Emergency Test?!

Emergency Test?! - Emergency Kiss!'s Sequel



After the emergency kiss incident, Kyuhyun and Sungmin went through their life as lovers... they were happy, having a sweet-romantic-yet-sarcastic-and-sadistic conversation... who should be blamed? Kyuhyun likes to call Sungmin babe while Sungmin easiest snapped when he heard that and that led to their mocking-each-other attitude... but somehow, they have used to it... oh well, that’s not the real test in their relationship! Something bigger is waiting for them!

“Minnie... is that true?” Mrs. Lee looked at her cute son with sharp eyes...

Stupid ! Telling my mom about Kyuhyun!

Sungmin cursed Sunny in his mind... he kept secret his relationship with Kyuhyun and she leaked it!

That rotten really needs me to sew permanently her lips!

Sungmin scratched his head as he remembered something...

No foul language Min, Kyu hates it!

“Minnie, mom is talking to you!” Mrs. Lee shouted in a high pitched voice...

“Mom...I’m listening... yes, it’s true...” Sungmin heaved a sigh...

“Hyung! You are gay! Cool!” Sungjin whom was sitting next to Mrs. Lee beams...

My mom was crazy since she married my dad, I never thought Sungjin will be crazy too...did my family be born at lunatic asylum?

Sungmin eyed his brother weirdly, his brother find that he’s cool to be gay? He sometimes felt he was crazy for accepting Kyuhyun’s love... Something wrong with his family...

“what is so cool about your brother being a gay you lil’ brat!” Mrs. Lee knuckled her son’s head...

“Mom!” Sungjin rubbed his head...

“You already have Sunny yet you are dating with some random homo guy?” she snapped again...

“Mom! His name is K.Y.U.H.Y.U.N... Kyuhyun!” he even spelled his name...

“Dear, leave him be....” Mr. Lee joined the family meeting after he was watching his favorite program... at last!

“Hubby, our son is a gay! Homo!”

“So? I’m okay with that if he is happy with Kyuhyun...” Mrs. Lee’s mouth hung open... she couldn’t believe her family... something wrong with her family... yeah right! Your oldest son did think the same thing..

“Gays don’t marry! I want to plan a wedding for my son!” she reasoned...

“Well, dear, look at the positive side, no wedding means my money, save...” Mr. Lee smiles cockily...

“Hubby! Our son has his own money!”

“Save his money though!” Mr. Lee only got a death glare from his wife...

“You are not helping...”

“Because it can’t be helped...”  Mr. Lee shrugged...

Way to go dad!

Sungmin happily looked at his mom and dad, arguing cutely... Mr. Lee rose from his seat, he approached Sungmin and patted his shoulder...

“son, Good luck!” he said and went out from the living room...

“dad! Wait up!” Sungjin dashed out to follow his dad...

“Lee Sungmin!!” Mrs. Lee screamed his name as he seemed to be in deep thought...

“Y-yes yes!!” Sungmin stuttered...

“do you hear me?” Sungmin shook his head...

“Urm... What?”

“Bring him here! I want to meet you lover...” and the meeting closed...

OH CRAP! Is mom gonna to test him?

“Kyu... you have been listening right?” Sungmin pouted, looking at Kyuhyun intensely... Kyuhyun just keeps eating...

Its lunch time and Kyuhyun always come over to have a lunch with him at his shop; a bookshop since he loves reading...

“I am... babe... did you cook this?” Kyuhyun eats the meal appetizingly... Sungmin always made a lunch box for him since they declared...

“yup... why?”

“it’s delicious! Thanks!” Kyuhyun pecked his cheek... Sungmin blushed... Kyuhyun is an expert to make him blush with simple mimple things!

Ah! no no no Minnie! it’s not the time to feed your self-esteem!

“Kyu... my family wants to meet you...” Sungmin said for the umpteen times...

“sure babe...”

Sure babe? Urgh! Why is he so calm! Don’t call me babe!

“Kyu... my MOM wanna meet you... are you really okay with it?” Kyuhyun stop eating... he pushed the lunch box aside... he longingly looked at Sungmin’s eyes...

