
60 Seconds is Enough for This Story



“Aish. Grandpa Hamster is so lazy. He didn’t even help us clean up” Soomin blew a raspberry

Myungsoo laughed as he finished drying the dishes, “How about your brothers? They didn’t even help”

Soomin stuck her tongue out, “They helped. Don’t forget Ho Won oppa. He is not my brother” She pointed out

“Sorry, I forgot he was your cousin” Myungsoo scratched his head and sat down in the sofa

“You always forget oppa. I think you’re growing old, you keep forgetting about Ho Won oppa” Soomin sat down and poked Myungsoo’s head

Myungsoo smirked and poked Soomin’s head, “It’s because you call Sungyeol ‘oppa’, Ho Won ‘Oppa’, and you call me, ‘oppa’. People might mistake me as your brother too” Myungsoo pretended to be upset

Soomin laughed, “The way I call you ‘oppa’ is different”

“How different? They all sound the same” Myungsoo slung his arm around Soomin and pulled her closer to him, “Tell me the difference?” He said as he pecked her cheek

Soomin smiled, “You figure it out by yourself” She said and stood up

Myungsoo stood up to and looked at Soomin from head to toe, he put his thumb on his chin and examined her cafeully

Soomin noticed Myungsoo and tilted her head, “What now oppa?”

“I really don’t think you should be a fashion designer” Myungsoo stated

“Muh? Wae?” Soomin made a face

“You should be a model instead, turn around” Myungsoo said

“Why?” Soomin raised an eyebrow

Myungsoo walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders and made her turn around, but he didn’t stop spinning her around.

“Oppa stop it” Soomin laughed but still kept turning around

“Whatever angle, whether forward, backwards, or sideward, you’re still beautiful” Myungsoo said

Soomin smiled and she could feel her cheeks heating up

Myungsoo still didn’t stop spinning her around, “Even the way you blush is so cute, forward, backwards, and even sideward” He said

Soomin stuck her tongue out, “Babo”

Myungsoo chuckled “Even the way you put out your tongue…” “Forward, backward, sideward” Soomin finished

“Stop finishing my sentences” Myungsoo smiled

“First stop spinning me. I’m getting dizzy” Soomin said

“You’re dizzy? You should have said so, lay down on my lap” Myungsoo said and pulled her to the sofa, he rested Soomin’s head on his lap, “Feeling better?”

Soomin nodded, “Oppa, can you read me a story?”

“What are you five?” Myungsoo looked at her

“Please?” Soomin blinked three times

“Arasso arasso” Myungsoo nodded and reached out to get the book that was on the table beside them, he then began reading out loud the words on the book.

After reading the first page, Myungsoo smirked, “Weird story, right Soomin-“ He stopped to see the sleeping figure on his lap, “Aish, I read this out loud and you just fell asleep?” Myungsoo softed at the sleeping face of Soomin, *So perfect. She looks like an angel* He thought as he gently Soomin’s head.


“Muh? Family reunion?” Soomin asked Myungsoo, who was on the other end of the phone

“Yeah. There is going to be a family reunion tomorrow, they say I can bring you there. Sunggyu hyung will be bringing his girlfriend too” Myungsoo said, “Are you free?”

Soomin looked at her schedule, “Yeah, I’m free.”

“The clothing attire is formal. Be sure to wear a nice dress” Myungsoo said, “I have to go now, I’ll call you later” Myungsoo then ended the call

*Formal?* Soomin tilted her head, “Omo, What will I wear?” She tossed her phone onto her bed and opened her closet and began looking for a nice dress

After fitting her last dress, Soomin tossed them all back to her closet, *I don’t have anything to wear* She sighed and then got an idea, *I need to go to the mall* She went out of her room, “SUNGYEOL OPPA? HO WON OPPA?” She called out but there was no reply, *I guess they went out, but I need someone to drive me to the mall…* She sighed, but got an idea, *Grandpa Hamster!* She thought and grabbed her phone and called Sunggyu

“Grandpa Hamster! Please pick me up and let’s go to the mall!”


The next day, Myungsoo called Soomin that he will be picking her up early before going to the reunion.

Soomin then had to hurry to the laundry shop to get her dress, when she arrived there, rain suddenly fell.

“Omo! I didn’t bring an umbrella!” Soomin panicked. She checked the time and noticed Myungsoo was going to pick her up in about an hour, *I still have to fix my hair and makeup* She pouted

“Here are your clothes miss” The employee said

Soomin nodded, “Gomawo” She look out the window again, *I hope the rain would stop soon*

30 minutes passed, but the rain didn’t die down. “AISH!” Soomin pouted, *I have no choice, I have to get ready here* She stood up and walked towards the employee in charge, “Do you have any place where I can change and fix me hair?” She asked

The employee directed her to the bathroom

Before Soomin could fix her makeup, her phone started to ring, *Omo, don’t tell me he is there already?* She panicked and picked the phone up, “Oppa?”

