceremony finally finished. Soomin and Sunggyu got up to congratulate Myungsoo, but Myungsoow as too busy talking with his friends and being greeted by his other classmates

“I think we have to wait. It is his last time seeing his other classmates” Sunggyu said

Soomin nodded but sighed, *I wasn’t able to say my goodbyes to my classmates* She thought

“Yo Myungsoo. Want to come to my party later? It will be a blast!” one of Myungsoo’s friends asked

“Sure.” Myungsoo nodded

“Then let’s go!” his friend slung an arm around Myungsoo and the two of them led the way to the exit and the rest of the invited classmates followed them

“And forget about your hyung” Sunggyu rolled his eyes

Soomin pouted and looked at the flower bouquet on her arms, “How can I give this to him now?”

Sunggyu sighed, “It’s like we didn’t even exist”

Soomin nodded. Then suddenly, a large crowd of people pushed through in between  Soomin and Sunggyu just like a stampede

“Omo. Soomin! Where are you?” Sunggyu spun around looking for her

“Sunggyu oppa!!” Soomin shouted

Sunggyu now know that when Soomin would call his name, it meant she was in danger, “Yah! SOOMIN!” Sunggyu called again

“AK” Soomin’s voice sounded far already

Sunggyu stepped on one of the chairs and searched for Soomin, he found her in the middle of the crowd, *Aish. Why is this school always so crowded!* He scratched his head and went to get Soomin

He squeezed himself through the crowd looking for Soomin, he finally found her having a hard time moving around. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the crowd

“That was scary. I didn’t know there were lots of people in this school” Soomin said and touched her forehead, “I feel dizzy”

Sunggyu sighed, “I think we should go now.”

Soomin nodded and looked back, her bouquet was left in that huge crowd, *Now I can’t give the bouquet to oppa*  she thought. Then suddenly, her head began to hurt and then suddenly her vision began to become blurry, “O-oppa~” She whispered

Sunggyu looked back at Soomin who didn’t look well, “Yah. Gwenchana?”

Instead of replying, Soomin fainted


Soomin opened her eyes to see herself in a hospital room. She looked around the room and spotted Hoya asleep. She struggled to sit up and tried to remember what happened, *Oh right I fainted after getting out of the crowd*

The door opened and Sungyeol came in, “Oh! Soomin, you’re awake! You didn’t know how worried I was when Sunggyu called up saying that you fainted” Sungyeol said

“Where is Grandpa Hamster?” Soomin blinked

“He left the moment we arrived, he had an appointment and couldn’t stay longer. We’re still waiting for your results. Are you feeling ok now?” Sungyeol touched her forehead

Soomin nodded, “I think I was just worried from what happened back there”

“I know. I should’ve come with you, I had no idea how crowded the school was” Sungyeol said

“It’s ok oppa.” Soomin said

Then the doctor came in, he didn’t look happy

“What is it doctor?” Sungyeol stood up, “Do we have a problem?” He asked

The doctor sighed and handed him the results

Sungyeol tilted his head and read the results, after he finished reading the results, his knees felt weak and the results just dropped on the floor, *How can this happen*

“What is it oppa?” Soomin asked

Sungyeol bit his lip and faced his sick sister, “Soomin, it says you have brain cancer”

Soomin couldn’t believe her ears, *Did I hear wrong? Did oppa say I have brain cancer?*

“Doctor, does Soomin still have any chance?” Sungyeol asked

“Yes. She has to undergo surgery as soon as possible. Though it might be risky, but there is a 75% chance she could make it” the doctor said

Sungyeol looked at Soomin, “When is the nearest schedule for the surgery?”


A few days passed, Myungsoo and Soomin didn’t communicate. Myungsoo thought Soomin was busy with her college application so he didn’t bother contacting her.

Soomin in the other hand was upset with Myungsoo, *Babo.* She remembered how Myungsoo acted the past few days. He didn’t even looked at Soomin on his graduation day. Soomin wanted to call him so badly, but then it would reply in her mind again. She sighed, *I just have to pay him a visit* She thought and got up


“Oh Soomin. You’re ok now?” Sunggyu asked as he opened the door for Soomin to come in

Soomin gave him a forced smile and nodded “Where is Myungsoo oppa?” She asked

“He’s in the living room” Sunggyu said

Soomin nodded and went to the living room, she found Myungsoo in the couch running through his laptop

“Myungsoo oppa” Soomin softly said

“What do you want?” Myungsoo asked without even looking at her

Soomin was a bit taken back, it was been days since they talked and the first few words is just that?

“Are you busy?” Soomin asked

“Yes. Come back later. I still have to review for the college application test” Myungsoo said and put his laptop on the coffee table and leaned back

Soomin sighed, “Araso.” She said and turned around to go, but something stopped her, she bit her lip and turned around, “Oppa we need to talk”

“can we talk after I finish my college entrance exam? I told you I’m busy” Myungsoo said in an irritated tone

“But this is important” Soomin said

“Is there anything more important that college? Soomin, can’t you see I’m busy? We’re going to college already, if I don’t study well, my future will be a disaster!” Myungsoo exclaimed

“How about our future?” Soomin asked

“Our future can wait.” Myungsoo said

Soomin bit her lip, *No. It can’t wait.* She thought, “No. It all ends here” She said

“MUH?!” Myungsoo snapped

Soomin took out her ring, “Take it. I don't don't need it anymore” She put the ring on Myungsoo’s palm. All Myungsoo could do it to look at Soomin, he couldn’t say a thing

Soomin turned around and left

Myungsoo didn’t know what he was feeling right now. “AISH!” she shouted and slid his hand up his face


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Chapter 16: I think if you put more drama before soomin remember myungsoo its going to be great but its okay I still love this story so much ^^
Chapter 15: At first when I first read this I wanted to know about the past which made me interested in the story and what will happen soon, please update soon~~
Chapter 15: Oh the memories...
Chapter 15: kyahhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 14: WHAT HAPPENS NOW!!!!! OHMYJESUS!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: SOOOOO CHEESSYYYYY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: HELLA CHEESY~~~!!! author-nim did you get infected by woohyun's greasyness?
Chapter 10: I'm bawling right now cause of those sad memories
AAAAAAAAAAAA FINALLY MYUNGSOO. Sorry if I just subscribed this though I've been reading this for awhile. I just got the chance. Anyway, update soon!
Chapter 9: Myungsoo just understand that she has amnesia