“Yeah.. Indeed, we need to get their blessing...” Sungmin nodded... Kyuhyun was right... he’s sick to hide this relationship anymore... but.........

“Kyu.... I don’t know what my mom would do to you...” Sungmin frowned... he worried about Kyuhyun...

“Babe.. Don’t worry... I can handle it...” Kyuhyun cupped his face, caressed lovely..

“Promise me you will endure whatever my mom will do to you...”

“uh, I’m quite scared...” he joked..

“you should be scared!”

Okay, you made your mom sounds so dangerous!

“yeah... I can do anything for you... If you could count the stars, every grain of sand on the beach and every molecule of oxygen in the air..That’s how much I love you...” Sungmin shuddered at the words... he feels...

Creepy! His cheesy mode is activated!

“yah! Shut your mouth up and eat your meal...” Kyuhyun chuckled amusedly... Sungmin was slightly blushing because he likes it actually...

“you know I really love you right?” he questioned... he knows sometimes Sungmin was doubted with his love... heck! Who will say he loves someone in one day? But hey, it only takes a second to fall in love and a rest of life to forget the love... really?

Never mind, describe the love in your own words, for Kyuhyun, love is...

Destiny that brought me together with him...

“Kyu.. why did you choose me? it wasn’t only because, I’m better than any girl right? And, before you met me, you...” Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows, anticipating the next line...

“you... like girls...  like Joohyun...” Kyuhyun smiled and turned to his side as he held Sungmin’s hands, intertwined their fingers as he squeezed lightly...

“hey, listen here... look at me...” Sungmin did what he asked for... Twisted his body to face Kyuhyun...

“it’s not about whether I prefer a girl or boy, it because of you... I like you because it’s you... Lee Sungmin...” Kyuhyun brushed his lips with on Sungmin’s... and he loves how red Sungmin can be with a simple touch...

Oh God! I can die from eating his sweetness!

“e – eat up your meal Kyu...” Sungmin tried to control his jumpy heart...

“Feed me!” Kyuhyun beamed... Sungmin giggled... it always him to behave like a child... Kyuhyun rarely behave this way but once he does it, he’s cute and even Sungmin won’t able to resist his cuteness...

“fine.. We better fast... your lunch time is almost over...”

“you are my best babe ever!” Kyuhyun leaned over and smooch his cheek... Sungmin’s body heat up along with his red cheeks...

“Kyu! Don’t call me babe! Especially in front of my family!”

“why??? You are my babe!” Kyuhyun declared, again...

“just... argh! In front of others, I’m your Sungmin, when it just two of us, I’m your babe...” Kyuhyun smirked...

“fair enough baby... babe... my Sungminnie~...” Kyuhyun said teasingly... He knew already that Sungmin is kinda shy to be called like that...

“Eat!” Sungmin shut his mouth up as he fed him...

Kyuhyun will arrive in any minute... he’s coming for dinner... Sungmin was fidgeting in the couch... nervously waiting for Kyuhyun...

“hyung... stop! You are shaking this couch!” Sungmin stopped... looking at his brother urged him to ask something...


“Hum?” Sungjin averted his eyes from the widescreen TV...

“what will mom do to Kyu?”

“what will happen to Hansel and Gretel if they couldn’t escape from the ?”

You mean witch?

“Mom will do that?” Sungmin somehow, believe his brother’s words...

“Our mom is that evil?”

Why this brat has always answered me with another question? Whatever...

“She once dressed me up like a !”

Oh well, that when I was in second grade... she forced me to wear a princess dress for Sunny’s Halloween party ..

“Hyung, you mean witch?”

Question again? Ignore him, ignore him!

The bell rang... Sungmin flinched and watch his brother in horror... he grabbed Sungjin’s shoulder and shaking them back and forth...

“Speak of the devil! Jinnie! He’s here! Crap! He’s here! Mom will kill him! I shouldn’t invite him!” Sungjin just letting him shook his body, rolling his eyes at each word... with a deep breath, Sungjin flicked Sungmin’s forehead; hard... I mean, really hard...

“ouch! The you hit me!”

“stop acting like a girl and go get him in... I’m going to tell mom he’s here..” Sungjin pushed his brother as he walked to the kitchen...

Sungmin heaved a sigh and opened the door...

