


Taeyeon had returned to the dorm at 2 in the morning, worn out and nearly in tears. She had wanted to slip right into bed, but when she saw the lights seeping through from under the closed door, she decided against it. One more sleepless night wouldn’t make that much of a difference, anyway.

The girl was curled up in bed, blanket thrown over her body. Taeyeon walked forth, sitting on the edge of the bed as she gently tugged away the blanket that cocooned the girl.

It was the most vulnerable state that she had ever seen Tiffany in, and it broke her heart to see the girl like that. She slipped under the covers, turned off the light and allowed the girl to snuggle closer to her. Taeyeon placed her arm around the sobbing girl, letting her own tears finally fall.

Taeyeon didn’t ask. She didn’t need to. She had seen the roses he bought that weren’t for her, the text messages in his phone to someone else, and the familiar figure in the alley with someone she didn’t know. She had seen everything, and she had known that it was only a matter of time before Tiffany would too.

Mary take me to the merry-go-round
With this beautiful sound, sing my song for you

Taeyeon started, her voice soft and shaky and punctuated with sobs. She didn’t know why either – she just felt like singing.

One day I nagged you when you were busy
We went to the amusement park at night
When I rode on the white wooden horse
You laughed at the stubborn me

If this is love, you should love my flaws too
I’ll promise I won't be greedy

The place we went together, it’s my merry-go-round
My memory is still fresh
With this appearance, always be next to me
He's like merry-go-round

Where are you, I waited a long time. The glow was pretty in that alleyway
The sunlight that reflected on your shoulders was very warm

If this is love, don't say you are sorry
You just have to hug me with no words

The place we went together, it’s my merry-go-round
My memory is still fresh
With this appearance, always be next to me....
He's like merry-go-round

How long do I have to go to grab you
I want to follow my childhood dream, this time while holding you

The place we went together, it’s my merry-go-round
My memory is still fresh
With this appearance, always be next to me
He's like merry-go-round

The place we went together, it’s my merry-go-round
My memory is still fresh
With this appearance, always be next to me
He's like merry-go-round

“That was my favourite song.” Taeyeon whispered after she finished the last verse, sniffling and wiping away her tears, only to find more uncontrollably streaming down her face.

“I remember.” Tiffany whispered – her first words since the breakup few hours ago. She paused, taking in a deep breath, before looking up at Taeyeon. She saw the weariness and loneliness in the older girl’s eyes, and the tired smile on her face. “I miss that,” she finally continued, closing her eyes as she hugged the older girl closer.

“I’m tired.” Taeyeon said softly.


And Taeyeon cried herself to sleep.


It provided them an odd sense of comfort, like the hot chocolate they used to have in the dead of winter before their debut. Some things didn’t have to be said, but they knew, and they understood.  

There were hidden tears every time they hugged and silent sobs each time they looked at each other.

It was never the fairytale romance that everyone had perceived it to be. Far from it.

Because, when everyone saw them as lovers, they were only helping to mend each other’s broken heart.


[A/N] It's rather ambiguous, so I guess I'll leave it to you guys to perceive it as you want to? Hope you guys like it! :)

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Chapter 1: How come it feels real to me? I see this as TaeNy's real relationship. Beautiful. <3

But it wouldn't hurt if you feed the locksmiths' hearts with some taeny moments that are you know... beyond friendship :)
eloisone9 #2
oh and it was depressingly realistic :|
eloisone9 #3
Chapter 1: why are you making me cry rn omg. i haven't really read any of your actual angst-y stuff so this is kinda depressing T_T but good job! it was really pretty!