“Where are you right now? Me and Sunggyu just finished picking up her girlfriend where are you?” Myungsoo asked

“Umm. I’m at the laundry shop just near my place, I can’t back home, it’s raining and I forgot my umbrella” She said

“Don’t worry, I have an umbrella, just wait for me outside the shop” Myungsoo said and ended the call

Soomin put on her jacket and waited outside, she took out her phone and called Myungsoo, but he was not answering

Suddenly, her view of the road was blocked by the inside of an umbrella. She looked to her side and saw Myungsoo who was looking at the sky, “It really had to rain today huh?” He sighed

Soomin laughed

Myungsoo chuckled, “Hurry up, I think we’re late” He took Soomin’s hand and both of them went to the car

“I see you’re wearing the dress we bought yesterday” Sunggyu laughed

“Shut up Grandpa Hamster” Soomin made a face

Sunggyu put his finger to his lips, “Not infront of my girlfriend!”

Soomin stuck her tongue out at Sunggyu and faced Sunggyu’s girlfriend in the front seat, “Hello.” She smiled

Sunggyu’s girlfriend nodded back, “Hello”

Myungsoo folded his umbrella, “Just hurry and drive” He said

“So bossy” Sunggyu smirked and changed the gear and drove off

In no time, they arrived at the hotel where the reunion was held

Myungsoo got out first and held out his arm. Soomin smiled and hooked her arm on Myungsoo’s. Arm in arm, the two of them entered the hotel

“There are my cousin!” Myungsoo nodded to the two guys just near them, “Ricky! Changjo!” He called out

The two looked up and smiled to see their cousin, “Myungsoo!” They walked towards ymungsoo and Soomin

“Hey cousin! Who’s this?” Ricky looked at Soomin

Myungsoo smiled, “This is my girlfriend Soomin” Myungsoo proudly said

“You guys aren’t going to ask me about my girlfriend?” Sunggyu asked

Changjo rolled his eyes, “It changes every time. Why bother”

Sunggyu made a face and went towards the buffet table.

“You’re really beautiful. It’s the first time Myungsoo have brought a girl to our reunions” Ricky said

Soomin looked at Myungsoo, “Really?”

“Sunggyu brought different kind of girls ever since he was 12. It was very confusing” Changjo said and eyed on Myungsoo, “Be sure to bring the same girl next reunion”

Myungsoo nodded, “Why would I bring another girl besides Soomin?” Myungsoo said as he looked at Soomin, “No other girl will be as perfect as she is”

Soomin blushed making Changjo and Ricky laughed, “Woot! Woot!”

“Stop it oppa” Soomin whispered

Myungsoo chuckled, “C’mon, let’s take our seats”

Soomin and Myungsoo were in one table together with his other cousins, L.Joe, Niel, Chunji and Minsoo aka CAP.

“So, tell me how your story, how did you two meet?” Changjo asked

Myungsoo looked at Soomin, “I was walking somewhere and then stopped, I looked around and our eyes met. 60 seconds is enough for this story. She came into my life, I didn’t doubt it, she took my heart away. I don’t need any reasons, she made my heart flutter and made me look for her that first time we met.”

“Woooo!! Cheesy” Niel laughed

Soomin ducked in embarrassment

“So Soomin, what made you like Myungsoo?” L.Joe asked

Soomin turned her gaze on Myungsoo, “During the time we met, I felt a connection and- I don’t know” She covered her face in embarrassment

“Awwww. So Myungsoo, what do you like about Soomin?” CAP asked

“Everything” Myungsoo said

“Cheesy” Chunji made a face and the whole table laughed

Myungsoo looked at Soomin and both of them met eyes, even now, the feeling hasn’t faded.


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Chapter 16: I think if you put more drama before soomin remember myungsoo its going to be great but its okay I still love this story so much ^^
Chapter 15: At first when I first read this I wanted to know about the past which made me interested in the story and what will happen soon, please update soon~~
Chapter 15: Oh the memories...
Chapter 15: kyahhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 14: WHAT HAPPENS NOW!!!!! OHMYJESUS!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: SOOOOO CHEESSYYYYY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: HELLA CHEESY~~~!!! author-nim did you get infected by woohyun's greasyness?
Chapter 10: I'm bawling right now cause of those sad memories
AAAAAAAAAAAA FINALLY MYUNGSOO. Sorry if I just subscribed this though I've been reading this for awhile. I just got the chance. Anyway, update soon!
Chapter 9: Myungsoo just understand that she has amnesia