“Kyu!” Sungmin shouted... his face looks terrified...

“yes?” Kyuhyun was awkward...

“go home Kyu! You are not safe here...” Sungmin horrifying said... he slightly pushed Kyuhyun...

“babe! I’m already here... it’s okay!” Kyuhyun comforted him, holding Sungmin’s hand securely... well, inside; he was scared to death...

“Jinnie said our mom is gonna bake you and eat you! Argh!” Sungmin cupped his face, terrified with his own imagination... he is over thinking and engrossed into the illusion... 

Eat me? hella! My cute babe is thinking nonsense again!

“I didn’t know your family eats human flesh! Uh! I can be your y dish then!” Sungmin palmed his face in annoyance, oblivious that Kyuhyun is teasing him...

Sometimes, my boyfriend is a fool, my family eats human --- eh? oh wait... why did he smile like that?

Behold at Sungmin who acted so-silly-with-his-extremely-cute-face-included-his-child-brain delighted him... he didn’t intend to smile like oh-so-sarcastic... wait! Go to hell all this! He really wanna make fun of his boyfriend...

“Kyu! You were thinking something funny about me, right?” Sungmin folded his arms as he leaned against the door... Kyuhyun chuckled teasingly...

Should I tell him what I think about him right now?

“no... not that... it just, urm, you look pink...” Kyuhyun distracted him as his gaze roaming all over Sungmin’s body...

“don’t change the Kyu...” Sungmin sneered... aish, are they really a couple?

“ah, Sungmin hyung is wearing pink underwear today!” Sungjin popped out between them... Sungmin face went pink too, want to compare with his underwear?  

Your info was a little unnecessary... wasn’t it you jerk!

Sungmin was giving his super-extremely-brutal-death-laser-glare to his brother... but Sungjin sure know how to avoid a trouble... he looked at Sungmin in horror...

“What’s it!” Sungmin stiffened... Sungjin only use that kind of look when something he scared to stick on his body...

“Hyung! Spider! On your head!” Sungmin’s eyes cracked open, widely! He hates creeping creatures!

“K-Kyu... h –help....” Sungmin didn’t dare to move his body, instead, he stiffened moved his head to plea for Kyuhyun help...

“there is n---“

“Hyung! I will get rid of it! Come here..”

Nothing on your head...

Kyuhyun was cut off by Sungjin... Sungjin eyed his brother intensely... steal a glimpse at Kyuhyun, as his eyes said...

Childish prank won’t harm your lover...”

Sure kid...

“Hyung... be good... stay still...” Sungjin stretched his hand up to Sungmin’s head...

“Jinnie! Faster...”

I wonder what he is gonna do with his hyung...

 Pop! A short sharp explosive sound clearly echoing in the space when for the second time, Sungjin strongly flicked Sungmin’s forehead... Spontaneously, Kyuhyun threw his arms around Sungmin’s body, hindrance him form crashing his evil brother now who laughed loudly and evil as he bounced away happily from them...

“Ouch you stupid jerk! Insolent brat! If I got you I’m gonna rip apart your balls, make it look like brownies and give it to the witch!” Sungmin panted and stop struggling... he buried his face into Kyuhyun’s chest... it made him calm to hear the beating sound of Kyuhyun’s heart and Kyuhyun smelled sweet and gentle...

That’s gross baby...

“are you okay?”

“dude! Do I look okay to you?”  Sungmin grunted... he runs his through his bang, pulled them backward and exposing his forehead with a red spot in the middle...

“Let me see... it doesn’t look that bad...” slowly, Kyuhyun bend over to his level and kissed his throbbing head...

“are you okay now...” indeed, the sting had gone, and his cheeks are blushing, redder than the red mark on his forehead... Kyuhyun’s sweetness strike again...

Dammit! His sweetness is making me fat! Go to hell with that fat! I don’t wanna lose it!!

Sungmin hugged Kyuhyun’s body tightly, snuggled up to him...  eyes were closed as his lips are moving... chanting something that caused Kyuhyun gave a chuckle of delight... his incredible-cute-and-adorable-yet-childish-and-oh-so-hilarious boyfriend is praying for his safety...

“Oh god please saves my boyfriend, please save my boyfriend from my evil mom who had become evil just like Sunny because she befriend with Sunny’s mom...”

“You are good at stirring up guys... I’m getting worried...”Kyuhyun let a quiet laugh escaped... Sungmin gazed at him sharply...

“Idiot! What are you talking about?”

I just want you.. No one else...

“oh, good evening Sir, Ma’am...” suddenly, Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee appeared... Sungmin jerked from Kyuhyun... eyeing his dad and mom with a rosy cheeks...

Damn! why they have to see this!

“I see... my son is being lovey dovey with his boyfriend...” Mr. Lee teased his son... Sungmin extremely embarrassed to his dad...

“ah! sorry Sir... I didn’t mean to---“

“it’s okay Kyuhyun... don’t be so formal... you’re gonna be part of our family someday... Practice from now to call me dad..” Mr. Lee laughed happily... but only to get a fire-glared from his wife... he stepped backward..

“urm.. I gonna call out for Jinnie, he must be in his room...” and in a flash, he left the three in an awkward situation...

“are you going to stand there? Don’t want to come in?” Mrs. Lee asked uninterestedly with her sour-and-oh-I-hate-this-guy face...

“oh, don’t worry ma’am, I’m going to invite myself in now...” Kyuhyun replied with oh-so-intimately smile..

“then, suit yourself...” but she was just rolling her eyes and left them...

“She doesn’t like me...”

“I know... she doesn’t like you at all...”

“So I’m dead today huh?” Sungmin spun to face Kyuhyun’s troubled face...

“Kyuhyun, my buddy! Please be safe...”  Sungmin clasped his shoulders, squeezed them to give some courage...

Babe, I’m not prepared into a war... chill...

“so, any tips to save my ?”

“um, maybe, you just need to be yourself...”

Just be myself? Oh I love this..

Kyuhyun smile evilly...

The atmosphere at the dining table is terribly awkward... 

Sungmin? he just sat and eat silently beside Kyuhyun...

Mr. Lee? He didn’t say anything yet... eat happily, ignored the tense pressure that revolving the space...

Sungjin? He has this fight!-fight!-fight! chanting face... problematic boy he is.. but he loves to see the laser-glare-fight between his mom and Kyuhyun...

“so, what’s your parents do?” Sungmin choked at his mom question...

! I should have told mom about this!

“they are currently in RIP since I was ten...” Kyuhyun nonchalantly said...

“what it is? Name of company?” Mrs. Lee raised her eyebrows...

“nope, it’s rest in peace... my parents are dead...” Sungmin sneaked his hand under the table, holding Kyuhyun’s hand with apologetic face... but Kyuhyun gave him sweet evil smile...

Damn my mouth! I shouldn’t tell him to be himself...

“Oh, I’m sorry...”

“It’s okay ma’am...” there an awkward moment again...

“so you’re working? Where?” Mrs. Lee cleared and asked again...

“Um, staff at this Cho Company...” Sungmin pinched his hand...

“just a mere staff?”

“well, ma’am, you can think that I hold a special position...”

Liar! Just tell my mom you owned a big company under Cho’s name... yet you refused to take over it! Give it to your sister and insist to be a mere employee...

“your wage?”

“I earn quite a lot for a mere staff...”

“That’s good enough...” Mrs. Lee was satisfied...

“you have a car?”

“I do...”

“The brand?”

“To be frank with you ma’am, people crazy about my car...” Sungmin squeezed the lad's hand hard... Kyuhyun flinched and frowned...

Stop it!

“oh, not bad... what about house?”

“ah, I have my own apartment...”

“You don’t mistakenly think that own means rent, don’t you?”

“No ma’am, I really own that apartment...”

And the whole building if you want to know...

Sungmin groaned... he hates this kind of talk... he looked at Kyuhyun furiously...

Kyu! you better stop boasting or I stab you with my fork! Even though you were only stating the truth!

“how many guys you went out with before my son?”

Oh mom! not this one! Kyu! You better not to say anything!!!!

Sungmin glared at Kyuhyun, like a blazing flame in furnace, with fork in his hand... he was threatening him with his full-of-murdering-instinct ­eyes... but Kyuhyun just looked at him with such a superior disdainful smile...

“Let me think, urm... Yoona, Victoria, Sooyoung... ah, there are other girls...” Kyuhyun started to think again... Sungjin grinned amusedly while Mr. Lee, looked at him with shining eyes...

Kyuhyun then sighed in frustration...

“I can’t remember some of them... who else baby? I told you once their names...” Sungmin felt hot upon seeing his wicked smile, a beautiful smile of demon... but the definition of his hot means something else; angry...

Damn this bastard! He dares to leak his dark secret!! He dares to ask me their name!!! Am I supposed to remember all your scandals names?? And mom will totally reject you! Stupid Kyu! I’m doomed!

“I only heard girls name... you don’t date another man?” Mrs. Lee seems to be interested in the topic...

“no ma’am, only your son...” Mrs. Lee slightly nodded...

“Are you serious with my son?” Mr. Lee and Sungjin looked at Kyuhyun and Mrs. Lee alternately, depends on who was talking... 

“Yes ma’am... I really do love him...” at this rate, Sungmin already cooked... his body heated up in embarrassment and delight...

“What made you love him?” Sungmin was anticipating for Kyuhyun’s answer, well, not only him, his family also waiting the same thing; answer...

Kyuhyun stared into Sungmin’s eyes before he averted his eyes and met with mom-to-be eyes... and confidently says...

“The destiny...”

“Destiny led me to him, in the most unexpected way...” Kyuhyun chuckled as he remembered the moment he meets with his lover... Sungmin blushed...

“And I found my destiny in him...”

Kyu... I thought I would puke to hear this kind of saying but... I have found my destiny in you too...

 Sungmin can’t describe how he feels now... but one thing he really sure, if his mom decided to against this relationship, he will fight for it... and he saw his mom smirked again... almost looks like Kyuhyun’s smirk, evil... his heart thumped...

Damn! What was mom thinking right now? Did she already have the reason to reject Kyu?

Sungmin was doing the dishes, humming a song happily... everyone was resting in the living room, but he didn’t know that, he’s not alone...

“You look happy...” Kyuhyun appeared beside him, flashing him a naughty grin...

“Nothing... I’m just in a good mood...” Sungmin went red again..

“There must be a reason...” Sungmin turned off the tap water and wiped his wet hands with his apron...



I love you

Sungmin never says these words to Kyuhyun... he just uncertain with his own feeling... and he still needs some courage to say that..

“am I really your destiny? How are you sure of it?” Kyuhyun smiled and wrapped his hands around Sungmin’s waist, pressed their body together...

“True love comes unexpectedly... I never thought I would fall for you until I saw my destiny in your beautiful eyes...”

“you are the most cheesy mushy creepy person I have ever known...” Sungmin giggled as he threw his arms around Kyuhyun’s neck... Loving the soft gaze he received from another...

“I knew you like it..”

“As much as I hate it..”

“how come you can see your own destiny in my eyes...” Sungmin blinked his eyes teasingly...

“I love the way you talk, I love the way you think, holding hands, feeling your lips, your hugs, your tease, and I want all these till my last breathe... I want my future with you in it... that‘s what I see in your eyes... me and you...”

Kyu! you are so touching!

“Kyu, I’m sorry for making you wait this long... I love you...” finally, Sungmin says the words.... he widened his eyes when Kyuhyun just gave him a soft laugh...

What’s so funny?

“babe... I know it’s not your style to say some sweet-shivering-and-toes curling thing... your gaze, your touch, your kiss, they conveyed more than a word love itself...” and Sungmin won’t want anything other than the very gentle man in his arms now...

You just don’t realize how cute you are with this manner...

“Stop being so corny and kiss me now...”

“you are so daring for asking me that in your parents’ house...”indeed, Kyuhyun wholeheartedly obliged...

Kyuhyun cupped his face in his hands and brushed his lips gently across Sungmin’s... he teased the corner of Sungmin’s mouth, tenderly, loving the soft and warm lips against his... Sungmin was wishing for more... his hands slid down to Kyuhyun’s chest, grabbing his shirt to pull him closer...he moved together sweetly, addicted to Kyuhyun’s taste that tasted so-like-Kyuhyun...

Then a clanking sound disturbed them... Sungmin abruptly pulled from the kiss and being greeted by Sungjin foolishly smile...

“oh! Go on... I just come to grab some water... even though I was expecting a french kiss from you two hyungs...” Kyuhyun chuckled at Sungjin’s boldness...

“I swear Jinnie! You will become my sister after I rip your things apart!” Sungjin gulped his drink in one go and running away, leaving his angry hyung...

Sungmin gritted his teeth, clenched on Kyuhyun’s shirt and knocked his head softly...

“Calm down Minnie, calm down...” Kyuhyun smiled contently as he just let his lover do whatever he wants... because, whatever Sungmin does, it just too adorable in his eyes...

“ah! Kyu! Your button, it had come off... I’m sorry, must be because I pulled you too harsh...” well, Sungmin was too shocked because of Sungjin and he unconsciously pulled Kyuhyun’s shirt...

“uh, it’s okay babe...”

“no... come here... let me fix it...”

“take off your shirt Kyu...” Sungmin said as he led his lover inside his room... Kyuhyun was mesmerized by the view...

“so pink! Like you...” Kyuhyun commented... the curtain, the bed, the desk, even a pink guitar... but Kyuhyun like it, suit his lover well...

“I know...” Sungmin rummaged into his drawer; looking for his sewing kit... he smiled when he found it...

“Kyu! Take off your shirt...”

Kyuhyun was in his own world... he looked at the pictures that hanging on the wall, the picture of Sungmin that emphasize the chronology of his life...

“Is that you?” Kyuhyun pointed at one picture, a picture of Sungmin in a beautiful gown...

Sungmin sat on his pink bed, folded his arms as he replied to Kyuhyun...

“yup, it the worst day ever...”

“really?” Kyuhyun made a cute frowning face, thinking of something...

You look pretty...

Sungmin just let Kyuhyun to observe his picture silently... he knew, if Kyuhyun was engrossed in something, nothing can stop him...

“babe...” Kyuhyun called out for him... grinning happily...


“the next picture will be us..” Sungmin giggled at his lover who seemed to be so excited...

“yes Kyu, after I sew on the button... come here... stop wandering...” Sungmin patted his bed...

You such a child sometimes....

Sungmin was sewing the button with fluttered heart... Kyuhyun was sitting too close... his bare chest keeps rubbing his arm...

“Kyu... too close...” he said slowly...

“I just want to take a look how you sew the button on...” okay, lame... he just wants to tease his lover...

“Done!” Sungmin shoved the shirt to him, putting aside his sewing kit... he gasped when his eyes met with Kyuhyun’s that full-of-lust-with-a-dark-cloud-on-his-head...

! Kyu! not here! not in my parents’ house! And I’m not ready!!!!

And yes... there were only hugging, squeezing and kissing between them... no one takes the initiative to do more than that...

“Kyu! Think about bunnies!” Sungmin abruptly stood up, stepped backward as Kyuhyun also rose from his seat, giving a good view of his body... Sungmin gulped his saliva...  unfortunately for Sungmin, his leg stumbles over his desk and fell...

Damn this desk! I will burn you!

“babe! Are you okay?” Kyuhyun rushed to him and help him to sit back on the bed...

“it’s hurt...” Sungmin whined... it’s really hurt though...

To his surprise, Kyuhyun bent down on his knees, holding his pain leg so gently and kissed ankle to his instep... all his pain flew away...

Kyuhyun was holding his laughter... Sungmin troubled face was so amusing... so he keeps on acting... he leaned upward with his extremely-seductive-gaze, nuzzled deep into Sungmin’s neck... Sungmin freezes, his feelings mixed into the mess... He feels I’m-so--craving-for-you-yet-I’m-scared-because-my-mom-is-here-and-we’re-doom-if-she-saw-this! But, Sungmin didn’t even try to resist Kyuhyun, because Kyuhyun had all his energy the moment he his Adam’s apple and his neck... Kyuhyun slowly trailed his kiss up until he reached Sungmin’s lips and kiss him senseless... Sungmin give up... he always turned to jello when Kyuhyun suddenly kiss him...

Kyuhyun led Sungmin in their kiss, putting some force to push Sungmin down without breaking the kiss as he was hovering now the jello Sungmin... he didn’t give a to his shirt that crinkled within their bodies... Sungmin tugged Kyuhyun’s hair, looking for more access into Kyuhyun’s sweet cavern... his mind was blank... he can’t think of anything except his desire to have Kyuhyun...

“Minnie!” Mrs. Lee voice was echoing outside the room... she knocked the door...

“your mom...” Kyuhyun broke the kiss and smiled teasingly to blushing Sungmin who groaned with annoyed...

“yes! Coming!” Sungmin pushed Kyuhyun aside, knowing so well what the smile for, to ...

“ouch... ah!” he limped to the door, his leg still feels the sting... he opened the door... Mrs. Lee almost shrieks when she saw Kyuhyun sitting on the bed with shirt off...

“ahem... oh well... sorry for the wrong timing...” Sungmin rolled his eyes, it will be more painful if he needs to explain everything...

“mom has something to say... go and finish up whatever happen in this room, I will wait for you downstairs...”

“it’s all your fault! Mom is gonna split us up!”

“I had done nothing wrong...” Sungmin mentally strangled his boyfriend in his mind...

“why are you in such naughty mode today?” Sungmin asked, picked up Kyuhyun’s shirt that fell on the floor...

“because you told me to...”

“huh? when did I?”

“you said to just be myself...” Kyuhyun calmly said...

This is ! In the end, it’s all my fault...

“fine! B-but, what we’re gonna do if mom wants us to break up...” Sungmin said slowly as he unconsciously helped Kyuhyun to wear his shirt... he’s too worried... Kyuhyun smiled warmly, enjoyed the view; Sungmin was fastening his shirt buttons... he embraced the worried one after he done with the buttons...

“Remember what I say about destiny?” Sungmin nodded in his chest...

“believe me, we are bound to be together...”

“mom has decided... Minnie, you and Kyuhyun---“

“No mom! I won’t leave Kyu!” everyone jolted in surprise when out of the blue, Sungmin snapped...

“Min... Sits down...” Kyuhyun pulled him to sit back...

“Hyung... you are too dramatic... let mom finished first...” Sungjin chuckled darkly...

“What is your decision ma’am?”

“you and my son, are getting married!!!!” Mrs. Lee made small claps...

Sungmin’s jaw dropped on the floor...

Kyuhyun has an arrogant face ever plastered right now... with his smirk of oh-I-know-so-well-this-will-happen...

“Mom! What do you mean by that? I thought you---“

“What? You don’t happy?”

“Yes! I mean no! What made you change your mind?”

“oh well, mom just wants to see, how this Kyuhyun guy... I raised you up like a girl, I teach you how to cook, how to sew, and I wonder if he gets annoyed so easily if you whine or complain... Sunny always complained to me that you were nagging her too much... and sometimes she said you look prettier than her... You such a sassy boy... I want you to marry her because I thought no one would marry you! But Kyuhyun is perfect for you Minnie! I saw everything!”

Mom!!! what did you see???? Aish!

He really spoils you... how come he never gets tired of you who brutally rebel against others... Yelling nonstop with your rough attitude and always threatening your brother... and you were rude to me too...”

“he’s cruel hyung!” Sungjin interrupted, supporting his mom statement...

Jinnie, shut the up! Mom, you exaggerated...

oh! he has so many experiences with girls! Lucky you! And he has a stable life! Car, house and work, its complete set! Besides, you won’t have parents-in-law to torture you!”

“Mom!!!” Sungmin fumed... but Kyuhyun still laughing softly...

Okay! Today, officially, the worst day ever!!! My family did come from mental institutions!

Sungmin cupped his face in his hands...

“I love him just the way he is ma’am...”

“aww.. call me mom... you see Minnie! He spoils you too much...” Sungmin pouted... maybe his mom was right...

He said something harsh-weird-and-creepy but Kyuhyun never get mad... more or less, he just will say it’s-funny-to-see-such-a-pretty-face-having-a-foul-mouth... and he’s not a sweet talker, but Kyuhyun can see straight through his heart... his mom was still babbling, but Sungmin just ignored, held Kyuhyun’s hand as he tried to send a message to him...

I love you Kyu... Thank you...

After a year...

“Kyu... can we skip this week?” Kyuhyun was putting on his jacket when Sungmin was hugging him from the back...

“No babe... mom will bake us alive... Remember? We already skipped the meeting last week...” Kyuhyun pulled him to the front...

“Kyu... it’s just a wasting-time-family-meeting!”

“still, we are going... let’s go, put on yours...” Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s jacket from the closet...

“No... I don’t wanna go... that evil one will disturb us!”

“Sungjin?” Sungmin nodded...

“He just missed you...” Kyuhyun tried to convince him although he knew; Sungjin will disturb Sungmin to death when he meets his hyung...

Since they married, Sungmin lived with Kyuhyun... and almost each week, Sungmin’s family will make a family meeting to spend time together... and the reason he hates to meet his family?

mom? oh god, she keeps asking me how Kyuhyun was on the bed!!! And dad? Always with his good luck to me... Sungjin is an ... he always ruins my time with Kyu!

“no! Still, I won’t go... leave me here...” Sungmin lying on the bed... Stiffened his body...

“Babe... come on...”

“no...” Sungmin pouted... Kyuhyun sighed as he sat on the bed...

“pretty please baby? my sugar, honey, candy, sweets... And all sweet things in the world...” Sungmin still refused... but in a flash, he pecked Kyuhyun’s lips and lying down again...

“No... but you lips is the sweetest candy...” well, Sungmin has started... he looked at his husband with his shining eyes...

“can I have it again?” he said playfully...

“No!” Kyuhyun tried to escape... too bad, Sungmin was too fast... he grabbed Kyuhyun’s hand, pulled him down and flipped their bodies as Sungmin locked him beneath...

“babe... you can’t do this to me...” Kyuhyun voice was shaking... he must not fall into this trap...

“why not?” Sungmin’s finger runs on his chest...

“you see, mom will say that I spoil you too much...”

“but you did...” Sungmin grinned darkly as he grinned his bulge against Kyuhyun... living with Kyuhyun had turned him into demon?

“you are hard... just forget about them and me, hear my voice of your name... do you like my idea?” Kyuhyun groaned roughly while Sungmin, he giggled when his plan succeeded... seduce Kyuhyun by all means... he never fails even once... Kyuhyun can never resist him....

Kyuhyun changed his position, hovered the man beneath him as his eyes full of lust...

“This time, five rounds won’t enough to me...” Sungmin smirked provocatively...

“Give me all you got Kyu...”






A/N: annyeOng you 

at last!!!!!!!!!

okay, this will be the last One shOt fOr nOw...

a lOng One!

sOmething is lacking here but I dOn't knOw what...

nO kyumin mOment?

anyway, like usual..

please leave yOur cOmment...

Good or bad I will accept it... ^^

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Chapter 4: I miss KyuMin more ~ I really like the way you tease your readers with your stories ?
Chapter 4: Omg!! So cute and so haha *phew fans self*
Anyways I love your fic! It was amazing how Kyuhyun is so sweet to the cute, foul mouthed sungmin haha
Then sungmins family omg! Love them haha ^.^ ♡♡♡♡~~~
bubu137 #3
Chapter 1: Woahhh I'm expecting here :p
Alice_K26 #4
Chapter 4: Woooaaa... I like this very muchhhhhh.... Cuteeeeee
Chapter 1: i love itt!!!!
Chapter 1: Maybe some will spice up the moment? ㅋㅋㅋ. I love your stories :) Keep it up :)
Chapter 4: uhmmm...hi author nim
asianvanilla #8
Chapter 4: I need help writing -_-
QMiniSa #9
Chapter 4: my real feel aboute this story is
I mean I cant explain this
it was great . I realy realy REALY LOVE THIS. thanKYU SOOOOO MUCH AGAIN
love u aloooot .^ - ^
is that realy my name that mentioned in the end of this story???
it feels so great to have u,re name mentioned in a great and perfect story like this. <3 <3 <3
thanKYU again
im looking forward for youre another great KyuMin stories <3 <3 <3
QMiniSa #10
Chapter 1: I love u and this story alooot
thanKYU <3 <3 <3